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Everything posted by macrossnake

  1. OMG, just hear the second cooling system for their nuclear reactors just fail...
  2. Overall the CG is weak (especailly the character face modelling and animation)... hope the story is good.
  3. It looks great.
  4. I use HLJ for over 5 years... no real problem with them, fine service and nice packing. But their shipping time is very long, why? Because they ususally take three to five days in their 'processing' stage until they start to ship the package. That is not cool. So from ordering, confriming order, processing, shipping from Japan to Canada, and clear the custom etc..., it could takes as long as 2 weeks - even I use their EMS.
  5. Although, I already have one, that would be awesome. I love to get one or 2 more...
  6. Yes, but why needs to wait until 2012???
  7. Oh my god... I never would have thought that. No wonder.
  8. really want this figure.
  9. Somehow the trailer remind me Rocketeer, I don't know why. The trailer looks ok, I will go to see it...
  10. awesome. I also boke down and ordered mine before the sale ended... mine should be arrive sometime next week.
  11. I love 1J, tough decision... It depends on how well the new head sculpt is.
  12. After seeing what Yamato can do with the 1/24 AV-98 Ingram. I can't stop wondering, if Yamato can make a non-transformable re-sculpt 1/48 VF-1 Battroid mode. With beautiful paint job, lighting, great articulation and metal joints etc...
  13. macrossnake

    DX VF-171?

    I thought I am the only one - I also love VF-171, but dislike VF-17.
  14. 1/60 VF-4 please.
  15. I thought yamato has already made up their mind. (VF-17 as we all know will happen) Personally, I would certainly perfer 1/60 Destroid Phalanx or Destroid Monster to anything else. A 1/3000 Britai Nupetiet Vergnitzs Class Battleship would be cool too, afterall 1/3000 SDF-1 needs its counterpart!
  16. I think we all kind of know that (VF-17) coming from Graham months ago. I still hope that would be Phalanx or Monster. (Oh, forgot this is the scoop post. please delete my post if it is needed.)
  17. Will wait until they release some trailers... so far the photos are not doing much to me.
  18. If it is half as good as Ghost in the Shell SAC... I am all in it.
  19. Nice. 1/24 Patlabor is a piece of art, awesome work from yamato. Can you post some photos later, please? I would love to see some photos of this version... (can hardly see any reviews about this CLAT version - all photos I can find are coming from Yamato offical pics)
  20. Kind of hoping to get the TV Max. Now it is gone, never mind... already spend too much on my SDF1 and another toys in xmas time.
  21. Althought I love all the Destroid, I think the setting prices were too high to begin with... It put a lot of people off. Now they are in discount price, but it is too late. People lose interest and knowing PHALANX and THE SPARTAN won't be coming, that hurts too.
  22. I think it looks pretty good on a flexi... although I haven't tried it on mine yet. You can check out the Collection Display thread. Derex3592 is using it. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=34339&st=105
  23. Wow, I can't wait to see the amazing lighting...
  24. 1/24 Ingram is one of the best toy Yamato ever produce. With the sale price like this, it is well worth of the money. Even I already have the normal version already, I am very tempted to get the blue Clat version too(because the huge price drop)!
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