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Everything posted by Smegalot
I thik HG see only mainly English speaking countries as there targets. USA, UK, Australia...etc But it is funny about the new 1:100 toynami ones coming out with the ones from DYRL. I think someone else put it correctly. Marketing ones from a movie that they have never released. Wonder what they are hoping for. My 2 cents worth
I think has really hit the nail right on the head. They have started to make them selves less tolerable because of this situation. I can understand that they don't want Robotech stamped out. But they could of used the comming of newer Macross series as a spring board to try and create new fans for Robotech, say in an add saying see where the interest in macross began internationally, and sold DVD sets say, one having the original version and the robotech version included, and so forth. And they could of helped generate interest in the newer series of Macross and tried to sell to Bandai that they would distribute it for them. But the uber fans seem to not want to know about, as the Robotech vesrions are better then the originals in there mind set. I admit. I still think fondly of Robotech as I used to watch it before going to school, and recorded it all on Video. But I accept that was over 20 years ago. And fandom stuff that has survived has continually created new stories and information to keep the punters interested (eg Star Trek - Star Wars). Not just the fans them selves. And I think HG has backed themselves into a corner. The only other way for them to get out to create a new series to get people interested again, and say hey check where it all began. But who knows what they have planned. End of line (couldn't resit watch Tron last night)
Interesting to read that HG has real estate interests. It makes some sense why they are acting that way about the Macross license and the "product" called robotech. They don't really know about anime and the fandom that much. Just trying to milk as much as they can without much work, which is real estate in the broad manner. (sorry to all real estate people in the forum) I remember joining the Robotech home page about 2001 when it first started. and liked going to it. But it is like a page that never changes now. there is no new news as they haven't been creating anything new. And until there is, Robotech is going to die it's own death. And all the robotech fans are waiting on the chronicles of Rick Hunter which will never happen because they don't own the rights to the Macross characters. Just the distribution rights. And now reading of the Robotech haters. That is such a mornic concept. I still like it for what it is, but do not hate it. All people want them to do is just let the newer Macross series through. And as some one pointed out that all series need a distributor. But they have the Bandai arm to do that. HG should have to purchase the right to distribute the newer series if they want them as in all companies that distribute anime. Not black mail a company for them. As for more Robotech Fans then Macross fans is interesting. I think that is wrong. I haven't even bothered to look for the podcasts but I would guess that it would most likely be the same people doing them all. And watching them. Sort of a self perpetual motion machine. And I think Macross is getting new fans everyday, with the new Movie coming out and merchandise, should get peoples attension. What has HG/Robotech done to attact new fans? Other then promise more or new "product" which is never coming, or is delayed, for how many issues. And from what I am reading they can't really distribute much these days, and they have pissed off most distributers. (Funanimation & WB). So there options are few. Just be interesting to see where they go now. Wonder what Tommy and the others there have planned and will actually do to try an reboot Robotech. I will probably get flammed from die hard Robotech fans for this post. But there is much more anime out there then Robotech. And it still is only based on others works. Which will never match up to the orginal creators ideas. It was great for it's time. But that time is over. Time to move on and see what else is out there. enough of my wafling on, and that's my 2 cents worth.
I wonder why they were upset with Ricard Epcar's interview. All the stuff he did for HG was years ago, and SC failed big time. Of course he would mention the newer sucessful series that he has been doing. Because that is what he is most known for. Robotech has had it's day, and that day is now over. I admit I enjoyed Robotech in the day as it introduced me to anime. But holding on to like some these guy's do. They have issues. I guess I will probably get flamed by some Robotech nut. But there is more anime out there then Robotech. And these voice actors have to make a living. And there are great stories that need there talents. And the fact still remains that all the anime they used was borrowed for Robotech and no real designs they came up with are orginal. And were never ment to be in one series by the original creators. Sort of like trying to say that Star Wars happened after Star Trek....... and create a very tenous link, that can never be shown in one place beause they were never made to be together. But I think the guy's at HG are just trying to save a dying company more then anything else from what I have seen and read. I am amazed they still have employees. You need a product to sell, and to keep the punter interested you need new product and HG suck at that. Time and time again. Until next time.
