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Everything posted by Letigre

  1. I know what you mean, although I'm warming up to it. I'm not a scalehound either, but I tend to stick toward deluxe and voyager-sized figures myself because of taste and space concerns.
  2. I'm half tempted to say forget waiting for the leader and just go for his Voyager figure. I think what would look better standing next to Alternity Megatron anyway..
  3. The only orders I'm sitting on right now are the Armored -25S DX and the Macross Quarter. In terms of what I actually want: 1/60 Tomahawk M&M VF-22S - maybe? DX VF-27 VB-6 of some sort..
  4. The rendering is putting the viewer's perspective at a low point of view, and it's foreshortening the limbs so they appear shorter. It is not the best comparison of the ship's proportions.
  5. I still do not see anything that makes me want to watch this. I dunno, I'll miss the absurdly plunging neckline. Also, if they went as far to make his costume less rediculous, isn't there an chance they did it to others? It's just that to me..that sucks out some of the charm.
  6. I know! I am honestly lost that they have gone as far to add new lines.. But have comparatively left the DX to languish. We have already seen the -27 being readied as a 1/72 model; where is our DX already?
  7. Well they have been pimping that prototype around for nearly 6 months.
  8. It's hard to say, other than that is awesome-sauce!
  9. At the least a painted stand would be nice for the frigging wait.
  10. These two: The SV-51 is a close second..although we'lls ee where she stands when the Armored VF-25S comes.
  11. I do and I still haven't seen one in stores, but I might just snag one off Amazon if I'm desperate. Odd enough that he has not appeared on Hasbro's online store yet. I'm frankly waiting for the remainder of my debits to come in from vacation last week ( so I know how much damage I did at the beach. ) Nope. I wouldn't bother trying evilbay either, Jolt has generally been going for outrageous prices (50-75 USD..before shipping!) from the chinese sellers that manage to have him on hand.
  12. The cannon opens!? SOLD!
  13. Actually they were outfitted at their inception with equipment that the Clans falsely assumed would have been average. They themselves did leave a cache of more advanced weapons and equipment on their way, only to be further shocked by the state of decay in the Inner Sphere. They also managed to revitalize Outreach, a planet that held a Star League-era industrial complex.
  14. Earlier pre-painted images of the prototype seemed to suggest they also rescuplted atleast part of the head.
  15. I'm hoping, personally, that part of the premium paid for Gamlin was that it was a limited release. Maybe, if they get around to the M&M VF-22S, the price my fall a little closer to the VE-1 and VT-1.
  16. TFW2005 posted new pictures of HA Sideswipe and Skids. The figure of Sideswipe doesn't do anything for me over his deluxe version, but Skids looks awesome to me.
  17. That's weird, they quote the same price in Yen, but their USD estimates are a 7 USD difference.
  18. THat really is the thing that irks me about the Leader class figures. And that's not just collector side of me, I was never crazy about the lights and sound gimmick when I was a kid either.
  19. I thought this would raise an eyebrow: Power-Up Optimus Prime Value Pack
  20. Damnit..I guess it's now the Galctica bluray boxset versus the Quarter. The woman will most certainly shake her head.
  21. Console Mechwarrior would be nice. It would be icing to the "everything old is new again" cake that seems to be Battletech as of late.
  22. Ha, Ha..welcome to the party.
  23. It isn't, but the hip joints are really tight. They were damned to come out of the bay to transform the first time, that is for sure.
  24. No can do right now, camera's all packed for holiday.
  25. I don't know what you're talking about..
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