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Queen Kittan

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Keeping track of your money is no easy task. It's very easy to overspend thinking you'll make money back quicker than you actually do. I've had money come and go from my account without knowing where it went or how it got there. Either way it's like teasing a dog. Some japanese collectibles are just insanely priced, like some of the SHE ones(far too fragile to justify the cost), and the Fewture Ex Gohkin Getter Robo figures(just extra detailes SoCs really).
  2. If they weren't popular they wouldn't continue to make them basically, and there definitely wouldn't be 3 companies making lower end Macross figs, the problem is there's no lower end transforming macross figs.
  3. I don't mind simplified/cheaty transformation, and I disagree. Studio Half Eye does a lot of stuff smaller. I guess it's pretty fragile but 1/100 Macross is a little larger than those. There needs to be Macross figures similar to deluxe Henkei Transformers. I'd buy a Valk of a similar quality to Henkei screamer, though preferably a little better as Screamer is one of the more simple ones.
  4. Um, this maybe? If Revoltech and GNU-Dou are both making Valkyries(not to mention Bandai's Robot Spirits) then obviously there is a large market for lower end figures. There are however no simple transforming figures for an equivalent price of the revoltech. I shouldn't need to prove there's a market for cheap transforming toys, Transformers Henkei seems to be doin' fine.
  5. I think this is nonsense because it makes it far too easy to inflate prices beyond their worth. Yes, I do get to say what's "too expensive", not some overly capitalistic system run by sleezeballs in suits. The fact is that supply and demand are different either way for items at different price. An item at a cheaper price becomes a very diferent item to the same product at a more expensive price. The DEMAND for Macross figures at a cheaper price is probably higher than you think, it's just nobody's really tested the market with them. The success of Kaiyodo's revoltech Macross figures however would suggest it's quite high. Prices should reflect the resources that go into them. Overly inflated "arteest" prices are one of the big causes of people spending beyond their means, plonking down unnecessary amounts for things that shouldn't cost as much as they do. The market rulers, the corporate bigwigs, are the ones determining prices. The fact is that cheaper items in of themselves sell more so often you're making more or less the same amount of money regardless of price - people generally have a set amount they'll actually spend on Macross figures for example. Now, of course, there is a scenario where this won't hold as I said, and that's when people end up spending beyond their means - which is one of the biggest causes of the global economic down turn. The vicious form of capitalism spearheaded by the west, with it's artificial money(currency was untied from gold in the late 70s as an experiment) is what drives up prices of things like relatively simple transforming toys. Things should better reflect the resources to go in them because it makes sense. When things are more tied to resources, corporate hounds can't draw capital out of the common man's pocket to the same degree since they're only charging for what's there. Of course, that's relying too much on business men to be kind, but at the end of the day, they're farting their own economy over doing what they do. Overpriced goods are a short term solution, not a long term one. In the long term economies break down when they're based on imaginary trust. The only really to inflate prices is if the figures are in a smaller run(which will be more expensive anyway because of the cost of the injection mould process). There the supply is genuinely quite limited - whereas with Macross figures there's such a wide fanbase there's a lot of demand, and there's no real resource limitation on supply - look at how common Transformers are here. A lot of people who talk about Supply and Demand have read a few economics books, been involved with business but haven't given much thought to the practicality at the end of the little guy. Most toy companies, especially western ones like Hasbro, usually aren't all that in touch with their markets anyway.
  6. Everyone is making Macross figs at the moment though Kaiyodo, Bandai, Yamato, etc.
  7. ffff this attitude made me range. Kind of what farted up the world economy to begin with. 9/10.
  8. Okay. I've decided the parts swapping is a bit much for me. These figs just aren't worth it for me. Are there going to be properly transforming figs in this size range?
  9. Maybe it was the Toynami ones I saw then. These ones sure as hell weren't higher quality than Takara Transformers or any more complicated looking.
  10. I was in a forbidden planet in Dublin, Ireland a while back and they had the old Yamato Valkyries for about €36. FP can be pricey on some things, but has decent deals on others. It sems the figs in general are quite expensive. I know inflation and all that, but the cost still doesn't seem to work out if you compare it to Takara's Transformers. It's frustrating as I'd like to be able to afford a bunch of transforming valkyries but it's too expensive.
  11. Will there be extra parts lying around in either mode or will all the parts get used? Like the way some transformers you have to take bits off. I see no reason why they should need 2 sets of pieces.
  12. Okay some questions! This is a long thread. 1) What is the official release date of the VF-25. 2) I can't decide whether to get Ozma's or Alto's! Ozmas kind of looks cooler but I like the red on Alto's. I wish they were cheaper
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