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Everything posted by Spitfire_BR

  1. Yeah !!! Movie and TV version !!! Right now !!!!
  2. This guy saw a lot of action !
  3. He looks tottaly f#@$! badass !!!! I love it !
  4. oh boy, i'm excited !!!!!
  5. I'm sure about that, Hasegawa will release news versions like all previous models, I'll buy at least 3 gerwalks and hope news ones arrives soon ! Good lord, Strike Gerwalk !!!!
  6. Ok, i'll buy this, all right ? Just put this baby in the market, right now ! Forgett everything, just release this model !!!!
  7. already in "pre-oder", on Ebay ! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hasegawa-Macross-25-VF-1J-A-Gerwalk-Valkyrie-1-72-Model-Kit-65725-/231407014738?pt=Model_Kit_US&hash=item35e0eed352
  8. Oh dear ! Marry me, please !!!! I love you !!!! ( I'm asking the gerwalk, just to make it clear ! )
  9. oh boy, oh boy !!!! Still need to send 3# payment plus shipping, can't wait !!! ( could you show to us the instructions ? )
  10. when buying the gerwalk remember to add an Tamiya putty - don't give more money to Hasegawa !
  11. you need to see my wishlist, brother, trust me, i'll never have time enough to save money !
  12. so many to buy, so little $$$$... Mininum 3 gerwalks ( one for each version ) and a new art book from Tenjin Hidetaka ??? That's not fair !
  13. WOW !!!! WOW !!! WOW !!!!!!!! payment sent today, just can't wait to have this baby in my hands !!!
  14. I'm with you Mike, first because i know your job and you doesn't produce models but state-of-art model. And if the price will be the same i prefer an resin model, even one weighting 1 or 2 tons... Keep the machine working !
  15. oh boy, this baby's HUGE ! I really needs a new house !
  16. Now it's official: i'm dead and arrives on Heaven !!!!!
  17. great news you're going to be fine ! ( and after all you can say to everyone it's a shame wasn't a radioactive spider... ) Get well soon !
  18. i Know what you're talking about, suffering from staph infection since 1985 with more than 20 surgery and countless time in hospital beds, it's the real hell. I'm blessed and can lives normally but i say, i'm blessed. Hope everything get fine for you !
  19. oooohhh, this baby will sell like water in the desert !
  20. take your time and get well soon, Mike, first the important things, you !
  21. think about this suggestion: make an comparation slideshow with both versions of the Monster, to show us the improvementes. Just my 2 cents !
  22. Thanks for checking the shipping rates and the payment options, i'm in for Option #3 - patience is my best gift.
  23. YES !!!!!!!!! They'll make it, finally !! Thanks Hasegawa for hear ours crys !
  24. pictures, pictures, PICTURES !!!!!
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