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Everything posted by macrossnake

  1. This new color version looks bad!
  2. AT-ST, cool. Waiting to see this happen for a long time, very good news. Thx. Hope they will reissue the 6" Speederbike too...
  3. True, the decals didn't come with the toy. All are the 'leftover' decals from all the toys/model kits that I have over all years...
  4. Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, not a lot of Mech action, but story is awesome, highly recomment.
  5. Beautiful work.
  6. Tamashii Web Shop exclusive. (Alto custom color armored parts only. ) It is coming out sometime this month.
  7. It said that is Movie version collection. Maybe a new scene aboout Sheryl and a fish?!
  8. Dr. Hannibal Lecter form the The Silence of the Lambs!
  9. Good to hear they sort it out for you so quickly. Here is my Proto Garland with some stickers on.
  10. It is a "war" machine! Very cool, man.
  11. looks pretty cute. from Toysdaily... http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-107842-1-1.html
  12. Yes, man. I feel your pain! Most of the toys I have are from online stores...
  13. Lets have a look the pic.
  14. I am confuse too. Or maybe Strike Rouge + Sky Grasper(PG)???
  15. 2009 is not done yet... I don't think we should vote for it yet. So far, Star Trek is 'summer movie' entertainment, but District 9 is much better sci-fi movie. Story is deeper and engaging. D9 is on my top list of the sci-fi movies in recent years. Also, Cameron's Avatar is coming in Dec... expect some good, but can't see it will be better than D9, Star Trek or even T4...
  16. That is beautiful. Wonderful 'weather' finished!
  17. I have a 1J too, looks good. But I also like to have the 'gray visor' version that is only included in the coming Armor Box set! damn it.
  18. That is beautiful. Awesome work!
  19. lol Yes. As a fan, I can't believe that I haven't bought/watched this yet! http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/images/...779&sr=8-19
  20. I have loved and disappointed about Flashback 2012. Love all the loving warm feeling about the series and all the music. Disappointed about so little new footage... even they are all good.
  21. http://www.yamato-toys.com/items/detail.php?gid=1471 Of course it is.
  22. cute
  23. Nice, we needs more crossover 'UFC style' fighting.
  24. I bet it will outsize anything that you have on your shelf... the only question is how much it will cost us with a huge details toy like this from Yamato! Start saving....
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