On another funny front. I was going through YouTube looking at the Macross toy reviews, and some Robotech Fan, has put shitcross as a comment in most. Go figure...... I personally think HG is holding on to an old license and not letting any new Macross get through without there cut. And not allowed to put it out without or lable on it. But all they have done is make them selves look bad in the end with no new "product" out and not for a long time either just promises as per usual. And they are doing there fans a diservice by not letting them move on. heck I nearly think they are hoping for a revival like Star Trek did all those years ago. But unlike that franchise they did not have anything new come out fiction or product wise to build on. So here we are. I think they will be arguing the license issue for quite a while. But the internet lets all the new stuff through. So they should just let it die. They have made enemies out of the people that they wanted the new animation from. And are holding on to what has been created before. To try and get as much buck for little work..... that my two cents worth
Hearing all these stories about Parent's Disaproving and ex-GF is familer to me. I had a X a few years back that was trying to convince me to give it all up and take up what her family liked. And all I said to that was. I was into collecting way before I met you. And it is a part of me. The relationship failed. But I have a new partner that understands. And I have had the parents issue to. The accept it now, knowing that they will not change me. But I had to debate for a while. And when I showed the cost compared to my brothers Motorbike collection they changed there mind. And the fact that it gives me pleasure and as others have said about compairing it to spending money at the pub to watch idiots run up and down a field chasing a ball, while attempting to hug each other (rugbe league/union). Most people usually shut up and walk away. I just think there is this old stigmar about it being toys and no one sees that quality and engineering that go into them. But times are changing and it is more acceptable. As they say Nerds will inherit the earth. And I think more and more people are collecting. that's my 2 cents worth
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AllI can say is that I have bad timing. Like heap of the other guys, I brought mine at full price. But hey that happens. But it let me finish off my DYRL Skull squadron and Vermillon. At a nice decent price. Just wish they had cheap shipping to. But one can dream
Wow, that is fantastic. I can't wait to see how it looks when it is completed
I agree with Seto, only in the Macross portion of Robotech had a transforming battle cruiser. And only because it was the only way to fire a main Cannon. And was never continued after that. And looking at the designs for the ArchAngel in Battiliod mode it looked like a poor man's SDF-1. And only a concept idea. Which from the looks of it never took off. I just recently went through the Shadow Chronicles Art Book. An most of the designs for the Robotech Force were rehashes of the designs used for Mosepeada. And for the Super Alpha fighter. There were no pictured of it in battliod mode. And it looks so much like a super Valkirye armour. But in essicance HG hangs on the macross portion as it was the most popular. And really the only successful toys they have made are the Zentradi Battle Pods as no other company has made any at all. And fans want these to pose next to their valk's. But yes I would say the concept came when they saw the popularity of Macross and their transformable battle ships, and wanted to show it was there concept to. But alas we will still have to wait along time for anything from HG, as all they do is promise and have nothing to show as a "product" for the future of Robotech. Shadow chronicles could of been a stepping stone to something new. But to no avail. I though it might of been a start to a new series (Like Star Wars - The Clone Wars did). But nothing has happened. Robotech has ground to a halt, and the eger fans wanting more. But that won't happen for a long long time. Thats my 2 cents worth anyway
Just watching that, they seemed to be originally going on about the new series which did not happen. Then the licensing of Macross. which i think will plague HG wherever they go now. The cat is out of the bag and won't go back in I just kept laughing when he kept on saying product, and coming soon. ANd some people cheered. ANd here we are 6 years later and nothing much has changed. But i agree. this debate hasn't had anything new for a while...... my additional 2 cents worth
Finally, our VF-1 PE set is finished, soon~ in 1/48 scale~
Smegalot replied to newca's topic in The Workshop!
wow, I'm in for 1 or 2 sets if I can, will have to pay for them late November -
Will be watching your step by step. I usually do my panel lines with my .3m mechanical pencil, and it comes out black when I protective coat it.
