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Everything posted by macrossnake

  1. More importantly, what will the new Robocop look like... Anyway, I just don't think they should remake Robocop. It might end up like the new Conan movie.
  2. When will the Grey Fox and Snake figures out? I want them badly!
  3. My heart always have a special place for Farscape.
  4. I also like M Pfeiffer's Catwoman. BTY here is the new BatWing, in case you haven't seen it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSVEgMvDP7o&feature=related
  5. It is going to look amazing without a doubt. Now, if only I can find the teaser...
  6. Another HDP resin kit... very disappointed.
  7. The Iron monger seriously looks awesome. Hope it is not too 'expensive'.
  8. hope the movie is good. I am looking forward to this too.
  9. I like this movie, very entertaining. Truth, this movie received way too much hate.
  10. pretty funny... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilp6MggkpwU
  11. Legion was bad... how can this one worst than that?! (I like Daybreakers...) Should I waste my time and money?
  12. I ordered the Kong Monster 2 weeks ago, it took over a week to process. I think it was because the golden holiday week. They were kind of closed.
  13. I love this special SD Macross opening. and this macross game opening http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0P5e3Qt2lM&NR=1
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