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RD Blade

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Everything posted by RD Blade

  1. I just checked out Shapeways. How I never heard of this site before is beyond me! If there are any recasters out there, I've got a list of Transformers stuff to add on to Twich's request.
  2. My input here would be biased. I have one and would want it to be worth as much as possible.
  3. Panel lined.
  4. 1/100. But a really nice 1/100.
  5. Don't get me started on Micromasters.
  6. What if the path to the foot thrusters only exists when the legs are in fighter jet position. Kinda like how the door vents on the 2nd gen Eclipse only work when the door is closed.
  7. I hear the next size classes will be Shareholders, Committee Members, and Bored Marketers.
  8. Hasbro is still on my sh!tlist for never releasing Animated Season 3.
  9. A few months ago I thought the same thing about Arcee. As a triple-changer, Airachnid is more of a challenge, but I think they can pull it off.
  10. Jeez! After reading this thread, I'm afraid to look at my Toynami Alpha's hands. I never had any major problems with it, but it hasn't been out of its package for a few years. Based on my experience, I would've recommended it. But based on reading this thread, I'm freakin paranoid now.
  11. I'd rather not give EA my business. High Moon Studios made a great Transformers game. Since we're dreaming, might as well go with a company that's not unscrupulous.
  12. Probably because neither mode is accurate, yet both are "close enough".
  13. I wouldn't call you guys wretched. Confused, maybe. I actually love some of the figures made possible by the movies. Particularly in the Leader Class and Human Alliance scales. I think Leader Starscream and Battle Ops Bumblebee were worthy enough for the Masterpiece line...except for two things: Too many electronic gimmicks and the F-22's gullet.
  14. MP Galvatron, please.
  15. Nothing wrong with that. It makes them the under dogs. The cartoon was the opposite. Cobra had to sneak around while the Joes had US military backing and the moral high ground.
  16. Listen to Mikeszekely. He knows of what he speaks. Luckily, the BluRay doesn't seem to offer anything new so it's an easy pass for me. Anyway, I picked up a set of CrazyDevy Devastator legs. But refusing to pay the steep price attached to them, I bought the orange set on clearance. Perfect opportunity to put my new airbrush to use. The green is not a perfect match, but it works just fine for me.
  17. That literally made me dizzy.
  18. This thread just became a time machine.
  19. What an odd choice. I thought mine was the exception, rather than the rule.
  20. Visionaries... I had every one of those figures at one point. Lost the figures somewhere along the line, but still have the accessories. I kinda wish it was vice versa.
  21. Awesome. Her mullet is gone!
  22. On mine, the "skin" on the front side of his arm joint is really loose. It separates from the joint sometimes an sticks out. If I'm not careful bending his arm, it could get snagged and snap off.
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