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Everything posted by 91WhiskeyM6

  1. I'd take the 15 cause it's superior ALL AROUND.
  2. I'm sorry, but I can't let that one go. Anything with "expert opinion" like that is going to rather subjective. If theres one thing I've learned from reading about air combat its that no one aircraft is entirely superior to another. For example, take the Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusa ( "Oscar" ) of W.W. II. BY late W.W. II standards, it was obselete - slow, poorly armed and very lightly built. Yet pilots flying such heavily armed, fast and sturdy aircraft as P-38 Lightnings learned to be careful when taking them on, because the agility of the Hayabusa, even by late war standards, and in the hands of a skilled pilot, made it a very difficult target. Theres a number of accounts of a lone Hayabusa dancing around four or more US aircraft. Or take my favourite, the Supermarine Spitfire. If you take the Spitfire story as a whole, although I think the P-51 was a superb fighter, I think the Spitfire just edges it simply because the P-51 was designed with the benefit of two years combat experience. When Reginald Mitchell designed the Spitfire, he didn't have that benefit. Yet from its very first engagements, the Spitfire was proved to be "right" in almost every respect ( there was, of course, a couple of years of "fine-tuning" pre-war. There probably has never been a military aircraft that has been perfect from the word go ) - so right, that it stayed in production all through the war, the only Allied fighter to have been in production from before the war started to the end. Yet, of course, the Spitfire had its weaknesses - the early models were at a disadvantge in a dive compared to the Me-109, and it had a much shorter range than the P-51. But then, the Spitfire had been designed as a defensive fighter... ...like I say, its all rather subjective... You're no expert.
  3. You're on crack! I'd rather have the Flanker than the Tomcat. The Flanker also has the best short range air-to-air missile in the Archer outside the ASRAAM.
  4. Yeah, you guys are experts? You have Phd's in this field like those people working for Janes, Airpower, etc? I'm only repeating the hundreds of books/media I've read on the 14,15,16, and 18 series fighter that the 15 is the best fighter PERIOD.
  5. That's "AIM-54C" "brother" and no! the Tomcat isn't the better dogfighter compared to the DECLARED BEST FIGHTER OF WORLD(1970S TO 1980S)F-15C Eagle. Look at it this way: The F-14 role was to protect a 90,000 ton warship. The 15's role was protecting your ass and your valk collection. <_< As for the Phoenix's role? try telling these kids that just because it can launch a clumsy missile at a slow moving target doesn't make it all that. Seriously, I think 99% of you pick the 14 cuz' it looks cool.
  6. Yeah, but the 15 is better at intercepting the Foxbat because it can climb faster and can chase it farther than the Tomcat can.
  7. Goddam! only Graham, UN Spacy(what happened to Voltes V pare?), and I listed anime from the 70s. You guys are missing out on some classics.
  8. So? Those missiles aren't designed for shooting fighters. It's funny how you guys are mentioning "Modern Marvels", because it was "Modern Marvels" or another Aviation show that aired the best fighters of all times back in 1996 in the Discovery Channel(thank god I taped that episode). "Advanced Air-to-Air Missile (AAAM) Outer Air Battle Missile During the 1980s the Navy invested in developing the Phoenix into a robust, long-range, high-energy weapon system, and in the late 1980s embarked on a program to develope an improved follow-on capability in the Advanced Air-to-Air Missile (AAAM). Advanced Common Intercept Missile Demonstration (ACIMD) tests demonstrated the technology and hardware for a highly advanced Sparrow-sized, integral-rocket-ramjet-propelled, multimode-guided air-to-air missile for the long-range outer-air battle. The Navy planned to maintain and support an adequate Phoenix missile capability until the AAAM is fielded in sufficient numbers. A missile retrofit program incorporating an already developed and demonstrated block upgrade to the AIM -54C was a cost-effective interim solution. As of 1990 it was estimated that it would require at least 10 years to introduce the follow-on Advanced Air-to-Air Missile. With the end of the Cold War there was a general recognition that the outer air battle -- the battle against Soviet naval aviation bombers -- was significantly reduced in importance. While AAAM was seen as the best defense against the Soviet naval air arm, the future threat would consist of Third World fighter-bomber or diesel-electric submarine. This changing security environment doomed this Phoenix missile successor [as well as the associated F-14D Super Tomcat upgrades], and the Advanced Air-to-Air Missile program was cancelled in 1992. " Psss... so much for long range air-to-air missiles. The F-14D was cancelled because it's useless PERIOD. I hate that stupid move "TopGun". It brainwashed alot of civilians out there.
