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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. we all know he's coming back as a cyborg...
  2. The soundtrack kind of bugs me. The music from the trailers dumbs down the vibe for me, giving it an almost MTV feel. I'm tired of animes with typical Rap/Rock/Junk Techno riffs... its been done to death already, its time to move on; but then I may be in the minority with that opinion. Well this is all based on that extended apple Japan trailer... I'll most likely think differently after a complete viewing of the finished movie. The CG/Cell effects are really fluid and life-like, too bad this thing is not a video game...
  3. The director for Kite (Yasuomi Umetsu) has a very stylish approach in making action sequences and/or gun battles. As for the plot, Kite has a twisted one to say/type the least. The target audience was most likely hentai loving action/gun freaks. I recommended you track down a friend that has a copy before purchasing this title. The director's cut just basically added f'ed up hentai scenes. I personally thought the action scenes were the best part of this anime. If you do get a kick out of it, check out the Mezzo Forte OAV from the same director/animator and if you have bit torrent, download the series for Mezzo Forte... just be prepared no outrageous hentai in the MF series.
  4. Final Outpost: Earth... remember that title? I really doubt that will ever see the light of day. Anyway, they might give us a teaser in the Macross Zero vol. 4 DVDs when that rolls in around SPRING.
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