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RD Blade

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Everything posted by RD Blade

  1. It's their product, so I won't tell them what's what regarding whatever price they decide on. I'll just say that anything over $60 would be more than I'm willing to pay.
  2. If Lion-O plays his cards right, Pumyra might show him her human.
  3. There's hope yet. According to Scream Man's Fwooshcast, Hasbro admitted to screwing up with the First Edition distribution (or lack thereof) and is trying to figure out how to get the sculpts released properly.I've been reluctant to buy many of the Prime line so far; especially the characters that were in the First Edition lineup. Needless to say, Hasbro's statement was welcome news for me.
  4. Just checked out most of the Benson Yee special. That was a good listen. He provided some insight into Hasbro's inner workings. Not to mention, his back story is like a fanboy's dream.
  5. Is $100 the SRP? In my opinion, the Takara version is overpriced. Add to that, it's an import. Then there are the cost-cutting measures taken for the Hasbro version; some could be obvious like missing paint apps, some less obvious like plastic quality. I wouldn't want to pay over $100 for a Hasbro MP10.
  6. Better than Chakra Blocker. Or Chak Blocker for short.
  7. Congrats on your new Prime. I was counting on the new Faith Leader for an MP Prime that fits the new smaller scale. Now that's been cancelled so my dreams are dashed to bits.
  8. Nick On Demand is pretending like I don't subscribe to their channel. I feel like calling the cable provider and dropping some eff bombs.
  9. Somebody needs to convince Takara that's the case.
  10. Tiger would.
  11. It was written (and voiced) by some of the folks from Beast Wars. I think in a commentary they mentioned being disappointed with the way the show left off as they had big plans and payoffs for the snake men storyline.The comic artwork looks good. The image above is very by-the-numbers, but good.
  12. I don't think they were. Some good stuff, some bad stuff...but I don't see the whole resurgence of comics as dark. The 90's introduced some of the best comic artists ever seen up to that point...and, unfortunately, all of their clones. Those years gave me the perspective to appreciate how good some of the more seasoned pencillers were. Romita & son, Arthur Adams, John Byrne, and even Dale Keown stood out despite how over-saturated the field was with would-be indie comic company founders. That said, I loved a lot of the new talent as well. Another element of comics pushed to the forefront at that time were colorists...of the digital variety, more specifically. Suddenly, newsprint was no longer good enough for displaying comics properly. Many lead titles shifted to magazine slick and their prices shifted up to ridonculous levels. This was when I lost interest in comics. Nothing against the colorists, though. Comic book artwork had never looked so pretty. But just the same, I felt comics had lost something. Not sure what. Soul? Accessibility? Simplicity? Frack, I'm old.
  13. He's like the Michael Bay of comics.
  14. Or $75 based on TRU's recent pricing for MP Rodimus. Here's hoping they stop trying to make us pay for them deciding to remodel all their stores.
  15. Well done! You probably made a bunch of folks' day with that tidbit.
  16. I think the toy was listed under the name "Voltron". If so, that's probably what got the attention of the bean counters. They should've just named him "Vehicle Robot Dude With a Vengeance".
  17. Yes! I remember that one too. The hands could shoot off, elbows could not bend, and it stood about 8" tall? My kid brother had it.
  18. Isn't that the same one? Looks identical to the 80's toy. Just don't know how much die cast, if any.
  19. http://www.tfw2005.c...nounced-174574/No release date or price yet. There's speculation that he might be the first of a batch of Masterpieces that are smaller in size. No proto pics, just some design art.
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