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Everything posted by macrossnake

  1. It is time for me to defend my belove VF-4. I like VF-2ss battriod mode, but no way that you can bad mouth the mighty VF-4 fighter mode!
  2. If Yamato(or any toy company) can do it right, the VF-4 Battroid can look pretty good! Let's see it again since we are going to have a new poll from Graham later anyway....
  3. Someone has done that.
  4. The leg join of my Proto was boken after a few mins I transformed it in the first time (guess I was unlucky and might used froce in a wrong way...), then I got the part replacement. Now it is fine.
  5. I don't hate Vf-2ss, It really is my second choice from the list, I just like VF-4 better. However I feel VF2ss does have the 80s 'super robot war' style in it. That is rather different than another Valks. One more VF-4 photo from me.
  6. I can see this poll/thread is getting out of hand... Agent, you have some strange 'QUOTE' is coming from nowhere. At the end of the day, Yamato might end up making none of these toys on the list anyway. Peace.
  7. Agent, where did you find this QUOTE? I can't find these comment in this thread...?!
  8. Too many VF2ss pic/photos been post in here, it is time to see some VF-4!
  9. I am also surprise at the VF2ss too, popularity of the Macross II serie is hardly high. And I still think the Bandai VF2 model-kit can offer pretty good value anyway... However, don't get me wrong, I like the look of the VF-2, it would be my second choice of the list. VF-4 is still my favorite of all. Anyway, Ilove this photo... let's see the VF-4 again. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=60765
  10. Let's have a look at the mighty VF-4 Lighting III VF-0D looks pretty similar to the 0S ad 0A. I love Zero, I would much perfer to see the 'reactive armor' for the 0S. Bandai had done VF-17 and VF-19 (Basara) toys before, hardly perfect, but they are there... also some modelkits too. VF-2SS is an odd ball. It looks good, but not a Kawamori design. It also have a fairly well Bandai model kit in the market. VF-4 is the only one being left out for all these years Guys, it is a longshot... VF-4 ia a Legend. Just vote for your heart.
  11. Arnold said 'Wrong!' Seriously, who wouldn't want them all. Just get the one you like the most first (if you can afford it). My personal order: VT1 first VE1 M & M the last.
  12. VF-4, I know it is a long shot... The thing about the VF-4, it is like a legend. It only apprears in a few second in Fashback. No one ever see its transformation in motion. However it is the last Valk that really relate with original heros - Hikaru and Misa. Everytime you wonder what happen to them, your mind will go with the Megaroad and VF-4. I really hope Yamato will understand that is the 'Legendary hero' Valk that many Macross fans would like to see it to make into a toy that it really deserve.
  13. I second that, please. VF-4 Lightning III
  14. No needs to guess.... one and only.
  15. Good news, although I don't have the money for them...
  16. Don't know what scale is it... about 13com long. http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/013715/
  17. New Sheryl swimsuit figure here: news from: http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/013717/
  18. haahaa, i means this photo... wrong quote (above). LOL
  19. This is the most 'creative' photo I have seen in this thread. also make me laugh. Awesome! Yes, UPS suck in Canada too!
  20. Very nice setup and collection... also notice the cool 'Voltron'!
  21. That is bad ass! The photo looks so cool.
  22. Damn, if only they make it into a new MG...
  23. The doll is just in time for Halloween!
  24. Don't know if anyone mention this one. This is a good(bad) one! Stansfield from Léon (The Professional) You never want to piss this guy off.
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