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RD Blade

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Everything posted by RD Blade

  1. Maybe after it was in stock, but the preorder price was $250. Shamefully inflated, either way.
  2. It was $117 at the TRU near me. The $300 price might have something to do with it being an import along with that fancy stand that is clearly not made specifically for MP-10. I'm OK with the feeding frenzies and sky high auctions as long as the toys are available at retail when they should be. The high auctions should be for the folks that missed the boat, but still want in.
  3. I think they're too expensive. Just saw an MIB Bluestreak on eBay for $26 shipped.
  4. I hated Hot Rod more in the movie than in Season 3. Mainly because it offended my sense of justice. I held him responsible for the death of Optimus, yet he was rewarded for it with the Matrix. Other than that, he was pretty cool. A bit of a smart ass, flawed and self-aware. I was a tween then, and felt like the writing of the show was maturing with me. Also, Rodimus Prime was better in combat than Optimus. Here's why. Rodimus can best Galvatron. Galvatron is a more powerful version of Megatron. Megatron was equal to or stronger than Optimus.
  5. LOL!
  6. That's true, it does. But no more than the space yoga pants he's sporting in MoS. And I find it odd that Snyder would nix Superman's briefs when they were the standard uniform of every dude in 300.
  7. That Starscream is from the Cybertron line. I think it's Supreme Class, the same size class as Unicron and Primus. I have that one. It stands about 14 inches tall and originally retailed for $50. It was a shelfwarmer and I ended up getting it on clearance for half price.
  8. Yep. If it's selling for as much as MP Soundwave, I expect it not to sell. Incidentally, does anybody know if we can look forward to an MP Starscream release? I can't believe Acid Storm made the US cut, but Starscream didn't.
  9. I was just noticing how those teeth were lacking points.
  10. I'm almost in total agreement with Knight26. It wasn't so bad. Good writing, but bad choices were made for art style and character design. Resolute set the bar high and I found Renegades almost as enjoyable.
  11. Bummer. That won't be useful to most folks.
  12. Looks like Soundwave is back up on the TRU website. http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=19038126
  13. Months back, I had an empty box arrive from TRU. It should have contained a WFC Soundblaster. I'm thinking TRU has some internal pilfering going on.
  14. Mine was in the same box, minus the bubble padding.
  15. MSRP should be considered market value. What the market is demanding is more supply. Pricing themselves into hardcore collector territory will only alienate many consumers.
  16. That's all money Hasbro could have made if supply were equal to demand. I'm no fan of scalpers, but it doesn't take a psychic to know Soundwave was gonna be scarce.
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