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RD Blade

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Everything posted by RD Blade

  1. I found one Straxmount and one Red Alert at my local Target. That was the only indication so far that the newest waves have hit my area. (NJ)
  2. Rushing didn't do ROTF much good. Maybe they should've set a more realistic schedule for future flicks. It would help avoid complications like stupid accidents and enormous plot holes.
  3. In a "Haha, a little to the left" kind of way.
  4. Couldn't have said it better. Animated was the best series since Beast Wars, IMO. Cutting it short was such a waste. Ahahahahaaaa! Classic.
  5. Cool! Thanks.
  6. Looks like the pics of Laser Optimus were taken down. I wanted to see them too. The comments say it looked pretty good.
  7. We're in the same boat. I have 2 Skywarps, but never found a Starscream that wasn't marked up. I'd like the seeker trio, but it won't happen if I have to pay through the nose.
  8. I'd guess they didn't want the new leader to be a sports car or a tractor trailer, so they decided to compromise and put a trailer on the sports car.
  9. I was convinced that was fan-made. I kinda remember ILM denying it was theirs.
  10. The internet: Where snarkiness replaces statements like "I disagree".Edit: Holy hell. I'm back on the fence.
  11. That explains so much. I hope he quits the business.
  12. I'd say it looks just as bad as Bay Megatron.I actually almost got on board when I saw only the lions, but that Voltron kills it. I hope they take those concept images right back to the drawing board. Even Stealth Voltron looked better...and that thing was god awful.
  13. It's a great deal. I'm not too keen on how rigid their policies are with pre-orders, though. No shipping quote until the item is in stock, pay in advance, 20% cancellation fee, etc.
  14. NBC is now on my dookie list.
  15. I'm psyched that Adam Baldwin is part of the new show. He was awesome as Superman...and epic as Jane Cobb.
  16. Those are some professional caliber modeling skills.
  17. There was plenty I liked about season 3, including Rodimus. He was badass, sarcastic, fearless, decisive; everything you'd want in a leader. Granted, the writers focused on his insecurities far more than was necessary. But overall, dude effin ruled. Blitzwing was becoming an awesome character, having to choose between allegiance and his conscience. Too bad he was dropped from the show. Post movie, the show became alot more sci-fi, expanding across galaxies, dimensions, and time. It also had a darker, grittier feel to it, which especially appealed to me. And although there were some stinkers (Nijika, Carnage), there were also a handful of outstanding episodes to offset them (Awakening, Webworld, Burden, Human, Primatives).
  18. Here's what I recommend: Classics/Universe Challenge at Cybertron (Rodimus, Cyclonus, Galvatron) *You NEED Cyclonus, best color scheme so far. This Rodimus is OK, but not great for Fansproject Protector. Galvatron looks better in these colors, still too fiddly. Grimlock Ironhide *Good mold, Henkei looks way better. Onslaught *Excellent mold, fantastic homage. Prowl Ratchet *see Ironhide Sunstreaker Henkei/Gentei Bumble (Bumblebee) Convoy (Optimus Prime) Skyfire (Jetfire) *Excellent mold, fantastic homage. Starscream Streak (Silverstreak)
  19. That's a bad retcon.
  20. A few more corpses can be found here.
  21. What?!? I don't remember that at all.
  22. Gah! I knew it.
  23. I'm 99% sure this is correct.
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