It looks like an awesome cake, I love it at my wedding. But I think it wouldn't even make it pass the Dear, I have a wonderful idea fro a cake..... I agree, did she want to dress up as Minmay, or did he want it.........
What he means is the the cups from HG come with a warning say that the cup maybe toxic...
Seto Kaiba (That name reminds me of Yu-Gi-oH!). you're pretty cool, and thanks for updating me on some facts that I didn't know (I remember reading those facts I quoted at the Valkyrie exchange). And I think you are on the money about it eclipsing Robotech. But it is too late. To many people know about the other series. heck once I found about them online I looked into it more, as would anyone. Robotech is great as it is. And it's future hangs on it being original. But HG is a business that wants to make profits for it share holders. Thus all this mess. Look at the Silver Surfer. They could not include him in Planet Hulk Animated movie, because of licensing issues. I can now understand why Marvel set up their own movie company. So they have more control over their own ideas. But HG is stuck now, just hoping that the producers of the new Macross series want to distribute it internationally. SC failed, I admit I was dying to see it when it came out. But I nearly thought it was a pilot for a new series that never came to be, A shame it could not of advanced. and then Macross Frontier came out which must of thrown a unwanted cog into there plans, and sales weren't that good for SC, But hey a series could of been done (the original Gundam took a few goes before it sunk in), and Macross would not of been in the works at all. But Frontier with it's new up todate GCI and animation screwed that plan up. But still the licensing issues continue. And the internet has defeated most issues of holding shows back. In Australia now we get most shows nearly after they are released, to many people download them these days, and the Channels try and get the fellowship for the advertising . An most subbed shows come out within days of being released. And I do praise the people who do these subs. because without them I would not of had a chance to see these new series. it is fun to debate again.
I don't think that anyone is debating the fact that RT fans don't respect the original Anime, as it was meant to be. Heck even HG released the Uncut versions to the public. (And I have a few SDF-1 and RT mugs myself). Just giving credit where credit is due is what people want. Not saying hey that is our creation, really. We improved theirs to make it better. The debate is why are HG holding on to the licensing of distribution. And the more that I am reading. It is to try and squeeze money out of BW or Bandai. Or whoever has been producing/creating the new Series. For them to release it internationally. Without any cost to them selves. And get to slap their logo all over it. And the same with Merchandise. And as I have stated before the Internet has changed it all. With Subs of the newer series and heaps of merchandise can be brought online. I know that we won't get the english versions. But hey people complain about that the voices don't suit the characters (Gundam Seed comes to mind), ANd see it on the shelf but hey we still have it (I brought the whole Blu-Ray release to just see it in HD). And if HG was serious. they would be spending heaps of $ to stop all this from happening. And from what I have seen to stop it from being subbed and released to the public a series has to be licensed. And I have never seen that happen at all. I think Bandai, and BW know that they don't really have to release it overseas. it is out, and has a decent fanbase (all of us for example), that will spend money the get the merchandise. (the only reason that I say Bandai, is that there name is all over the Games and Blu-ray releases as sponsors of the show) I do agree that it is not a simple thing to sort out. But I heard rumors that who ever had HG bought the original rights from didn't really own the rights. And that has made it all confusing. And That HG want to stop Macross to keep their franchise safe. But I think the point is Moot. Macross escaped them no matter how much they try and stop it. Heck they tried to make out that they are a big part of the Macross Fandom, from sending Tommy to the MacrossCon 2010. And from what I hear not many people really cared, or even knew that he was there. Geeze I haven't gotten this passionate about a debate for quite a while. Mind you I usually don't have this much spare time either. So I will stop raving on and boring people.
Also love your panel lines, how did you do them?
No, it is just a single disk, I actually was expecting 2 disks, The booklet that came with it says something about using the menu's but I don't really read Japanese.
Just got it in the post, yesterday, the movie looks great in HD, just wondering. I'm not really a big game head. How do you get the demo game to start on the PS3? All it does when I start it is that it goes straight to the movie.
