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Everything posted by Letigre

  1. THANK YOU. I've been saying the same damn thing since I saw it in the theater.
  2. I have no problem with them at all, they're probably the best compromise they could work out without parts-forming. I'm actually fine with the repaint schemes. I don't have a - 19 either, and I was kicking around the idea of getting an YF-19, but I may just preorder one of these instead. ..Although I'm wanting me a Sturmvogel too.
  3. Blurr is is still my favorite, but Swindle, Jazz, and Oil Slick are still all sorts of awesome.
  4. Yeah, I can probably live without that aspect. Knowing where it all went already sort of makes the PLan less interesting to me. Razor at least for me provided some interesting backstory.
  5. I wish Animated Wreck Gar was a little easier to balance, unless I'm doing something wrong. It's a wonderful figure otherwise, the paint job and the sculpt is pretty flawless for the price.
  6. Even a couple Matrix references...freaky.
  7. it would be nice if the whole shebang was release on Blu-ray, but I won't hold my breath.
  8. Letigre

    yamato's next move

    You know, I wonder if they could also do the alternate prototype colors of the YF-19 and- 21, the ones that weren't animated but appeared in the "This is Animation Special" book. It would certainly qualify as interesting..
  9. It's more of a pull forward and up than up...it's a little fidgety. My biggest issue is the chin piece has a tendecy to pop off and almost vanish doing so. But yes, the instructions do suck. I finallly managed to find a reasonable at Wreck-Gar on Evilbay..for retaill price, atleast. (Minus shipping..oh well.)
  10. I'm trying to remember my color theory, but IIRC green is supposed to have one of the widest spectrums of visibility, meaning you should be able to pick out more shades of green than any other color.
  11. I know..I think my only hope checking Hasbro's online store everyday until it pops up unless I can stand letting some Evilbay seller get his pound of flesh.
  12. The prices that sellers want for an Animated Wreck-Gar are deplorable. I wish I could find one in a store already.
  13. My favorite of all is still probably Cowboy Bebop. Even the english dub is outstanding, I actually am guilty of prefering that version. Beyond that, I'd say TTGL, Macross (Plus probably the tops), and Big-O (inspite of the ending.) So people keep bringing up Gunbuster..is there a prefered release of it to watch? And what about the sequel?
  14. The color didn't bother me, but the rabbit ears on the head were my biggest WTF?! as artwork on the show was concerned.
  15. If you wanna go open THAT Pandora's Box, well, you go right ahead. Just gimme some time to seek shelter..
  16. Figures, just when I'm dating someone special...
  17. I always was partial to the X-32, but I always understood mine was a very lonely viewpoint.
  18. The Ares should have died with Clicky-tech. I think the CBT forums had more than couple of hate threads on that, including a few reasons why a three-legged mech was impractical. That reminds me, my copy of TR:3075 has been on backorder forever . [ Might as well just cancel that order... ]
  19. Not until later in the year? Bummer. So that means besides Aqua Teen, I'm stuck waiting for Caprica, wonderful. [I'll just watch Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, again.] I'll probably pick up the DVD, since the covers tend to look cooler, and I have the other two seasons are on DVD anyway..
  20. Honestly, since it arrived I only had it battroid, but a bout a week or so ago I just felt compelled to try Gerwalk- something my 1/72 was too floppy to ever do. It's absolutely stunning, I can see it staying that way for a long time. And the only reason you don't see the 1/72 with the other two Yamato -21's is the last time I had it up, it flopped and toppled over taking out Lugnut. (Only leaving the latter with a scratch from the 5 ft fall.) I refuse to put them together again until I can tighten up some of it's looser bits.
  21. Eh, Stealth was about a goofy AI plane and an arrogant jackass in the Navy ..it's a neat ride, but I could have sworn they lifted a few ideas from Macross Plus of all things. The dogfights are good, but the gratuitous use of gasoline fireballs that spoils things.
  22. Well the gist of is that the conflict on [the original] Earth was wholly contained to that planet alone. It can be assumed that is similar t why they all left Kobol as well. And Earth's Cylons (or Centurions for that matter) did not posess FTL travel, so they probably did not have much of a space fleet.
  23. Just a few quick and dirty shots to keep this up top. [This is not everything, but it is most of what's out.]
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