  9. The Navy F-4 Phantom II didn't have any guns at one time until Mig-21's began kicking their asses close up.
  10. Not only that, the F-8 Crusader was supposibly the better dogfighter than the navy F-4.
  11. Sorry, but your precious Tomcat is actually cheaper than the Eagle as it should be since the F-15 is regarded as the best fighter of it's time. Not only that, the Eagle can operate farther distances than the Tomcat both fully loaded. hmmmm...faster, climbs higher, and can linger around longer in a dogfight. Not to mention it's EXCELLENT combat resume. The F-15 was designed to go into somebody's "MAP", establish itself as the neighborhood bully and kick-ass(reborn P-51D Mustang)! The Tomcat was designed to shoot from long range....*yawn* When the Russians developed the Flanker, they did that in response to the teen fighters, but primarily in GOD's fear of the Eagle. That's why you see side-by-side pictures of these two as the best fighters out there 10 years ago. Do you see any pics of the Flanker and Tomcat together? F-15'S role: Air SUPERIORITY fighter F-14's role: Fleet air defense(meaning it's gotta shoot before a military aircraft can lunch anti-ship missiles) Which role do you expect the best fighter to be in? The AIM-54C Phoenix was designed to shoot down slow ass bombers/cruise missiles. I don't care what the Navy/Grumman brass says! An agile fighter that detects a missile fired from 100 miles away can afterburn it's way out of danger. The TU-95 Bear can't easily do that. That's why a land based 14 is useless. Heck, I can dodge missiles fired from long range by diving to the ground at Mach 2 + and avoid getting shot down in my DID Total Air War simulation PC game. The Phoenix is a big clumsy missile that can't turn as good as the Sidewinder, Sparrow, or the AMRAAM. Totally unsuitable for dogfighting. This is actually a weakness in the Tomcats since it has to carry them on it's cap missions. This is what pisses me off about 14 fans, unless your fighter's name is "RAPTOR", shooting from long distance has a low kill rate. When it comes to dogfighting, that's the Air Force's job period! just look at the F/A-22(AIR DOMINANCE FIGHTER). Here's my cookie to you 14 fans: "Following the loss of three aircraft over a four week period in 1996, the CNO ordered a safety stand down to review what was known in order to find out if there were any operational restrictions that needed to be placed on the aircraft. The Navy placed interim restrictions on the F-14 in the low altitude, high speed environment. Afterburner use was prohibited for F-14Bs and F-14Ds at all altitudes except for operational emergencies. " some fighter! can't even do a burner without crashing with those wonderful difference making engines.
  12. Oh? your MILITARY expert advice? I suppose you'd let a Mig-25 fly over your airspace taking snap shots of your ICBM facilities and what not even for a short flight time right?
  13. A navalized F-15N isn't ideal because it can't carry 6 Phoenix missiles like the Tomcat for fleet defense. Just like a land based Tomcat isn't ideal because it can't catch the Mig-25(The Eagle set the fastest climb rate at that time and asked the Israelis).
  14. http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/f-15.htm Cost per F-15C : $43 million http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/f-14.htm cost per F-14D : $38 million
  15. Oh, and the 15 is cheap? the Eagle cost over $35 mil. Another thing, the 14 is much older than the 15, why didn't the Air Force just buy this "worldly" Naval fighter like it did with the F-4 Phantom II instead of funding the F-X program? The Phantom was an orginal Naval fighter and you'd think having the AIM-54C proctecting NORAD would persuade them. Can a 14 catch a Mig-25/31 up there? By the way, the "experts" nominated the P-51D and the Eagle as the best fighters of all times. What are your credentials and the credibility of your sources?
  16. Key words I should say Akira, but after watching it twice, I'm rapidly so sick of it! I like Venus Wars more than I like Akira and they both use cool bikes and Tanks.
