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Everything posted by Letigre

  1. Thanks, I'll have to check those out. Sideways thankfully pegs together nicer. I'm not sure if I like his junk-a-licous limbs, but I like the figure otherwise; it poses pretty well too.
  2. That's still more retooling than most VF-1's get.
  3. The delay is one thing, but considering it was announced first...there had better be a lot of improvements in store for it, that's for sure.
  4. I can't beleive we've seen shots of the painted and completed(?) 1/72 model and the VF100 Full Armor, but not the DX. I wonder what's the frigging hold up...
  5. I don't really feel so bad about it, the figures are nice quality (ibut overpriced), and I'm only really looking to upgrade the YF-21 I already have so it can have it's FPs like it's bigger transforming cousins.
  6. Well it's bound to happen eventually.
  7. Has anyone gotten their hands on the Fastpack bundles or add-ons yet?
  8. I doubt it, only because I am certain they would have even played that up during the conference.
  9. Well I got ROTF Sideswipe today; I like him (his altmode looks incredible, the detail on the wheels are sharp), he is seems a tad punty in bot mode, he does have the torso pegging issue and I wish he had better footing. Given how his feet ransform, I don't think it could have hurt to have extra spur or something added to the piece that flips down and mates with the wheel. Rodimus, Arcee, Cybertron Ratchet...all AWESOME. I'm especially impressed with Ratchet's altmode out of all three. I'm on the fence about the new Bumblebee He looks like mix between the Legends figure and his deluxe version), I don't care for the Grimlock repaint, and as much as I liked Jazz I might skip his repaint too.
  10. I wonder if they have sold out on the VF-22S's production run, I checked around and HLJ and Hobby Search are both still taking reservations.
  11. Probably..that seems to mre or less be where portables are heading. I honestly would not get upset or worried about that right now, the PSP GO isn't supposed to supplant the PSP 3000. Yet, anyway.
  12. I've got a couple ROTF toys on order from Target since my weekend thus far has been to busy to go scouring the local stores to see if they actually released them. Damn, what's with the price difference?
  13. Hell, Hasbro's online store has them cheaper than BBTS. I think Target will get my money however...
  14. The only ROTF toys I am looking pick up is Sideswipe and Leader Optimus; maybe Sideways and one or two or the interesting Scout-class figures. The rest..meh.
  15. Well I have pretty much VF-22S over most of those (although maybe I can coax the gf into buying me the VR-1..yeah right..), but that's my own crazy love for that valk speaking anyway.
  16. ..I'm just gonna disagree right there.
  17. Between those and the VF-22S? The decision was TOO easy.
  18. Not a lot more, but they certainly account for a lot more mass than those on the G1 set did.
  19. It looks more like someone handling botched up a scan. I'm not sure, I've never heard quite how they handle packages inbound from overseas.
  20. I like the Panamera as well. Granted it's nowhere near perfect, but I think people are a bit rediculous calling it out as the year's ugliest car. It may well look better in person anyway.
  21. What's the difference now? [sorry,I don't have any v.2 VF-1s or 1/48s..]
  22. It sucks massively...That was one of the only Transformers I wanted for the time being. I guess I don't have to keep money saved for transfomers for the near future. (granted I spent it on the VF-22S already anyway..)
  23. We know it's a money grab. Whether or not it's a worthwhile one has yet to be seen.
  24. There is just something about having the top of the fuselage of a VF-1 in one color that really sets it off.
  25. It's alogical step..besides, they can just as well milk a working VF-1 with repaints til the cows come home. IF that gets us other Macross mecah as GNU-DOU as well, so be it.
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