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Everything posted by Smegalot

  1. here is the link http://ireport.cnn.com/blogs/ireport-blog/2010/10/12/our-very-own-superheroes If you go to the ROBOTECH facebook page, they go on about it there to. I think HG is doing anything to stay in the lime light. Not producing anything, but trying to make out how important they are to the Anime community....
  2. Did anybody see the post in Facebook about Tommy being at the con? It tried to say that heaps of people just went to see him, and they did a linked post in CNN.
  3. For me is the MPC's. But the time it was the only Valks that I knew off. And the other is the Revy Transformable valks I just can't get into them. And for those guy's who hate everything, "treatment" & "anime52kb". Why are you posting on this thread? It sounds like you guy's just want to stir the pot. And if you hate all the Macross toys in existance, Maybe, just maybe you should get another hobby, or interest.
  4. Which Vinnes did you go to? I live in Brisbane
  5. I actually thought that when you trade mark a name it can only be done as how it is presented in it logo. Otherwise VIRGIN would be trying to get everyone who uses that name. But I think HG will only be able to pedal macross stuff. the other series were never that popular. And the Macross franchise is getting stronger in Japan, and they want some of that. We all know that nothing original has come from HG at all. The Shadow chronicals was interesting and added to the ROBOTECH saga. But macross really has nothing to do with it. And from what I orginally heard that they brought the license off a third party who didn't really own it at the time. And for the so called changes the did to Macross to make it ROBOTECH was so little. I have watched both recently again and i think Carl Malkck only altered a little bit to suit the RS and that's it. there is no way that they can say that they made it better or improved it any way. All I can say is that they did what they used to do when they brought anime orginally from Japan. they used to change the names and some of the basic story to suit western TV. Starblazers is an example. Enough of my rambling for the day. that's my 2 cents worth anyway.
  6. That is really cool, where did you ever get such a cool Basara figure?
  7. Wow it looks good, how much would it bee as a resin kit? It would be great customised to go with my no paint 1:60 once I get to it
  8. It looks great, and all that work payed off. the tamiya weathring kit is more for tanks and ground vehicles. It is a powder not a paint. It helps to simulate mud and the such I find that a little bit of dry brushing can produce some great weathing results. It can be used to hight light wear. Say silver/metal at commonly used joints and a sandy type colour to show that it has been in a desert. I do that on my Gundams to give it the worn look. Just buy a matchbox car and experiment on it, It's not expensive and it doesn't really matter what happens to it. Unless you collect them. I hope this helps. And thanks for the tips for Airbrushing to.
  9. More BD of macross to get. I would get the orginall series if they would realse it, even though the animation is old. just to see it nice an crisp would be fantastic.
  10. Same here, i have the full set of Frontier Blu-Ray. The Picture alone is worth it, watching it in full HD. And have looked at getting zero as well. But if they released them in Blu-ray with Subs. I would get them. I have always wondered why they haven't before. Since most DVD/Blu-ray's in western releases have subtitles, and for them to put english subs on new release anime Blu-Ray/DVD's would be a great idea. I know that there sales would go up, as fans of these anime want the best quality and would pay for it. I know I would. That's my 2 cents worth anyway.
  11. I agree, but at least it has the full armour pack, with the add ons. Unlike the DX Version which it was a mail away.....
  12. I have the fast pack version, now it looks like I have to get the normal one..... At last a TV Roy figure for the valk................. AndI like the look of it. Can never get enough VF-1's I think........ just wish they would release the no-paint kit will all the head types. Customs would be fun to make.....
  13. I think it is only speculation about the OVA, and the Roobotech homepage hasn't had any updates for a while either. They could either be trying to keep peoples interest in robotech. As for a series there has nothing been until RSC. And before that it was the orginal Dubbed and re-written series to make the "Anime" series that we know as Robotech. I would prefer to wait to see what happens before I jump to any conclusion. But we know that they can't use any macross related stuff. Because all they "supposedly have rights" to is the Distribution rights to "Macross", not the intelectual content or the designs. And it all came up when Yamoto wanted to release the Macross Plus 1:72 all those years ago. They simply saw a way to make cash with out doing any leg work, and it still going. And Scince Bandai have an arm overseas I don't think they will just hand over any new stuff to say hey we paid to get it dobe, now we are going to pay you money to distribute it for us. Even though we know we have our own company that can do it. As for the MF movie. I have seen bits of it, and some of teh deign work. Most of the Characters and mecha have had some redesign work and colouration changes. Which will be good. As for the new robotech project. I say wait until more comes out. as it is all only speculation. And HG should just let Macross go, it has out grown them, and was only a borrowed property to begin with. that's my 2 cents worth anyway.
  14. Nicely done, Bassara would be proud
  15. They look cool, and I agree with what was said before. I never would of thopught of Max and Mirya's VF-IJ. great wook.
  16. Very nice, even though the old Bandi 1:55 was nice for it's time. But this rocks, any one have a date?
  17. Wow that is great work and very inspiring. just one questionhow did you get the white panel lines? They look awsome. Can't wait to see more fo your work
  18. All I can say is wow. It looks great. And wow again....
  19. The video looks great. I can't wait to see the actual game play. Does anyone have any idea of when the release date is?
  20. Cool, the date sounds good, and don't conflict with any other dates. Such as my other half's birthday. And it also gives me enough time to start working on my model for the con. also is it still at the Golda Coast?
  21. Just got my Payment Request from Ami Ami. OS I take it the tnfo that they send it reliable, payment and order number si all you need? am just used to places that send a link to PayPal that has it all filled out. Does the YF-27 Come with a stand?
  22. If they rebooted it it would be interesting to see what they do. Gundam Seed was supposed to be a reboot of the original gundam. Personally I would love Battle scenes be extended and more detailed with up-dated animation, and made into widescreen. And do not change the story. And no Robotech stuff like Graham has been saying, HG has made sure that no-one has really scene any new Macross stuff. All I can say about them is stupid idiots. All they have a license for it Robotech and nothing else. I know you can only copyright a word in it's logo text but not the word. Other wise Virgin would be taking on every one for using its name. I would say add more depth to the characters. Also include more moden technology like modile phones and the such. The orginal creators at teh time didn't know that it would happen at the orginal time of the launch. But on the Mecha design keep it the same and maybe CG it to match the new series such as M0 & MF. But really how can you improve a great series like this. except to try and bring younger fans to view it. Thats my 2 cents worth anyway.
  23. I have a v 2.0 VF-1J Cannon fodder. But still have to take it out of it's box
  24. Cool, I remeber making those myself. I still have a few on my Shelf, even though they have a bit of ware and tear. I mnade these probably 10+ years ago. and I still like them. ANd the old ARII kits are still good
  25. I would honestly like all of the list and teh ideas that everyone has come up with. With one or two additions. 1: A carry case for way 4+ valks. Moving house can be a pain. And the slight chance of breaking them is a pain, and it would be helpfully as a storage place for the all the other optional gear that isn't used after putting the 1:60's or 1:48's on display. At the moment I am using a tuperware container. 2: and with the no paint-kit all the head types and more option decals. be cool to see what happens in the end. my 2 cents worth anway
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