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Everything posted by Letigre

  1. What kills me is if you look at the Star Wars crossover fighters, their alt-modes are essentially kibble free. Granted their design aesthetic might grant more leeway in accomplishing it...
  2. God now I am awfully tempted, there a re a few fair deal s on Ebay right now. I was really only planning on a Full Armor 25 and a VF-27 to be my Macross F representatives. But after seeing how the -G looks like, getting one (especially since it's a Super), doesn't seem to be a bad idea.
  3. I wonder if there is fix for that. Either way, I am pretty tempted to get a -G.
  4. Possibly- it's a darker and stronger color than any of the other versions. One thing for me is I like the head design slightly more on the -G than any of the others. (The -S comes in second.)
  5. I started, got distracted with work, then movies, then Bioshock(!), and now RE5. I may get to it with my weekends off back...
  6. I have a feeling he will not aquire an Earth mode. Just a hunch based on those earlier concept drawings.. that's all.
  7. God help me if we get that Animated Cyclonus...I think I had to pick my jaw up after that brief scene in Transwarped.
  8. So Armored Alto is gonna be web-shop exclusive? Blech- I should have seen that coming.
  9. I honestly don't think anyone is stocking up on any Transformers. It was such a mixed bag on who had what: one Walmart had a great stock on Animated Deluxes and Universe Voyagers, one Target had a great stock of Animated Voyagers and Universe Deluxes. Another store had six Jetstorm/Jetfire sets, some had one or none at all. One Walmart only had Deluxe Ratchets. And of course most of the kids/parents I saw shoipping were looking at Bakugan figures. [blech.] I did finally get a Cybertron mode Prime, there are a couple minor paint marks and the axe head with pop off with little provocation, but he's otherwise tight. I'm glad I got him over the other Primes, with my only actual grief ibeing that I wish he was a tad bigger. I also picked up a Blitzwing to buddy with Lugnut- I think now I have too many Decepticons.
  10. The Walmart Supercenter nearby actually had two. I was surprised, but I didn't bite since I decided I was trying to stick with Animated figures ( if only to keep myself in check.) And they a decent Animated Deluxe selection..just not any I was looking for... Plenty of Blurr's, BA's and a few Swindel. Even a Cybertronian Optimus - but of course after I broke down and got one of of Ebay (for less than Walmart's price..WITH shipping however.) Nothing beat out last night's trip to a different Walmart in "Hillbillyville", which pretty much only had Deluxe Ratchets..about 20 of them! No love for Granpa-bot, huh? Additonally- Target has the Animated Deluxe figures on sale this week for $8.99, but not coincidentally the selection was pretty poor.
  11. I like both as well, but I Haven't felt prompted enough to spend the money the want for either. Until the Quarter or a VF-27 gets released, this will probably my sole representation of Macross F in my collection.
  12. I bit the bullet, I just couldn't resist..it's about the only VF-25 configuration I like.
  13. The more I read about it seems more like releases are being delayed either to coincide with the movie release. That, or they're just slowing their release schedule; without future seasons of the show they won't have have a long line of new characters to exploit.
  14. I guess sales are doing well then..? Maybe with some luck we'll get a Cheyenne from M-0 eventually.
  15. Some places are already taking preorders for the movie version Yoko Fraulein that comes out in May. And I got my shipping notice for teacher Yomako today. She might actually show up on my birthday, hellz yeah.
  16. Not me..oh no, I have got a taste for Alter and I likes it.
  17. Those are the breaks of being a demo.
  18. Which is understandable, up to when they pull the VF-18 Kai out of nowhere..(I should have been more specific..)
  19. Good..good. I've kinda waivered on bothering with Wreck-Gar, but Prime is probably a better pick up anyway. I think I 've grown partial to Grampabot as well... maybe I will pop in Toys R' Us this weekend. For some reason every bad-ass bounty hunter equals Fett. I don't see it, but then again, thanks to my father I've probably seen as much western as I have sci-fi. (Good and bad on both sides.) Hell, the whole mechanism for transforming his face is ingenious. And the great light piping- the first time I stood him in front of desk lamp, which was totally incidental, I was delighted to see that big, glowing red circle.
  20. I've been thinking: They decided for the next VF100, to go with something from a license they comfortably hold. Instead of, say, braving new waters, or to fire a shot across Yamato's nose. Why?
  21. Without a doubt: Blurr, seven days a week and twice on Sunday. I still haven't bought a Cybertronian Prime, all though it is definitely on my list. (Axe + Shield + Awesome.) The transformation is clever. Nevermind he is the only Animated deluxe I can think of with a big-ass gun. +1 Agreed, the knee articulation (and even the feet) screws up things when trying to pose him. Voyager Shockwave suffers little in the same way, though not nearly as bad (Considering he has four modes and his sculpt is awesome in bot mode(s), it's forgivable to me.) I still like Lockdown in his original paint, but I won't say he's the best.
  22. His alt-mode is perfect and tight, and he's a great looking figure, but I find him far trickier and not as nice to pose as the others.
  23. Soundwave, probably followed by Swindle or Oil Slick.
  24. You can find some crazy deals for movies on Blu-ray on Amazon. Scary deals.. I wouldn't fret if you didn't buy it now, the PS3 release calender in the next 12 months is pretty much "screaming" awesome, but many exclusives aren't rolling out anytime soon. And the longer you wait, the more like you'll get Killzone 2 at the Platinum Hits price.
  25. Yeah, but I can't recall if the regular boosters looked any different from it or not? (I ask because Brera later has a booster attached to his Lucifer when he and Ranka were to depart with Ai-kun: it appeared like the Super Fold Booster from earlier, but it was never mentioned if it was the super, or a regular one.
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