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Everything posted by Letigre

  1. The current state of being isn't directly restraining my collection. IF anything,it's my desire to by a home in the near future< basically saving money and the uncertainties surrounding that sort of event keeping me largely in-check. Perhaps space as well. My job is secure - thank god for civil service. As much as the youthful, artsy, geek in me wants to deny it, that may have been one of the smarter decisions of my life. Certainly the best timed as luck had it. Anyway, my collection isn't very big, and I have little ambition for it to be huge. I'm just not into everything that comes out. Macross-wise, it helps that much of my obession for the VF-1 dried up as soon as I saw a VF-0. Matters aside, most anything I want in addition is generally pretty far down the pipeline like the DX Macross Quarter. Or just unannounced as of yet. (That goes for figures as well ..............for the most part. I can't wait for my teacher Yomako.) It's silly, the only thing I'm debating now is the VF-11B..GN-U or 1/60? I like it, but I don't think I "$190!" like it. I could wait, but I keep having the GN-U monkey on my back. But I want the fast packs, and the added cost is rediculous. Doable, maybe even palatable, but still rediculous.
  2. Did it get cold in here all the sudden?
  3. Maybe because it's an AU as compared to reality. It's sort of like asking: shouldn't the U.N. Naval forces been using planes other than F-14's? It is not as if SK just didn't know better, I'm sure he had reason to omit it.
  4. Well, I will believe it, but I don't have to like it. That said, as that generation of VF is concerned, I still prefer the 27 in it's aesthetics and function..super packs be damned.
  5. Lucky you...all I can find is an army of Oil Slicks. Okay, they did have two Roadbuster Ultra Magnus figures, but I just don't find the repaint very flattering.
  6. Shin had potential to be an VF ace..but we'll just never know, will we? Also, why do I see DD being listed under Roy? I'm pretty sure they fought to some sort of stalemate in every match up. (On the other hand, smoother Roy would have probably handed Nora her ass.)
  7. No way..that means it may look better than the DX with it's clip-on speaker pods!
  8. Now that i've put more than a day's thought in this,is it wrong that I think I want the Quarter more than the SDF-1? Eh, maybe it's fear of potential sticker shock.
  9. Well they do predate Zero's production by a year or two; it almost seems like the Schneeblume was adapted to become the VF-0(A).
  10. The Macross is about 1200 meters long, the NMC is supposed to be around 1600 meters, so it's a third longer. The Macross Quarter is about 400 meters long, so in 1/2000 scale it should be a fair bit shorter than the DX toy. If you want an idea of size, it should be slightly shorter than the ARMD carriers on the SDF model if it was the same scale. (The carriers are about 450 meters long.)
  11. If it is that big, hmm, maybe I will buy it.
  12. In it's own room? More than twice as big as the WAVE version, that makes roughly as big as Fort Max..if not a bigger. I think.
  13. OMFG..
  14. I agree, I don't get the impression it's the last either. The fact that they listed the Global as the fourth and not just the third seems to give weight to the idea that more Macross ships exist.
  15. I am certain they will make the [antagonist] VF-27 before they make a VF-171..regardless of what status the 171 gains from being flown by Alto. (And that's hoping we get a DX of either! ) Let me put it to you this way: Think of Macross Plus; Dyson (the hero) flew a YF-19 and a VF-11B. Guld was the antagonist (through most of it anyway) and flew the -21. Now what order did they release the VF's? YF-19, YF-21, VF-11B. Both times!
  16. It is not even on par with some of those anymore.
  17. Pretty much. My only regret is that I had not bought it sooner.
  18. That's assuming the movie versions are going to be any different at all.
  19. Well "chromed" plastic and durabilty are mutually exclusive.
  20. His alt mode is so old-school Kilrathil (WC-1 and 2, I mean).. I LOVE it. I could really, really dig an Animated figure of him, especially if he is as tight in jet-mode as Lugnut is. And I hate how animated series have absurdly short life-spans. It doesn't seem like many, even the spectacular ones, get past three full seasons anymore.
  21. Alter makes some amazing figures. Their rendition of (Powered-up) Masane from Witchblade is what got me into figures. I also agree about MaxFactory and Megahouse, although I personally give my nod to the former.
  22. I know I'm probably inthe minority, but I'm just not that enthused about a movie. I mean it worked for Macross Plus because that is what was intended all along. It was also far less material to be condense- I guess that part is what bothers me the most. That has me wondering, though, why didn't they do a movie of Macross Zero?
  23. I can't imagine how I would answer that question.. "Sure, they've got plenty more where he came from.."
  24. Well that's a deal breaker.
  25. I don't belive Baltar is anyone special, persay.. but perhaps more of a metaphor of Galatica's humanity and it's sins? As a character, he has really come around..although he has grown to have areaaly weird attachment to Sixes. There is such a strong attaction, I wonder what "mama" Ellen would have to say about that.
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