I feel your pain. I started my toy collection a few years ago, gundam, macross, all different kind of toys/figures and a lot of video games too... BTY I am also in video game industry myself. It certainly worrying. So many projects are being canceled and so many laid off...
People spending money for their pets, sport cars and big house. Toy is no different.
However, diffcult time like this meaning careful spending and perpare the worst. I am lucky that still have a job and still single. Whatever I spend, just be sure that I can really able to afford and still have certain amount of saving each month! Most of my toy collections are based on my childhood dream too. I guess it is rather common to us who like collect toys. Things that we couldn't own when we were kid, now we can!
If I were you, I wouldn't sell my toys collections unless there is no other options. Your collections may be nice, however it is hard to get a good deal since economy is so bad. And you might have a tough time to get/buy them back oneday! You could just start to find different type of job to pay the bid, that might not be video game related - you might even hate it, but just for now, be strong.
Video game industry will looks bad in recenty months/years, lots of laid off and down scale companys/projects. But it is actually make the whole industry stronger in a long run, better bussiness practice, better planing and better management.
Please just keep trying. Good days will come.
Good luck.