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Everything posted by Letigre

  1. Oh my god..new signature right there..
  2. I rather like it, weirdness and all; though I wish that had not gone through the trouble of sweeping the wingtips forward, just so it can be differentiated from the VF-27.
  3. It definitely looks like a weird Lucifer variant, but I can get behind it.
  4. Bumblebee looks like the best out of the set, it doesn't seem like a real improment to the rest. And Bulkhead 's new color is a tad disturbing.
  5. I'd buy it..if only because it looks like the best representation left. Then again, I'm probably the only idiot who thinks the HA version was a step back.
  6. I think I could really care less about the small figures that came with the ship. They seem slightly off scale, not by fault but rather that it's impractical to sculpt precisely that size of a figure. Iguess they are nifty if you like them, but I do not think I'll ever use them for display myself.
  7. They had a lot of problems unloading their exclusive (first movie) Starscream repaints.. I know of two places where they languished for a couple months in an aisle display before banishment to clearance.
  8. That blows, becuase I don't think any of the ones stocked at my local store were white. ...woman would kill me for doing it anyway..
  9. Me neither. Merry Christmas to me! /selfish
  10. Awesome. I wonder why they have not played up that detail before.
  11. That might be one of the most enlightened things spoken here.
  12. The Tornado Pack honestly looks like a throwback to the SAP packs of the not-quite-canon Macross II. I can smell it now..the web-exclusive "Fold Edition" with the Ain Vajra figure.
  13. I'm on the fence, I haven't seen enough of the DX to tell if I like it or the model better. I do clamor for a VF-27 (my Macross collection will be mighty good enough for me with that) and February means I have enough time for my wallet to recover from Christmas and the Macross Quarter.
  14. I would worry about the mini details, I doubt we have seen production samples yet.
  15. Me neither, atleast if house shopping goes they way it should. I'll be happy enough to keep the one or two preorders I still have.
  16. Oh they best not be joshing.. December seems a tad optimistic. And based on that price (they can't cut a little more off that price since they are getting so much use of that mold?) I'll probably only get one and not the other and that's a maybe as well. (Why December!? bastards..)
  17. I have to say I've noticed the cleverness seen in Deluxes rarely is seen past Voyagers.
  18. I may end up buying this only since there is zero news on a DX release.
  19. Heaven only knows. I'm glad I've stuck with my early bird preorder thus far. And my wallet is yet more glad it is more than three months away too.
  20. I honestly though it was one of the better endings of any series I've ever seen. (especially in Sci fi, considering many rarely get to plot out their endings at all thanks to premature cancelations.) Amen.
  21. I guess I'm one of the few people that loved the ending of the series. That said..reboot..now..why? Can't these Hollywood *#$%^'s go after another IP like Buck Rogers already?
  22. Yep, I had a brief outage just now as well. It did similar for a little longer at nearly the same time yesterday.
  23. Mine made inbound at New York late this afternoon, so I should have it by tomorrow. On a related note, why is Japan Post always so slow about updating tracking information?
  24. GNU's can transform, you just are mistaking the whole line for the GNU-DOU line of non-transformng figures.
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