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Everything posted by macrossnake

  1. I have a 1/24 version, a bit smaller than this new one. I have seen this new one in the shop, looks a bit 'plastic-ish'. However, I didn't know it can light up with sound effect, I might have to go back and get it before they run out!!! By the way, can those wheels flip over like the movie (while it take off)?
  2. Amazing weathering job.
  3. I am still thinking to get a Big-O later (if the price go down)... Is Big-O really that 'light weight'? Even 'small-ish' GX49 is heavier?
  4. I like Mk I and II both. Both are great toys. It would be very hard to find Mk I now if you don't have it already...
  5. Same here, I has mention this a few times in this form. I do think the color is too light in the recent photos they release. I will wait and see if the Quarter has a different color in the movie...
  6. I wish they will have the 1/60 Armored Part set "with missile launch effect" instead of all the weathering exclusives....
  7. You never know. They have done DX chogokin for Aquarion before...
  8. This Daitarn 3 prototype has been showed a few weeks ago, but no one has post it here yet... l've never seen the show though. Rumor Tobikage from Ninja Senshi Tobikage will be next, let's hope so.
  9. The whole large scale high cost Yamato DYRL Macross is a publicity disaster... Truth being told, many fans/members are having a tough time to accept to pay 200-300 US dollars for a Yamato (macorss) toy for quite some time now.
  10. The GX50 looks good, but why the blue is so 'saturated'(bright)... I perfer the darker blue in the older version.
  11. Great new, thx Graham.
  12. I hope Yamato will make Type Zero oneday, I like Zero better.
  13. I like the overall heavy mech design, except the head! Otherwise, this could be my first Zoids toy/model.
  14. Time has change... I think the storyline moving much faster than it should be. I guess it also depends on how much new storylines the writers put into this new remake. So far, the first ep is ok, not impress by the special effect/design much, but I like most of the cast, and they are doing some fine job. I hope it will have some surprise storyline later on.
  15. Do you mean this one? I think it is non-scale (i could be wrong), it is 17 cm tall though. It looks great, but it is also expensive. 12,600 yen !
  16. I feel that is the Yamato marketing department's fault and no one else. Exposed the SDF-1 prototype in a public exhibition in the early stage (release date announcement with no price but $500 dollars price tag rumor started), and then more print report in the magazine etc... giving the fans wrong impression and fake hope. (Leading many Macross fans believe that they can own it next year). All these time, Yamato had done nothing to indicate this toy/model is aimed for the 'exclusive collector' market. Bad marketing, publicity disaster!
  17. It looks a little better(by adjust the satruation) and interesting, than the first trailer. But the alien still looks like Thunder Cat to me.
  18. Is anyone getting this one... GX-51. I still think the chest armor doesn't look 'right' somehow. Please show some photos if anyone has it in the future...
  19. I own both Psycho Gundam and G3 version RX78 too. I simply not understand why Z-plus is not fully painted as 'ALL' GFF MC series product should be. I want to see the Z-plus paint quality is the same as the rest of the MC product. Even with many transformation parts, it should still hold... (After all both Psycho Gundams have some transformation too.) I am not saying Z-plus is not a good toy. I would simply expect better paint/finish quality imho.
  20. I am also looking forward to the GFFMC Unicorn very much. However, I wouldn't bet any money on it until I see the final product and review. I just don't want to see a half done 'white plastic' looking product as Z-plus.
  21. I hope the Bandai DX Quarter sell very well when it come out, it will show how big mistake Yamato is making....
  22. So the 'complete' toy version is going to be more expensive or less? 210,000円 plus the labour cost that put the model together??? Let the guessing game begin, how much do you think it is going to be this time. May cost an arm and kidney?
  23. answer: Money!
  24. I've never seen any nice Macross box art from Yamato.
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