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RD Blade

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Everything posted by RD Blade

  1. Congrats! My 1987 self wouldn't have believed such a thing could ever exist, let alone that I'd own one.
  2. Leader ROTF Optimus and Battle Ops Bumblebee are my top picks for movie line Leader Class. 2007 Leader Brawl gets honorable mention. The engineering is excellent on the first two...especially Optimus. They're incredibly close to their big screen counterparts. Being mass market toys, they do have a good amount of gimmicks and electronics. Whether that's good or bad is subjective. Compared to Yamato Macross toys, they are far more rugged and less prone to breakage. But they lack certain details that differentiate a collector's toy from a high quality kid's toy. Details such as paint apps, well-integrated accessories, rubber tires, and die cast.
  3. I don't think anybody would disagree with you considering that the pic in your link is godawful. I hate to repeat the line I've read ad nauseum for the past few years, but nobody is asking for a carbon copy of the G1 cartoon set in live action. A re-imagining that doesn't look like cutlery would've sufficed.
  4. Maybe not in that context. But we don't exactly have our finger on the pulse of the world community.
  5. I disagree with one of your points, therefore nothing you said is valid. I recommend checking it out. For me, it was the best of the three. There is an actual sense of peril throughout much of the movie that the previous two lacked. Hi. I'm on the internet, therefore I'm required by law to respond to touchy-feely statements like this with either "Tough shyt." or "Then make your own movie.".edit : @ the auto-censor
  6. The millions of new fans would have still gotten on board with a G1 Prime if it was done right. Movie Sideswipe (aside from being the wrong color) is a good example of old style TFs modernized.
  7. If we get a reboot, I hope it takes place in the 80's. Then the sequels can progressively jump forward a few years. That way the series will play to every generation of Transformers fan. I hoped the same thing in 2005. We all know how that turned out.
  8. I've only seen one Shockwave so far at a TRU. I bought it and it turns out it had already been opened and poorly repackaged using a single twist-tie. Luckily, it was complete, so I kept it.
  9. Yeah, you're right. It's pretty much Battle Blades with a twist. I've never seen that one. Everything I said applies to him as well. Only down side is Voyager hooks is missing a couple of paint apps.
  10. The only battle hooks Optimus that I know of is a Leader Class figure. I have the standard Leader Class and it's excellent. An unsung Masterpiece.There is an ROTF Voyager Class called Battle Blades Optimus. Again, this one is excellent. It's complex beyond its scale. Either one is worth the dough. I lean toward the Voyager since it doesn't have electronics.
  11. Aaaaaand...he's canon.
  12. Looks good! Still not worth selling a kidney.
  13. It's $59.99. One of the pics has the price.
  14. I'm also curious to know what problem he discovered today.
  15. Neat. Wonder if there's a Ley version of that auction floating around.
  16. I don't have ten, but this one is worth ten by itself! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBW0y1r9Hwk "That's not anime.", you say? What could possibly be more Japanese than that?
  17. <br /><br /><br />Don't know about the head-robot, but the toy itself is good. Poseability suffers a bit due to the samurai "armor" and turret backpack. The head only turns side to side, if I'm remembering right. Other than those minor gripes, the figure is pure joy...especially if you remember his G1 comic incarnation fondly.
  18. Not to worry. I'm good with hour-plus podcasts. I listen throughout the day so they help pass the time.
  19. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Question: How big is this latest file? It's been downloading for quite a while. I've got 195MB so far! Edit: NM. It stopped at 201MB.
  20. Nice! I wasn't liking Storm Shadow's outfit. It's good to see him getting something closer to the tried and true original.
  21. Agreed. Galvatron makes the most sense at this point.
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