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Everything posted by Spitfire_BR

  1. Great news, you already can put my name in the list ! Actually the installments make the payment easer to me - and i think for a lot of fellows too - and we need to remember the evil custons service overhere on Brazil, if a huge box weighing tons arrives on their hands they'll smile and drink my blood with expansives taxes. I prefer to try my luck with 3 differents packages.
  2. oh My, oh mY !!!!!! Now i'm convict, i'll need a new house, with a bigger room !!! Amazing job Mike, awesome ! Can we star talking about orders, payments, cost, everything else ? Actually i think it's better put a post in model kits forum too, just like John does, it's a Macross model, isn't ? Don't know how many others guys wish this big baby, but you know, propaganda it's the soul of the bussines... And about the release schedule, number of installments, etc... So many to do, so little time ! And i'm in for one, of course ! Cherrs !
  3. Well... Let's take a look on my spreadsheet..... yeah, yeah, some thing like that, you're welcome !
  4. Great initiative, I had lost the PE sets when was available, hope Jasmine hear our crys and produce an new batch ! See my must-have list below ! 10 X 272003 VALKRIE cockpit 10 X 272004 VF-1 Intaker and Nozzle 1 X 272002 YF/VF-19 Series 2 X 272005 VF-11 Thunderbolt And don't jugde me, first see how much models you have in your stach before point your dirt finger to me !
  5. Any news ?
  6. Yeah, did the same question with the same answer, Jasmine doesn't intend to produce a new bath in near future, too sad, i didn't have the money to buy all sets i needed when it was available, hope they chance and make a lot of then again ! And i really need to buy the PE VF-1 asap, because now one knows it it'll be available for a long time.
  7. oh yeah, oh yeah, life is good !!!
  8. our wishlist to John models will never ends...
  9. Sure, sure... After the Nousjadeul-Ger and the Queadluun-Rau, of course... We need complete the Zentraedi army to face the Spacy guys in equal terms ! No one wants a unfair fight !
  10. Oooohhh ! I would sell my last kidney for a scale model like this babe !!! ( the first one was from Bandai's 1/350 Yamato, sure )
  11. payment sent !
  12. Take your time Mike, we are patiante when talk aboiut an artist and him work !
  13. Oh John, you can't ever imagine the size of the smile in my face !!! Oh yeah, please !!!!
  14. A word to all buddys about this Spartan: I know many of you may be thinking, 175 bucks when I can buy the Bandai version for 20 bucks on Ebay? What the hell! Give me just one reason to pay all that money. For me the reason is simple, you're not buying a kit, you're buying a piece of art, this's what the models produced by John are. incomparable and unique pieces of art. When you put it side-by-side with an mainstream kits is cowardly and who has a Moscato's model know what I'm talking about, I have several here and suffer every day until I get everyone. We're talking about yours 7-years old drawings and Da Vinci ! And yes, i'm serious about that. So tomorrow is the last day for you order your piece of art, enjoy this unique chance while you can! We need four more "i'm in" to start the engines, you will not regret. Cheers ,mates !
  15. so, any news ?
  16. now we have 10 happy fellow in, just more 5, just more 5 !!!
  17. so, seven "i'm in" just more six fellows to start the engines, c'mon guys !!!
  18. good ideia, we guys that brought the original issue don't have decals, maybe if all of us ask John him can make an extra batch, why not ?
  19. sooner or later all Cap's models appears on SSM, i still have faith, someday i'll have all Regult versions, just be patiente and believe in magic...
  20. YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M IN FOR ONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (as you can see i really wanna this baby ! )
  21. sssshhiii ! Don't say it loud, we're trying to look normal for the other people !
  22. Frankensteined Destroid Monster? That's why I'm patiently waiting the V2 Monster, it's coming !
  23. so it's time to place ours orders ????
  24. Brought mine on Ebay dozen of years ago, by some miracle no one had placed a bid and I won with the starting price, 50 bucks !
  25. $150.00 + shipping by each installment looks just perfect to me, it's the price that allow a lot of us to program the payments and still keep all the bills in day. But as an artist you have the right - no, the obrigation - to receive a fair payment, Mike, so don't be shame having a profite with your works, you deserve that, absolutlly !
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