I agree, HG have not create anything original, except for CS, and even then they had to borrow from Mosepeada, to help complete there movie. As all it's mecha were from Mosepeada. only the Haydonites were the original. But they have no really copyright on macross in my thinking. Macross Plus and Macross II were all released by other companies internationally. SO I can not see the reason why they are stopping everything else. Other that they want credit for others work. I mean if they were really serious. They would of been after royalties from Yamoto, for the VF-I's that they have created. And Bandai for all the Macross material they they have been producing for years. ANd they would of gone after anyone that was trying to sell any Macross items internationally. But they haven't. I admit I did enjoy Robotech when it first came out. And it was good for it's time. But now thanks to HG the new Macross Stuff does not get to a wider group of people. And Macross Frontier would of done quite well internationally. But is help up because another company wants to say. But hey that's ours. I know there is a Robotech fan base. And they say there numbers count. But for a company to stop a whole series all because they want a piece of it. I mean if it was really copyrighted to them. they would of stopped any new Macross series. And for that theory of making Macross Zero into a pre-robotech is a joke. I mean a lot of people would of already see it. And I know that I would not see it. I prefer the original. As the "original creators" meant it to be. But in my opinion for Robotech to survive they should just start creating there own stuff otherwise no-one will take them seriously (look at this foprum). And let macross through. I still think they see it as a way to make easy money. ANd it all started when the Macross Plus 1:72 Valks came out. I would of gotten one at a decent price. But heard it got hold up because of legal issues. Because of distribution/copyrigght issues. And here we are many years later still stuck in a useless debate. As nothing happens from it. And HG would have to have someone monitoring these forums. Enough of my ranting, but it just how I feel. My additional 2 cents worth (with spelling mistakes)
I agree, about them not getting that it is has to be original. And I agree. It should be an american series, and not an anime one. I guess they want to keep the feel of the original series with the anime. But it is time for them to move on. Look at Speed racer. The only thing in common with the original series is the name, the animation is completely different. (They made a CGI series about a year ago.) But I think HG can only see dollars with the Macross License. All it toys that have sold well are mainly Macross. The Mosepeda ones are good. But are always in stock on there home page. But Macross is the one that they know is popular. I can understand why they have not released any more of the series internationally, because HG want the royalties, or the claim that it is theirs. And to the original creators that would be insulting. I know that I would find it that way. Do all that hard work, to hear someone way. Sorry but that's ours. I have had it done to me at work quite recently. After that I don't really want to share. And Bandai/BW know that Macross is doing well without it having to be delivered overseas. the internet changed all that and there are heaps of subs out there, and it has a huge fan base internationally. Borders are gone and the retailer around the world that have Macross goods have not been stopped from selling anything with Macross on it. And the stuff I have ordered from overseas hasn't been stopped. Because it wasn't distributed by HG. If HG really want to stop the distribution of Macross around the world they have failed. They should just concentrate on new works of there own instead of trying to hold onto the old. I recently met some Robotech fans that still say all the Macross sequals can be written into the Robotech Saga. And I found it quite frustrating in the debate, as they did not want to listen to it.. The SC made sure that nothing could be added and realistically they can't as the stories have nothing in common anymore. Other then that Carl Maleck used Macross as the basis for Robotech. It was good at the time and it introduced me to Anime. I learned About Macross in the late 90's and prefered the original story. Thanks to the internet. I learned about this. that's my additional 2 cents worth. More posts then I normally do.
I would say HG has just run out of idea's, and this whole licensing issue happened when new Macross products were being issued. They wanted a piece of the pie. And for them to create anything new. i don't think they would get the backing. From what I am hearing in this forum. Is that they would have trouble getting a distributor to bring it out to the general populace. And it won't actually be original. And today Anime crowd want original works, no another re-cut and re voiced and soundtracked anime. Like the original Robotech was, and other older series that were done around the 80'S. that's mjy 2cents worth anyway
Nice...and thanks for sharing your work
I can't wait to try it. I just paid for it at AMI-AMI, am also holding off on the movie until I have it as a Blu-ray on my HDTV, and hopefully the subs will be coming out soon.