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RD Blade

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Everything posted by RD Blade

  1. I'd say those are fair criticisms. Especially the part about his feet not being big enough to compensate for how back-heavy the figure is. I haven't handled Springer very much, so I'll take your experience as a warning of how easily the joints can loosen over time. The iGear Arcee looks like a pretty solid figure. Though her head sculpt doesn't look quite right to me. I went with the inferior Impossible Toys version to fill the Arcee role on my TFTM shelf. She's flimsy, but for display purposes, I feel she's very accurate to her big screen counterpart. I still have to sharpen up some of her paint apps, but the kiddo leaves little time for me to mess with my action figures.
  2. I have the Hasbro version. It's a great representation of Starscream...especially robot mode. The clear forearms don't bother me as much as I thought they would. He's the perfect scale to be posed with FE Arcee.I ignore mech tech weapons so they don't factor into my opinion of any figure. The jet mode has some leg kibble that greatly detracts from its sleek silhouette. The figure could also use some additional (or more accurate) paint apps. Besides the drawbacks mentioned above, it's an awesome figure and I don't regret the purchase.
  3. The problem with a Bloodsport remake, even if done well, is that the star of the movie will most likely be an unknown. The same was true with the original, but I doubt lightning will strike twice.
  4. Couldn't get through the game because it doesn't have a left-handed control setup. It also remains the only game I own that glitches the modified controller I keep for just such occasions. Irrational though it may be, I will avoid the movie based on these experiences.
  5. I'd rate Ninja at about the same level as Ninja Assassin. They both have the same mindless violence that I expect (and enjoy) in a sword slashing ninja flick. And they both have not-so-great acting. I agree with the assessment above. Ninja Assassin could have been great if the Interpol parallel plot had either been scrapped or revamped.
  6. I remember enjoying Invasion. Standard FPS fare with a transforming motorcycle. What's not to like?
  7. Plot-wise, how much will be borrowed from The Macross Saga? Do you have any VF transformation footage?
  8. Just picked up Knockout. Due to an extreme lack of paint apps, I had no choice but to customize mine.
  9. The Beta (again, referring to my blue one) is not substandard. Original retail on them was $150. It was steep, but once I saw how enormous and solid the Beta is, I didn't regret the purchase.
  10. The Toynami Betas were vast improvements over the Alphas. The Beta sculpts are beautifully engineered and their construction (I can only confirm the blue one) is on par with the Cyclones.
  11. Nice feature. Looking at the photos, I would never have guessed that.
  12. Word is he's not expected until September.
  13. I'm really not sure, but I don't remember seeing it on their main page before today. A retooled or redesigned Alpha in every color would be welcome as far as I'm concerned providing they can still combine with the current Betas. The only improvements the Beta needs are an anime-accurate chest and integrated landing gear / connection bar.
  14. Looks like Toynami is finally releasing the Shadow Beta. http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?product=TOY10400&mode=retail
  15. I'm not admitting to your over-the-top accusation which was preceded by an over-the-top anti-union, anti-civil rights activist rant, but what I expected was an eye-roll. That's an interesting take. Good observation. Now I'm curious to see if you're right.
  16. Way to miss the point. Amon is divisive and disseminates his opinions in extremes. Like Rush, like Sharpton, and like Hitler. (Yes, I'm aware of, and don't care about the internet Hitler rule.) Defending any one of them means defending them all.And I'm pretty sure my opinion is not wrong.
  17. Anybody that pulled the trigger on the 3rd party TC is probably not bothered by the lighter blue. Just the same, I'd like Hasbro's to match the G1 toy color as well.Shame they went back to the well by going with the MP-03 mold.
  18. Glad Thundercracker is finally making it state-side. Although it's an easy pass for folks that have iGear Lightning.
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