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Everything posted by Letigre

  1. Heavy rain..perhaps they meant "fallout".
  2. It just only makes me crave a figure of Sheryl with her military stage costume..
  3. "I'm going on ahead, Micheal. Don't start crying again because you can't see me." "Shut up Klan! Always with the stuff from our childhood!"
  4. Does this have to just be 2008?
  5. I sometimes think the black and white was just an attempt to throw off bloggers trying to take pictures
  6. The clear blocks for standing the figures are distracting.
  7. They should put a warning that "breathing is hazardous to your health" as well. ..Unfortunately, not enough will actually try to quit.
  8. I'd be willing to argue that point. That is, whether it is versatility itself that truely matters (it obviously performs at least on par with the VF-25, be they Super or Armored), but instead that the lack of it in that context probably makes it unappealing*. The fact that pilots (probably) have to be cybernetic to fly it doesn't help it's appeal, either. [*That is.. to military planners in-universe, and to marketers out of universe .]
  9. That certainly raises a brow.
  10. NO, it isn't. Look, I've stared off and on at the Macross II line art for more than a decade, and that thing's resemblance to a VF-2SS is vague, at best! If anything, it bears resemblance to the VF-4/VF-X-4, etc..and rather tenuously there as well.
  11. A random one, but it doesn't seem to show any distinct cause. Are you sure you're running the latest system update? I was pleasantly surprised by an update when I logged into PSN for the first time since Xmas yesterday.
  12. Me too- as it stands, only the Alpha Omega Klan figure interests me.. I really don't want her as a miclone however, it would look..awkward ..among my other more "womanly" figures.
  13. Maybe it was meant for a (tactical strike) role similar to the F-111. It would account for the size.
  14. Letigre

    Vf-27 toy/model ?

    I'm causiously optimistic., depending on how troublesome that becomes. As is, I already repurposed my tackle box (I used it as a miniature case for games) to house the various accessories and pieces from my figures.
  15. Agreed. Also, what about non-macross related material, figures, etc?- Would those discussions move from other subforums to here, Or are we keeping it all Macross related? Would that also mean the gallery threads of people's personal collections move here as well?
  16. Letigre

    Vf-27 toy/model ?

    Well I think it is a CRIME if they don't manage a DX model...the 27 is by far my favorite VF of the Frontier series.
  17. Oh come now, I've still yet to watch the series, but I was pleasantly surprised by the trailers, I thought the voicework was surprising strong. I just hope the lip syncing is a little better..still, I'm kicking around the thought of buying the season though iTunes (using those damn giftcards.) (..If only because $44 is more paiatable than $100+ for DVDs.. It's bad enough I got jipped being an early adopter for Witchblade and now they sell the whole series for what I bought the first few volumes ..but atleast I got the cooler case and the OST! :neener:)
  18. I had the same idea..except it was between the VF-0/1 and the SV-51, with the VF obviously being the victor for whatever reason. But the Sukhoi lead team, maybe feeling a bit burned by the heavv loss (either from development costs it's unable to recoop, or feeling jilted by an uneven contest) may have been eager to sell the design to anyone. That would lead to how the Anti-UN came to possess a variable fighter designed and built(?) by companies in UN- aligned countries. Shrug. Just food for thought. And as for Northrup-Grumman/ Northrom, it's either just a quiet retcon, or maybe an allusion that the company either merged or had a name change between the times of building the VF-0 and the VF-1. The latter seems more likely to me.
  19. That or the event simply doesn't exist in-universe, and thus isn't really pertinent.
  20. The chase planes never seemed much smaller than the YF-21 when they were shown in formation earlier in the scene. I wonder how good a comparison shot you could get if you could get a shot just as Isamu rolls right over the 21 before the missle test.
  21. Somebody in another thread suggested "SV" probably means " Sukhoi Variable." Whether that is actually the case, well, I think it's up to a future Macross Chronicles to answer.
  22. They're responsible for Shaka Zulu? I guess you really do learn something everyday..
  23. I wonder what prompted moving the "eye" sensor of the Ghost... is it just to differeniate it from the X-9/V-9? Having it at the very tip of the nose seemed like it was the optimal placement.
  24. It only makes me wish more was covered about the UN Wars.. Given the existance of the MiG I sometimes wonder if a rivalry, or politics were invovled surrounding the creation of the SV-51, Either internally with perhaps with Sukhoi falling out of favor with the Russian or UN government for selling their design to the AUN forces, or perhaps as the reason they sold the VF to them as well. It could just as well be some sort of Russian political turmoil, even though the country was part of the UN, there were perhaps politcal dissonance among certain factions of the country, or just that commercial interests that had other ideas that ran afoul of the governments agenda. I do havea crazy idea that it's possible that the collaborating team designing and building the SV-51 was in competition with the team building the VF-1 for the UN's mainline fighter, and that either in scorn of losing unfairly( perhaps due to a contraversial decision or political manuevering) or plain bitterness, they took their toy elsewhere. The ailing AUN forces of course eagerly welcomed a potential advantage over their UN rivals.
  25. DO we even know that's the case with the SV-51? It was combat-ready unlike it's adversary, after all. The AUN did survive the Mayan Island incident. Well that is largely since Project Supernova was based on the real life competition between the YF-22 and YF-23, where there were also two prototypes of each plane. But that was because the competiition also involved what engines would also power thew winning fighter, so each competitor had a plane using a pair of each of the two competing engines as well.
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