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RD Blade

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Everything posted by RD Blade

  1. The formula is already predictable. Once that translates to less money, it's reboot o'clock. Thanks. Was trying to remember which of the two it is.
  2. I'd say there's a 50/50 chance of that when the franchise is rebooted. The real question is when will Universal get tired of the sick cheddar these movies make and allow the franchise to be rebooted?
  3. Bruticus had two big problems working against it. First, Onslaught should have been at least Voyager sized. Second, the limbs should not have been designed to be interchangeable. Most of the upcoming figures are definite wants. Hope they're easy to find at retail.
  4. Citizen Stack is OK, but he's getting way too much praise, IMO. He doesn't hold a candle to MP UM's show accuracy. His hourglass figure looks wrong, his forearms are completely the wrong shape, and he's wearing Converse.
  5. You're right. The cartoon never indicated that there were any additional modes to UM. And it appears that the MP line is primarily drawing from the cartoon for their designs. $185 at BBTS
  6. You'd have to paint an entire room orange.
  7. Is that Ark display available for purchase? Or do you have to buy the Dinobots with it?
  8. Not a single official seeker... *cough*iGear*cough*
  9. OK, Hasbro. Got that out of your system? Great. How about a Starscream release?
  10. I probably should have re-watched it, myself. I was trying to make sure the example was an episode where the Autobots definitely interacted in vehicle mode with other earth cars. I agree. The 20 year gap between seasons 2 and 3 could be the Transformers greatest untold story.
  11. "Only Human" Their bodies were commandeered by thugs and were driven around the city without raising an eyebrow. The "futuristic" alt modes were mostly 2005 Earth vehicles. The rest were Cybertronian vehicles. Granted, the differences between Earth and Cybertronian vehicles is hard to distinguish, but they do exist.
  12. I forgot Rodimus returned. Is it the episode that introduces the Targetmasters?
  13. We're losing so many legends nowadays. That man voiced my childhood.
  14. I think you're in for a treat. Season 3 has aged a bit better than the first two. Alot is made now of Rodimus Prime's insecurities, but it wasn't so bad. It's mentioned in two or three episodes. One episode focused on it ("Burden Hardest to Bear"). At the end of "Burden", he had resolved his insecurities. Then he got emo about it again when the writers decided to bring Optimus Prime back (due to public outcry). But overall, Rodimus was a great character, giving the Autobots a much-needed change in leadership style. He was wisecracking, sarcastic, smart, and confident. A stark contrast to Optimus' stoic coolness. Hell yes.
  15. A Cybertronian racehorse. Also a fan of Rodimus.
  16. It's definitely possible. I just don't think there's a will to make it. Maybe it doesn't look like there's enough demand for such a thing. An anime-accurate Voltron would be great, but I doubt I'd buy another Voltron unless the price is irresistible.
  17. I had Evasion Optimus in my cart at Walmart. It scanned for $25 so I left it behind. Maybe on clearance.
  18. Not to be argumentative, but to my eye Galvatron's color resembles Greenscream's far more than... Gunmetal <----------The little guy's lower legs and big guy's mid-section Sorry for being off-topic so long, mods. I'm just baffled that I'm perceiving colors so differently from mikeszekely and Phyrox
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