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Everything posted by 91WhiskeyM6

  1. I wish I could go back in time I'd own all of those pictured.
  2. Mars
  3. try doing this with an MPC instead "LOL"
  4. ha! anything painted white here in San Francisco is just asking to be vandalized by graffiti. You should put your "gang banger" tag name on Op's trailer EXO.
  5. This sucks! in the movie, King Théoden never spoke to Eomer when he was dying about him becoming the next king of Rohan. Hmmm...I could have sworn that I saw him holding the late king in the commercial trailers before the movie came out. They'll probably show that scene in the "extended" DVD release.
  6. Overall, PJ did a good job making the movies. I hope he continues the tale like Lucas is doing with the SW story. I also read somewhere that Gimli fell in love with an Elve? and that he fought many who disagreed about who was the fairest of all. Yup, sounds like something Gimli would do
  7. What about those cool gigantic Eagles that kicked dragon ass eh? Gwaihir:
  8. In relation to your question, Gandalf was responsible for the earthquake seen in the movie that swallowed up a majority of the Orcs after the ring was destroyed. Of course, the movie doesn't show Gandalf casting a spell.
  9. Gimli given the title: "Lord of the glittering caves" cracks me up for some reason.
  10. Looks like Éowyn wedded Farimir: Man, she was hot in the movie wasn't she?
  11. Hmmm..more adventures for the Hobbits? Cool Tolkien's "Middle-Earth" history site It's true about Gimli: "Son of Glóin, he travelled from Rivendell with the Company of the Ring. After the breaking of the Fellowship at Parth Galen, he hunted Orcs across Rohan with Aragorn and Legolas. He fought at the Battle of the Hornburg, and at the Pelennor Fields. He is famed for his fast friendship with Legolas the Elf; some stories say that they sailed into the West together - if this is true, then Gimli was the first and only of dwarven-kind to come to the Undying Lands. " more... After the downfall of Sauron, Gimli led a party of the Dwarves of Erebor to Aglarond, the Glittering Caves of the White Mountains within the realm of Rohan. There they founded a colony, and Gimli became known as the Lord of the Glittering Caves. His Dwarves performed great services for the Rohirrim and the Men of Gondor, of which the most famous was the making of new gates for Minas Tirith, forged out of mithril and steel.
  12. She sure is purty ain't she?
  13. I have 2 of them waiting to purchase 3 other 1/48's in January.
  14. That's funny. Dudes, I hate it when there's a finality to a good story. I imagine I'll be melancholy as well when Star Wars ends it run next year. Anybody read "The Chronicles of Narnia"? I read Tolkien's Lord of the Rings once decades ago, but don't remember the story that well. The book was boring to me.
  15. Ahem...the 1/72 scale people.
  16. You guys didn't mention the "clicking" sound Bandai Valks make when you transform them
  17. *yuck* I'll pass <_
  18. If I ever get around to displaying ALL my valks, I'll make sure they are far away from the edges of the display cases. I'll use some kind of thin see through string to hold them in place or just rely on the glass door of the cases to keep em' from crashing down to earth.
  19. LoL I scored 100+ in every category of the ASVAB. I could have gotten an MOS involving the 96 series, which is intelligence.
  20. Too bad. I got Topspin from collecting those points back in 85'.
  21. I was sound (REM)asleep 85% of my stuff is boxed up, so I'm not really worried about an earthquake. Someone suggested living in Texas? hell no! I was there for 6 months at Fort Sam Houston near San Antonio, and I hated it there. It's hot, humid, mosquitos, and cockroaches the size of your thumb. I haven't seen roaches like that since the Philippines. I had to wake up 5 in the morning and run 2 miles under 15 minutes 3 times a week over there. I was miserable. I'll take my chances with a Loma Prieta type earthquake anyday than live somewhere where a TORNADO destroys everything in sight.
  22. I originally wanted to join the air force and be an F-15C fighter pilot, but my tall ass and poor eyesight switch me to my second dream, the U.S. Army. I've been in and out of the army since 1990 and I'm currently a reservist. MOS: 91W Health Care Specialist
  23. Alright! 2 evil companies duking it out over their bootleg products I hope they destroy each other financially...bastards! Time to do some shopping!
  24. Yeah, I hope so. I miss driving home anticipating to watch what my VCR recorded on CN or local tv. I haven't done that since Beast Wars and Dragonball were shown QD. Man, those were the days when you ran home to watch "Robotech" on channel 44. Nothing good on TV these days.
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