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RD Blade

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Everything posted by RD Blade

  1. I'm hoping this new direction Hasbro is taking is just for the movie line. Then, after Bay Fever has broken, they come back to their senses.
  2. I'm happy to hear that news. I also have the same Alpha.
  3. I'm pretty sure I've seen those toys for sale online...and they weren't cheap.
  4. Is that knee breakage thing exclusive to the MP-09B? I've only ever seen those with crumbled pale blue plastic at the knees.
  5. Haven't you ever seen Voltron? When fighting an unbeatable foe, you exhaust every single one of your futile options before forming the Blazing Sword.
  6. Looks like the chest splits for the transformation and that was their solution to avoid splitting the windshield. Kind of like the dummy cab on MP Rodimus Convoy.
  7. Color choices aside, the bot mode on that thing is pretty good. Although, if they were going to sacrifice show accuracy in one mode, the other mode should have been spot on. Guess they were going for a Classic-verse Galvy.
  8. Hard to believe that's a fan film. It looks like an earnest attempt to make the best of a micro-budget. Unlike Guyver, which was a diabolical attempt to make the worst of a micro-budget.
  9. It was originally intended for Magnus to be drawn and quartered. Presumably, losing limbs is not as fatal to TFs as getting shot in the torso or disintegrated. Somewhere late in production, somebody important decided that UM being delimbed was too brutal for kids to see, so the tractor beams the Sweeps snared Magnus with became laser blasts. If you notice, they are not animated like typical laser blasts but, instead, are long, steady streams of light. Backup link:
  10. I have it for Xbox, but haven't played the system in years. It was mildly underwhelming, but not so much that it kept me from finishing the game. It's a 1st/3rd Person Shooter, if I'm remembering right. It would have been nice if they'd included a southpaw control scheme, a crime against lefties that is still common today. I've always had a soft spot for transforming mech games, especially since there are so few of them compared to other types of games. That said, the game had its share of problems. Stupid enemy AI, bland graphics, and clunky controls constantly remind the player that it's just a game and keep the experience from being fully immersive. It was a shame to see a premise with so much potential be squandered on a game that was anything less than a sequel-spawning masterpiece. Oh well.
  11. Never knew him, but I'm saddened to have lost one of our own. My thoughts are with his family and loved ones.
  12. Beautiful work! Will your fabricated parts ever end up on Shapeways?
  13. What I found more entertaining than the pictures was the comment section. It's just a list of Bay hatemail.
  14. http://www.wired.com/geekdad/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/legoskeleton.jpg
  15. I have an idea. He's from the last of the G1 Japanese series. But since I haven't been able to sit through an episode to date, the character doesn't matter enough to me for this news to be exciting. I might dig up the DVD set to see if that changes.
  16. Those b**ches! They cancelled the $35 weapon stand I had on pre-order for years, only to include it with this version and add $100 to the price tag.
  17. Wow, man. Sorry to hear about your stolen Beagle. I hope he gets pelvic crustaceans.
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