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Everything posted by Letigre

  1. Can such awesomeness really be contained in one thread? :
  2. Holy hell, I haven't seen one in years...I used to have him.
  3. What was "Unseen" shall be seen again: CATALYST GAME LABS BRINGS BACK "UNSEEN"
  4. I've actually played more PS3 games than PS2, but I've probably put as many hours playing GoW1 and 2, Twisted Metal Black and SotC as most of my PS3 games. I;''ve considered thinning out my PS3 library, or atleast passing a few I'm finished with for good on to friends that haven't played them.
  5. Maybe at the same time?
  6. Oddly enough we've only been shown the unpainted 1/72 model, not the DV or the VF100 of the VF-27.
  7. Ravage and Cannon Bumblebee, I believe. I think I'm done with movie deluxes, save Dead End (that paint job is awesome) and maybe Breakaway or Jolt.
  8. I was checking up on the Armored while shopping on HLJ and noticed they updated the photos on the page: Armored Ozma on Hobby Link
  9. It's awfully tempting to buy a ghost at that price.
  10. I cna;t seem to have any luck gscoring an activators cliffjumper. No luck in any stores, and on Ebay..oh, the bloodbath! Sniped at the last minute twice, and outbid way over I'd pay for it..hell, the latest auction is up to $31 I'd feel like an idiot trying to pay that much.
  11. I'd argue ithe Megahouse is going to be of noticably better quality.
  12. I'm really gettimg to be anxious to see my VF-22S. iIt keeps popping up weekly on the Hobby search newsletter under coming soon- with still no actual date of arrival. Strangely enough neither of the YF-19's are listed with it though.
  13. The nearby Target Greatland had a pretty remarkable selection of scouts, FABs, Robot Repilcas and Gravity Bots. Deluxes was okay, quite a number of Skids, Breakaway (in both colors!) and Sideways; but only one Sideswipe and Rampage, with nary a Bumblebee to be found. [Thank god I ordered him from TRU a day prior] Leaders were an even mix if two Megatrons and two Optimuses. Voyagers were dominated by Ratchet, with an Ironhide and Constructicon or two. I picked up a Ratchet as I like his solid-if-not-movie-accurate bot mode, and scout Dead End. The latter is a rather nifty little figure with some surprising posability for his size (he can facepalm!), I bought him because he vaguely resembles a Yamaha OX99-11.
  14. Is that how all of those loose versions were all over Ebay weeks before the toys were officially released? Blech.
  15. The VF100 version is the only one we've seen semi-official images of. We've only seen show images of the model, and these pretty crappy pics of the pre-production DX. And hell, the pics we was of the VF100 was pretty small as well. I dunno,even based on what I've seen with the unpainted DX before I'm still happy to be getting it over the other versions. Now it's just the long wait until Aug or Sept or whenever Bandai releases it.
  16. The red seems to be the only treal mistake,..the discoloring otherwise seems the be the result of a terrible picture.
  17. Extremely hard to find. As for the movie, I've only seen it once: one of the Starz channels showed it (IIRC) a few years ago, but I've not seen it since. I had pretty much forgotten about it til now.
  18. Well son, the sign doesn't say "Gundam World", now does it?
  19. I personally beleive we would have heard something at this point if they were planning on an extended release. That said, the last time I looked most stores were still accepting preorders..
  20. Nope, still only June or "late" June, so you can assume they will arrive at/by the end of the month. Both would honestly be the last two elements of my collection (or just my "junk" in general) I would sell. The very last..
  21. Well pardon my vapidness, but I disagree.
  22. Why? I thought the voice acting in the english dub was phenomenal.
  23. It is sort of too modern for Steampunk, but still too old-fashioned to be called Dieselpunk; it is really a little of both and kind of wedged in-between.
  24. That was one story I always wanted to see fleshed-out. It just seemed there was more to it than just the typical student-master merry-go-round.
  25. "Curse you, I said NO PICTURES!"
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