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RD Blade

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Everything posted by RD Blade

  1. Here's my artwork complete. Also, Episode 5 is up! https://series6podcast.com/2017/08/16/83/ Edit: I had to remove my artwork because it ended up on a bootleg Galaxy Rangers DVD set. Weird.
  2. https://series6podcast.com/ Funny stuff in this one!
  3. Thanks! I have to finish this piece because our main image doesn't belong to us. I asked the creator about it, but haven't heard back. I'd rather have my own work on the site, anyway. That's a pretty awesome observation! I'll mention it on a future episode.
  4. I'm working on a group shot for the main page image on series6podcast.com .
  5. Aaaaand... We're on iTunes now !
  6. You were a wise child! We've only reviewed 3 episodes, but it's already clear how much work and love went into the show.
  7. Episode 3 is up!
  8. Here's some original Galaxy Rangers art I'm working on.
  9. Episode 2, "New Frontier" is up! This one is shorter because of the lack of introductions. Still jammed full of fun. Also, there's an after-credits Marvel-style bonus! Yo Joe! Check it out HERE ! Follow us on Twitter for updates Website coming soon to: www.series6podcast.com
  10. That Miko image is nice! Please post more if you find them. JetJockey, you are correct. It was a US-made show that was animated in Japan. Animation changes and errors were because of the enormous workload that was placed on TMS, the animation studio. They cranked out 65 episodes in an 11 month period! The work was split up and TMS divided up into teams to tackle the project. So naturally, the show producers couldn't always have the A-team assigned to every episode. Also, listen to the podcast. Much of this info is in there. We tried to drop some knowledge while keeping it fun. I'm sure Silverhawks will come up in a future episode. So will Robotech, Macross, MOSPEADA, Thundercats, Spiral Zone, etc. We're huge fans of 80's shows and anime. That stuff will always bleed into our discussions.
  11. Goose is his nickname. Other characters call him that all the time.
  12. Anybody remember a show that ran from 1986 to 1989 called Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers? Well, I talked an old friend into podcasting about it. The results were pretty cool. Click here to check it out! Feel free to post questions and comments in this thread. We'll be sure to check in and answer them.
  13. In Figure Knights Theatre - Episode 4 , we talk TFCon Chicago 3rd party reveals and have a deep discussion about toys. This was a fun one!
  14. What's up folks? Just thought you might want to check out Episode 3 of the Figure Knights Theatre podcast ! In this episode, we talk Voltron.
  15. Something seems to have gone wrong with the way TFs make it to shelves. A collector can no longer trust that any given TF that's produced can be easily found in stores. Just in the past few years my online vs. in-store purchases has increased from about 20% to 80%.
  16. Thanks! Just finished emailing them. Hopefully, they'll have mercy on me. Update: They refunded me the difference. Now Trypticon's price is steadily rising again.
  17. What's this price adjustment? How do you get it?
  18. Tracks looks amazing. Those wings are big as hell.
  19. It's MP-10 all over again. I guess we either hope for a re-release or give the scalpers double what they paid. Eff scalpers.
  20. Did you ever see Starscream in the wild?
  21. I'm not crazy about movie Prime, but Battle Blades Optimus Prime is one of the best Voyager sized versions of Optimus.I've ever laid hands on. Also, Combiner Wars Optimus, though underwhelming on its own, has an amazing upgrade kit on the horizon. Designed by a guy I know.
  22. I'm a fan of Rodimus, but you're right. This MP 2.0 doesn't do him justice. I still pre-ordered it. :/
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