  17. #1 Voltes V (my first introduction to Japanese Anime back in the late 70's) #2 Space Battleship Yamato(can't beat the 70's and that ROCKING theme song) #3 Mazinger Z(again, the 70's) #4 Transformers(up until Prime died and then when Beast Wars came along) #5 DragonBall Z/GT (who doesn't like Super powered beings that use martial arts and it's funny/serious at the same time?) #6 Macross(this is below DBZ because DBZ was more engrossing) #7 Fist of the North Star #8 Ninja Scroll #9 Heavy Metal(remember the sex, violence, and cocaine scenes?) #10 DYRL 84' Edit: #11 Macross Plus #12 Venus Wars !!!!!! #13 Wicked City #14 Animatrix #15 Wings of Homosex..err spell???? #16 Macross 2 #15 PatLabor
  18. Another thing, why is Iran the only country to ever purchase the Tomcat? Why not Canada which had to deal with TU-95 Bears with the whole NATO NORAD thing. Why not RICH countries like Japan and Saudi Arabia? I'd take the F-15E Strike Eagle over the F-14D, F-16C, and F/A-18E/F anyday. Why? because that aircaft has the best of everything you need in a multirole aircraft.
  19. It's a personal opinion, the F-15 has never been shot down and has a massive amount of kills, but that's because a lot of other countries bought F-15s aside from personal opinion, is there any objective data that I can use to compare F-14s to F-15s (e.g. range, engine capacity, radar, manueverability,etc.)? And why did these countries(Japan and Saudi Arabia)buy the F-15 Eagle over the Tomcat? Don't forget Israel who's F-15's (and pilots) have a stake in about half or more of all F-15 kills. All together, four countries (including the US) operate the F-15 Eagle. Oh yeah, I forgot about those bastards
  20. This is what pisses me off when comparing the Eagle and Tomcat: The Engines! everybody say's that if the Tomcat had the newer engines, nothing could equal it. Okay, what if the Air Force went ahead and continued to develop the F-15F Eagle with the canards and 2-d vectoring nozzles?
  21. They didn't fear the F-15 because they probably thought they were manned by less skilled Saudi pilots who in fact killed the first Iraqi Mig-29 in the air in 1991. The F-15 is king period. No engine this coulda-shoulda and that excuse. Just like the NFL, it's all about the "W's"
  22. It's a personal opinion, the F-15 has never been shot down and has a massive amount of kills, but that's because a lot of other countries bought F-15s aside from personal opinion, is there any objective data that I can use to compare F-14s to F-15s (e.g. range, engine capacity, radar, manueverability,etc.)? And why did these countries(Japan and Saudi Arabia)buy the F-15 Eagle over the Tomcat?
  23. The biggest mistake on retiring the Tomcat: No idiot was dumb enough to take on an F-14 expect alot more dogfights with the new fleetdefenders the good news is: we can all buy one in a few years time, start saving peeps! Please! assuming a fighter got passed the AIM-54C missiles, the Tomcat bleeds hydraulics like any other fighter. This is why the Tomcat got replaced by A MORE MANUEVERABLE and versatile fighter: The F/A-18E/F Super Hornets. Without the danger of TU-95 Bears or the TU-160 BlackJack Bombers. Why continue producing or deloping a fighter larger than an adequate one? The F-15C Eagle is king among the teen US fighters(14,16, & 18)with OVER 90+ kills without ever being shot down. The Eagle was utilized by many nations in killing Mig/Sukhoi/French fighters. The Best fighter of all time? the P-51D Mustang of WW2. The F-15 Ranks second.
  24. So... which Autobot will this Mazda be?
  25. The mods are angels here compaired to other forums and chatrooms *Cough*#tvnihon*cough* And no. I'm not kissing ass here. I'm for real. Damn right! I can't stand those a-holeS at Row-bo-tek.com! That site reeks of censorship and fascist bootleg cooperate stench. Not only that, most of the posters(95%) all have the IQ of an E-coli bacteria and don't know squat about JAPANESE Anime. Sad really Hardcore collectors collect these: Stooopid asses pay $80 for "it":
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