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Everything posted by Letigre

  1. Well if it's all the same, it is just more reason as to why Bandai has yet to get any money out of me.
  2. I think of they had released something other than a VF-1, everyone here would be lapping them right up. Price aside, I just do not see why people bag on them so; they are really well-designed figures. And the verdict is still out on the VF100's. (although I can't fight the fact I'll probably snatch up an VF-27 regardless..)
  3. I just don't think it will be a VF-19 Kai, and definitely not a VF-22- I beleive they are too busy trying to cash in on Macross F to worry about the others yet.
  4. Maybe Alto's, but I hope they do not dare do that to Ozma's.
  5. I like him; and not just because I can be a sucker for transforming planes. Animated Arcee and Soundwave w/ Ratbat( awesome..but what's next- Rumble as a drum kit?), the new Leader Prime, Mudflap, and Breakaway are my favorites of the bunch and on my must buy list.
  6. Hell..I've had it on pre-order ever since Amazon had a place holder up.
  7. Well he kills birds too..gigantic ones. You know, it might be easier to list what Kratos doesn't kill.
  8. You were probably better off going to an art supply store and asking for an acrylic medium.
  9. And what about wormholes, ala Farscape? (We'll ignore htech drives and starburst for the meantime..)
  10. Along side the GU-17, no less. Go Messiah!
  11. Playinghte devil's advocate...who is to say that L.A.I. didn't manufacturer tha VF-25 to do so? And going from one model of 25 to another is a moot point, since it's probably also presumable that a version aside from the G could probably mount a sniper pod as optional equipment. Although I cannot recall if Alto mounted the sniper pod during the fight in fighter mode, or carried it by hand..that final portion of the battle is a bit fo a blur.
  12. Considering we hardly ever see VF's sharing the same gunpod design, I'm persoanlly gonna lean toward no on both points. THat's not saying it's not possible, I just don't see it. Not in-universe, anyway.
  13. The 21's differences get more obvious when placed together. I won't even talk about fighter mode..
  14. I think like the Revoltech lines, the GNU seems to be aiming strickly toward anime-accuracy, rather than accurate scaling or making them work "realistically," so to speak.
  15. Maybbeyou took and shot yourself in battroid or gerwalk*... They are modular attachments in the sort they are just mecha-sized hand-held rifles, but I doubt their mounting/holstering(?) points or brackets are universal. So where are you gonna stow another VF's gunpod in fighter mode if it is of a different type? Hmmm? *This reminds me of a Battletech house rule, if you missed a to-hit roll with an arm-mounted weapon at point-blank range, you had to make gunnery skill with a modifier. If you failed that roll, you shot yourself!
  16. If anything, you can only wonder what took them so long..
  17. I saidmost.. Actually you do have to remove the arms for some figures. Ekidona is one of them...her shoulder armor hides the seams well.
  18. Don't forget after the crew on the Quarter made it's discovery of Grace's plan, they sent a message detailing everything back to UN HQ (presumably on Earth), also lamenting that it would not only take time for the message to reach them, but as well for the Assembly there to deliberate over it and act.
  19. I'd almost call it a brand, rather than a subdivision, they tend to (but not always) blend either companies talents. (I have read it described as MegaHouse's sculpts, Alter's QC..)
  20. Well most of the Queen's Blade figures are wearing considerably less than that. (I've got Ekidona, she makes Masane seem relatively modest in comparison.) I don't have high hopes he outfit can be cast-off. But MegaHouse has surprised me before..
  21. I'd hope for v2 0A as well. I might buy an 0S soon anyway, because it has come down to that or the VF-11B being my next VF purchase (...with Bandai dragging it's feet on non-VF-25 DX releases.) But I am trying (honest!) not to by any "big" figures until my Yomako arrives.
  22. I hope you mean function-over-form.. But yeah, something about that folded-up-plane, spindlely-limb ugly grabs me. You know, it probably doesn't help that my aesthetics for mecha is probably well rooted in a long fan-hood of Battletech.
  23. The few Target stores I bother hitting up usually have a paltry selection of Universe stuff most of the time. I haven't been to the nearest Toys R Us lately, not with the liquidation sale at the Circuit City next door being the madhouse it is..
  24. You mean big guns..
  25. I'll agree on the ass-backwardness that is the Metal Siren..it just seemed like an waste of space to handle it in that fashion. But I really found the Fighter and Gerwalk modes even less pretty than the Battroid - Nevermind that aces like Sylvie were pushing for it to become THE U.N.Spacy fighter. But the SV-51 Battroid, fugliest? Nope March, I'll respectfully disagree. It's one of my favorites, and I know there is no account for taste on my part..but the worst? Are we forgetting things like the (M3) VF-14 exist?
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