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Everything posted by macrossnake

  1. More importantly, what will the new Robocop look like... Anyway, I just don't think they should remake Robocop. It might end up like the new Conan movie.
  2. looks good, very expensive though.
  3. When will the Grey Fox and Snake figures out? I want them badly!
  4. My heart always have a special place for Farscape.
  5. 2012 autumn... gzzz, it takes forever...
  6. look forward to see them in color!
  7. that is awesome news.
  8. I also like M Pfeiffer's Catwoman. BTY here is the new BatWing, in case you haven't seen it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSVEgMvDP7o&feature=related
  9. It is going to look amazing without a doubt. Now, if only I can find the teaser...
  10. Another HDP resin kit... very disappointed.
  11. The Iron monger seriously looks awesome. Hope it is not too 'expensive'.
  12. hope the movie is good. I am looking forward to this too.
  13. I like this movie, very entertaining. Truth, this movie received way too much hate.
  14. pretty funny... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilp6MggkpwU
  15. Legion was bad... how can this one worst than that?! (I like Daybreakers...) Should I waste my time and money?
  16. I ordered the Kong Monster 2 weeks ago, it took over a week to process. I think it was because the golden holiday week. They were kind of closed.
  17. He looks too skinny.
  18. I would like to see a VF-171... not VF-17.
  19. Yes, MG Delta Plus, that is awesome.
  20. I love this special SD Macross opening. and this macross game opening http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0P5e3Qt2lM&NR=1
  21. This new show just looks awful.
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