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Everything posted by macrossnake

  1. Another wonderful work from MW member. Can't wait to see you finish the whole project.
  2. It is just wrong. It needs a Borg Cube ship on its left side too!
  3. Got mine on last Friday, no customs charge as well. Yeah!
  4. awesome. Thanks for the scans.
  5. Look forward to see the awesome complete work.
  6. Don't really know her/the anime, but it looks very nice. 1/8 Ryouko Ookami
  7. Great. Let's hope to see a proper TV version in 18 months.
  8. Someone in Toysdaily is working on pannel line. It is looking awesome. from Toysdaily http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-144410-1-1.html
  9. Awesome, thanks Graham.
  10. awesome. Thx for the pic and the link. Waiting from Amiami... and review from Graham.
  11. Disappointed design. And don't get me start with the camp color tone.
  12. I like the idea, but the robot design look very bad.
  13. macrossnake

    SCOOP thread!

    2010年12月 出荷予定 予価  8,295 円(税込) More photos in here: http://www.yamato-toys.com/items/detail.php?gid=1820
  14. It is an excellent work, althought it is not my kind of color scheme.
  15. It is coming...
  16. damn, I want my 1/60 Phalanx and Spartan.
  17. thanks for the update, Graham. So this baby will pack with styrofoam? (I hope it is as great as Ingram packing) Is it possible to tell us how big is the packing box?
  18. lol I thought I am the only one notice this. Too early to say anything about the movie, but at least I think the director is good.
  19. Anyone has the PG rx78 (30th Anniversary Extra Finish Version)? I wonder is it any good? and anyone has any photos?
  20. Looks very promising.
  21. Yes, looks very interesting. But could any company come up with this horrible title name, sounds like some schoolboys' project.
  22. Can we get a scoop photo?
  23. I did a quick photoshop touch up... It aren't that bad.
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