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Everything posted by Spitfire_BR

  1. An ideia: battroid and gerwalk versions from VF-1 also have vector thrust exhaust and i have 3 battroids to build overhere. So if a want to add this detail to my models ( vector thrusters ) i need to buy the PE set, but will only use few pieces. Sooo... Could you think in a PE set for battroids ?
  2. So ! When we'll see some pictures from the project ???
  3. Do you will make a "great opening" sale, like buy 4 = pay 3 ? Because i need four sets...
  4. Which twisted universe you lives, Tetsujin ???? Please send to us your dimensional transporter, PLEEEEEEEEASEEEEEEE !!!!!
  5. Good question, i want a extra decal and a extra canopy too.
  6. Yeah, but to win the girls i need money, which i don't have because i usedit to brought the model ! It's twice unfair !!!
  7. I don't understand why all you're crying so much, try to live on Brazil, we only have unnecessary things like eternal summer, astouningh beaches, gorgeous women but no one single Hasegawa supplier ! Every model i need i must import so it make me wait 2 or even 3 months until the model arrives, it's unfair ! You guys are so lucky...
  8. YYYYEEESSS !!!!!!! Finally ! I'm in for one !
  9. Soo......can your next project be the VF-1? Someone's already made one in 1/24 scale so maybe you could build a masterpeice version in 1/8 to match my die-cast cars? If our good Captain make a VF-1 in 1/8 i'll put turbines inside and turne it in a R/C model !
  10. Ok, someone need to do the dirt job... How much $$$$$ ? Please keep in mind I only have one kidney and half liver in my body !
  11. Wait a moment ! The cat is alive, dead or became a zumbie ?
  12. 1/1400 ! So i finally can dream with a uniform scale to my fleet and a possible combat between my Enterprise-D and the SDF-1 !
  13. Everybody singing ! Help me Captain, help me ! Save my day ! Save me from insanite ! Give me a Nightmare ! Give me a VF-171 and make me happy ! Help me Captain, help me ! I don't hanna a toy I'm a modeler, damm ! Give me a Vf-171 and make me happy ! Help me Captain, help me ! Well i'm not a musician but you got the point...
  14. OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Gerwalk ! Gerwalk ! Gerwalk ! GERWALK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have terrible nighmares with buying the VF-1 fighter and battroid models just to create a single gerwalk, Hasegawa already have the sprue trees, i think it's quite simple to put the right parts togethers and save us a lot of work, don't you think ? And they maybe can do a YF-19 and YF-21 battroids too, and a Sv-51 gamma - wait a minute, now i'm going to far with my wishs...
  16. As i said before i really want this baby and if available in the future a Spartan too. No plastic model can beat a Moscato model, never ! Please don't left the project die, please continue with the dream !
  17. I don't think the project is dead, a Moscato model is unbelievable superior than a injection model, trust me... I still waiting Dax's answer, patient is a gift ! And after the Pharanx i want the Spartan, and if can won in the Lotto a 1/72 Monster !
  18. It's here, it's here !!! OH HAPPY DAY !!!! Now let's start the search from decal sheet - i have a ideia but will wait until see the decals, later i'll tell if worths the price - a little question Cap, i need to cook the pieces right now or can wait ( maybe a year ) until build the Cat's ? There's a long "to-built" list of models over my table...
  19. OOOOOHHHHH, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!! very long and deep breath OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These guys from Chile are shocking the world every single day ! Congratulations, boss, astouning !!!!
  20. 2 thumbs up for a complete Zentraedi fleet in 1/2500 !!!!!
  21. Actually, the thin snout makes me think of some fort of psychotic crocodile; I love it!!! Me too, Cap !!! UAU, it's amazing ! Where's the damm order button ?
  22. Spitfire_BR


    Non-transformable 1/72 kit = 4 thumbs up !!!!!
  23. Damm, cap ! You're really fast ! But i ( and a lot of our friends, i believe ) have a little question to you: who much $$$$$
  24. Oh happy day, OH HAPPY DAY !!!!!!!!
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