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Everything posted by 91WhiskeyM6

  1. Yes. The difference is the VF-X-4 is sleek and nice, whereupon the VF-4 is ugly as hell. Yeah, right!!! The VF-4 looks bad-ass(skull insignias and cannards *COUGH*) compared to the VF-X-4. It will fly rings around that bootleg. Row-blow-lowtek is copycat crap.
  2. You must really be bored As for me, I'm going out with 2 female nurse co-workers to watch LOTR: Return of the king later on today(I better get to bed quick).
  3. Ya think? Sarcastic bastard
  4. I think these make an appearance: Reactive Armored VF-0's
  5. East L.A isn't that bad....... Are you Mexican? alright then!
  6. I get to carry an m-16a2 rifle along with my medical gear. You ?
  7. No way the low-Viz makes an appearance in Zero. Why? Because the toy was limited edition and BW/Yamato would have released after it appeared in Zero?
  8. The Mig 1.42 "f-22ruski" looks cheap for some reason <_< It doesn't even look stealthy. Looks like a cousin of the Rafale, JAS39 Griffen, and Typhoon
  9. I'm lame! I just like staring at them in awe. It's bad enough I collect "toys", but to make funny noises while holding them is...childish <_<
  10. Yeah, but it will look tacky that way
  11. 91WhiskeyM6

    Bad Karma!!!!

    Awww man.... I worked the night shift last night, and as I was getting ready to leave the hospital I worked at, I backed up and destroyed my car's side mirror! it's going to cost me about $200 here in San Francisco. Why am I posting this here in the toy forum? because I could have bought Christmas gifts with that $200 or be a selfish bogart and spend that on a 1/48 or Prime MPC! Damn, was I a jerk to my patients last night? did I cut somebody off on the road? bad karma.
  12. Yes! Spider-Man was my childhood idol. I must have collected hundreds of SM comic books during my comic book collecting days.
  13. It's rumored to star Harrison Ford and Kevin Costner as his brother?
  14. Better cherish this last movie cuz' it might be the last from GL. Sad.
  15. That Bluestreak is just nice! Much better than the previous 3 Alternators if you ask me. Has that 80s look and feel to it. The other reincarnation Alts look...of course, modern.
  16. bahWAHAHAHAHA... You better check your PSA levels my friend. It's good to laugh at someone's expense
  17. Correction, I should be laughing at you... Just kidding! Gotta respect a veteran fan
  18. bwhahahaha...damn! When I was 17 in the Army, we used to call people like you "cob webs" ha-ha
  19. I'm shock that all these wipper-snapper 20 year olds are into Macross. You'd think they would be collecting Power Rangers and Pokemon action figures <_< Then again, Macross II, Mac +, Mac 7, and Zero might have some kind of brainwashing influence on these teenage dirtbags
  20. Age is just a number. I still act and look like I'm 21. Of course, when I was 21, I wasn't collecting toys. I was interested in careers, college, the U.S. Army, women, and women! I'm old and pathetic now. I discovered "Robotech" again in 1999. Stupid internet and Ebay!
  21. Did they ever make an arcade game of this movie like the one they showed in the film to recruit fighters all over the universe?
  22. Who wants to play me online? name a date and time. Host or join? Handle: SnakeEyes
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