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Everything posted by macrossnake

  1. Agree. 1/100 MG would be great.
  2. How about this one? It is coming soon... R u ready for the Golden Fist?!
  3. Let's us think about it... We have thousands of members in here. Has anyone ever spend over 2000 US dollars in ONE toy??? (woman and car don't not count ) Seriously. Does Bandai still has Macorss TV/DYRL toy license? If so... After they release the 30 cm tall Quarter from Macross Frontier... I hope Bandai will make a 30 cm tall DYRL Macross!
  4. yes, 2000!!!??? WTF, I feel sick now....
  5. I think the SDF-1 looks 'small' because it has a BIG Minmay doll in the front of the camera...
  6. I want one.... damn it, where can I find it in Canada?
  7. I am hoping Bandai will release more 1/20 Votoms model kit with the new animation coming.
  8. same here, looking forward to the re-issued Max gokin Mazinkaiser very much.
  9. Not sure if I feel exciting about it. Not that I don't like Yamato the old animation, just the idea of the live movie of it. It is scary to think about how much work is needed for making a good sci-fi movie. And they only have about 12 months to do it!
  10. Really? It looks good in the photos though... I would like to see more metal since that is one of the main reason I buy/like SOC.
  11. And the shipping cost is going to be a killer.
  12. wow. yes, why the hell they have a TV SDF-1 poster in the background?
  13. me too. Won't be surprise that Bandai will release another color/ movie version later...
  14. U r an evil man.
  15. I want a 1/60... Before the dream happen, I will get this one for sure!
  16. I agree. The new pack is wider and rounder than the lineart. We can see the noise of the fighter looks very short compare with the drawing... Overall, I do think it looks very 'Gundam-lish'. Not sure I like that design.
  17. Agree, I love my Tomahawk and Denfender. But wish Yamato did more tampo printing on them.... afterall they are not 'cheap'. Hope Yamto will bring out a Spartan (or even Monster) after Phalanx.
  18. I worry the movie version might be a little more than just color changes... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...35&start=35 from member Renato: Hidetaka Tenjin is interviewed in the "Super Dimensional Disc" included with the special edition of Macross Ultimate Frontier for the PSP. He reveals that the Macross Quarter has been redesigned in some way (no images shown) and "will give off a totally different impression".
  19. It is too early to say if I like it or not. Never a big fan of Stargate. I keep my mind open until I see more.
  20. I feel the same, I hope it will be 'painted' with matt coat finished. I love the Unicorn design, however I am worry about this "transformable' GFFMC version (armor) might fall apart like the MG ...
  21. This 11C color theme better than 11B.... It would nice if this is included some 'Focker' skull stickers for customize... i can only dream.
  22. Welcome to the 'war zone'. I start to wonder this poll is a booby trap set up by Graham. In fact, Yamato already has its next two years Macross release plan done.
  23. Damn it Yamato, just tell me how much... I needs to perpare!
  24. I like what I see so far, hope it comes with the stands.
  25. and look at this.... please Yamato!
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