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Everything posted by Letigre

  1. The Getter relation I can see..the Black Ox..not so much. Call me crazy, but I see a lot of EVA in TFA Blurr- he is one of my favorite figures right now. Spindly transformers are to die for, atleast after the blocky stuff we got as kids.
  2. Well it was more innocent [just a teensy bit] when it was in 2D form..I don'y think it was intedned as statue subject by any means. Not that I understand how Ozma approved of it in the show. (And maybe slightly OT, was Ozma the Quarter's CAG? I didn't think he was more than the squadron leader...)
  3. Yeah, but only your wallet faces the hangover.. I'm still mulling around getting one now instead of later...but only strippers have thus far parted money so quickly from me.
  4. It's probably the true problem with BCS, that there seems there is little or no way for the system to differentiate between idle thoughts and actual inputs..atleast only the ones pertaining to flight control. There is certainly something in place that walls it off to certain areas, so that person's entire mind isn't forced to fully concentrate on flying the plane all of the time. There were never instances of crashing into the ground because Guld's communicating with ground control or tossing insults. The only time we witnessed a total failure of BCS was Guld's flashback and subsequent bout of rage, and it's hard to say if it's because he suddenly disconnected from what he was doing (like someone suddenly stopping what they're doing to throw a fit) or if the 21 just couldn't interpet any inputs if his mind was in an unstable state. The forced crash of the Isamu's Thunderbolt didn't diplay any actual system failure, or not a clear cut one. After all, half of the YF-21's controls system was Guld's mind. It's hard to say, the only thing was it was pretty obvious he had been trying to fix or hide his problems for a long time.
  5. Well in fairness, the smug bastards on Galaxy either underestimated the VF-25 because of sheer pride, or were somehow grossly missinformed themselves.
  6. Except by all accounts the heavy weapons cluster was as experimental as the 21's composite wings. So that shouldn't really count toward or against the 19, since it probably wasn't gonna be part of the mass-produced plane either.
  7. I don't know if it was so much the ability to be able to picture those things, in your mind no less, such as missle projectories and etc. But rather that you could request the info and see them instantly by thought, and also be able to act within that mere instant. It's why the 21 was far better adversary to the AI Ghost: it could potentially match it's processing and reaction times, the only limitations being the physical limitations of the 21's pilot, and maybe the airframe as well.
  8. What a shame, I had really taken a shine to the Maia color scheme.
  9. Too true..
  10. All April had was curves in the cartoon. It was one of my completely innocent complaints about the live-action movies! (" She don't look like that!") As for Lisa..I remember the old Leia figures suffering from similar issues.
  11. Pick up and play the original God of War, and then it's sequel..(both are completely worth iit) and try to imagine that on a PS3. Hell, play Heavenly Sword, and imagine it less fussy and more brutal, gory, polished, and spectacular.
  12. Man have I wondered how they got that past Ozma.. One could argue so was Ranka in general. It's an interesting piece..if only because it uses rather obscure piece of art for reference. I don't think it interests me beyond the curiosity of it all. [..not that I haven't thought of a custom paint of a Konig Monster with that on the side, however.]
  13. It is an admitted itch, considering I already have a !/72 and a GNU. I do have other things on my wishlist I'd like just as much, but having the hat-trick of Yamato 21's is becoming a temptation that is just getting hard to ignore.
  14. If demand was high on the Alto Super parts, I don't think they would have diverted production unless Ozma's wasn't expected to be high in demand. I bet many people, if not most, are waiting for the Ozma Full Armor pack and probably would be skipping the Super, atleast for now. Also there's money to be made on the Full Armor since there is an Alto set to be made there as well. Besides, with the Super packs molds done, it isn't as if they can't go back and release a Ozma Super version (maybe even as limited edition) later on to catch collectors who wanted the complete set.
  15. Ghost, no..but Ozma I'm assuming would get the full armor before it got the super packs.
  16. I was under the impression you get a certain number of downloads (five?) per purchase of a title on PSN..and that's tied to your account, not your system.
  17. Letigre

    yamato's next move

    Honestly, I would rather see the the chraracters covered with Revoltech, and the GN-U sticking with mecha, since I think that is each's series strong suit. I do wish Yamato persue doing Macross Zero vehicles in the GN-U...there are just not enough toys from that series. For what it's worth I can realistically see Kaiyodo producing them as well.
  18. I don't see why that wouldn't work, aside from I've yet to have the nerve to try itfor myself.
  19. So because it doesn't support your point it didn't happen..
  20. Slightly smaller than 1/8; my 1/8 figures are generally about a half-inch to an inch taller.
  21. Well it makes sense: as there are certain physical limitations if you have an actually use a person's limb moving in a armored suit that no amount of augmentation will overcome. Not to mention there is the added bonus that when you blow a limb off a mecha, you aren't blowing off the pilots limb as well!
  22. I just hope we get a 1/60 VF-27 at all!
  23. I thought the Forbidden Planet remake rumor was bunk? Or has something changed?
  24. I'm just loathe to deal with the bandwidth-throttling ire of Comcast.
  25. All this talk of Klan just misses one slight oversight, [macro] Nene was taller.
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