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RD Blade

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Everything posted by RD Blade

  1. LOL!Just gimme my f**kin' phone call.
  2. I remember that! What a horrible idea. Even as a kid, I knew the show was canceled at that point. I picked up a 4 DVD set (Season 1, Volume 1). It was released in 2008. Sorely disappointed that no more volumes were released.Much as I liked Wheeled Warriors, M.A.S.K. holds up better.
  3. Compared to eBay prices, $55 is a steal.
  4. My word!
  5. They should definitely release Skywarp again. This time not in an exclusive 2-pack. Hasbro put an orange barrel on legends class Megatron. Voyager class in silver would surely get the same treatment.
  6. Heh. I was just looking at ROTF Optimus and Jetfire combined and thinking the same thing. But yeah, I was referring to this new BB being more in scale with Optimus and (presumably) Ironhide.
  7. I still lean toward Battle Ops BB. Although this one is more in scale with other leader class figures now. All the excess plastic was put in that junkyard they call a backpack.
  8. Revoltech Optimus and iGear's Faith Leader Not sure if the hands can hold them, though.
  9. Download link doesn't show up with neither Firefox nor IE for me.
  10. The feet are metal (perhaps the only metal on the figure). Smoothing the spring edges sounds like it might help. Not sure because there's a recess surrounding the post (like a tiny moat). The end of the spring tends to get stuck (I mean REALLY stuck) in the moat and, if the spring can't spin, it unravels as you move the foot. I say do both fixes. Better safe than sorry.
  11. You'll want to take the foot apart. One of the halves has a post with a spring wrapped around it. Remove the spring. Be careful not to change the shape or size of the spring. The idea is to reduce the diameter of that post so that the spring will spin on it with little to no resistance. Scraping the paint off the post sometimes does the trick. If not, then filing is required. Once the spring spins on the post to your satisfaction, reassemble the foot and you're good to go.
  12. Congrats, man. He's my favorite MP so far. One thing, though. The foot spring problem is inevitable. Best to do the fix even before transforming him. Once it happens, it's much more difficult to fix...if at all. Good tips here
  13. You mean Storm Shadow, but yeah, that's good news. Wish he'd been masked through most of the movie, but otherwise, he was cool.
  14. Right on. Keep them coming, I'll keep listening. Thanks! Mildly inappropriate for MW, but It's original.
  15. Don't think I've seen this yet.
  16. I must've listened to 8 episodes in the past couple days. Well done! Only down side: You're too hard on yourself about the technical issues. I don't think you need a disclaimer whenever the sound isn't perfect. If somebody would complain about such a thing, then they're missing the spirit and meaning of what a podcast is. Just my $.02
  17. BigBadToystore I bet they'll be up for pre-order soon.
  18. Didn't know about this pod. I just downloaded Ep 1. Will listen ASAP.
  19. I dunno. I see it.
  20. I thought the Drift / Blurr car was based on a Toyota Supra.
  21. For my money, it's Battle Ops. Haven't seen enough of the new one to say which is definitively best, though.
  22. I made one out to be Humvee-ish.
  23. Ugh. I hope mine doesn't break. I tend to lose all sentiment toward my TFs when that happens.
  24. If Snarf doesn't talk, he'll be tolerable.
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