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RD Blade

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Everything posted by RD Blade

  1. It also resulted in Transformers figures, video games, and a television show that are influenced by the Bayformers look. So there's no "waiting it out" since any new TF product is already -I guess tainted is the word I'm looking for.- before it's released to the masses.
  2. Nice! Looking forward to seeing how they turn out.
  3. The all Asian cast doesn't bother me. My concern is that Japan doesn't do live action well.
  4. If somebody could fabricate decent replacement hands for the Toynami Alphas, they could clean up here.
  5. I have that Optimus in its original colors. I'm glad I got it for free because I don't think I would have bought one. The core figure, by itself, is misproportioned and looks fatter than a Sharkticon. The limbs are drone vehicles that are stored in his trailer. Not the most impressive toy.
  6. If Yamato got Mospeada, I'd hope they continue the 1/10 scale Ride Armors.
  7. A couple of MP Primes appeared at a TRU here in north Jersey (Paramus, specifically). They immediately sold out, but it's encouraging news for anybody in the area.
  8. But the Toynami has the biggest feet of... Oh, I see what you did there.
  9. Which version do you have? My Part 1 Garland fell apart at the shoulders from the slightest touch after a year or so.
  10. Whaaaaaaaat?!? Un-freakin-believable.
  11. WTF indeed. He was a great talent and will be missed.
  12. I'm OK with my HD-DVD set. Although I am bummed that it didn't come with the flying car.
  13. I'm sure even the most slavish G1 stickler would accept made-up 80's-ish vehicle modes as a workaround for the licensing problem.
  14. I'll commit to a set of saddle bags and 1 stinger. What color do they come in?
  15. Heh. I'm sure Toynami's reputation is just fine with the likes-oddly-themed-plushies demographic.
  16. Just got an email from BBTS stating the following: Voltron Lion Force Base with Sound Canceled Sure, anybody that still had it pre-ordered expected no less, but it would've been nice to be pleasantly surprised by Toynami.
  17. Hard to believe Toynami is still producing Robotech stuff. They seem to have squandered so many opportunities to repair their reputation. Add to that, their MPC Voltron Base with sound that's been on pre-order forever has finally been officially cancelled. Instances like that will keep collectors' expectations dismal and low.
  18. Hasbro is doing me a favor. Them offering much less at a higher price has made it easier for me to stop and consider how much I actually want the figure.
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