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Everything posted by 91WhiskeyM6

  1. I hate those moderators at Ro-bo-crap.com What's HG's address anyway? Oh yeah... Harmony Gold USA, Inc. Attn: Alan Letz 7655 Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90046-2700 Phone: (323) 851-4900 Fax: (323) 851-5599
  2. Console games suck at fighter simulation. The best flight simulators of all time from my POV? DID's EF-2000 and Total Air War F-22 Raptor Runner up? Janes ATF.
  3. I thought the siren was cool. A Valk that can take on a warship on its own without a squadron of bombers behind it is awesome.
  4. Yeah, the story was a DYRL rip-off, but the military hardware? Awesome! Those VF-2's rocked along with those Apocalypse Macross cannon ships.
  5. Why don't you clowns create a 2 hour Macross III movie or something when da forum's down.
  6. Speak for yourself buddy... I usually visit one of the other anime sites I frequent, but lately I've been updating my site again. I'm trying to change the language to Japanese and it's proving harder that I thought it would be. Other than that, I just look at the wall and wonder what I am going to do with my life. ha-ha ....Ohh...damn. I do the same thing thinking what the hell do I do with my life
  7. ha-ha *points finger at Agent One* Agent 1 probably plays with door knobs when he's not online
  8. That was so long ago, I don't remember that scene
  9. I hate dogs! give me a cat anyday. Besides, cats love to play with Valks and other bots dangling on the edge of your display cases
  10. I would have to vote for Optimus Prime when Megatron blasted him 3 times to an open laceration on his abdomen. Of course, he didn't die instantly like Guld in Mac+, but...hey. The other would be Majin Vegitta against Fat Buu when he blew himself up ala Three Mile Island/Chernobyl taking Buu with him(Buu regenerated though). King Starscream getting vaporized by Galvatron in TFTM. Dinobot's death in episode "Code of Hero" Beast Wars Ravage's death screaming "Decepticons Forever!!!!!" Besat Wars episode "The Agenda" Roy Focker's death scene in DYRL with the Valk exploding Unicron exploding in TFTM Kagero's death in the hands of Jubei Kibagami - Ninja Scrolls
  11. I voted no. They have no reason to make an english language website other than to cater to lazy, whiny english speaking fanboys like us which are not their active market. I'm a businessman myself and I have to vote how I think they should act. (read my sig now) How hard is it to create an English link/site using JS, Flash, XML, and HTML codes? Talk about being lazy.
  12. job or law same thing. Bitter?
  13. Huh? Where the hell did that come from? Again. . . huh? Where does discussion of the nature of a tax refunds swerve into: "Do you think you're special!?! What! You don't wanna pay taxes, tough guy?!?" I'm done here. No, really! H It's your job to pay taxes PERIOD. Don't be a whinning-pampered-ass-BURGEOIS-liberal(hypocrites)-Valk collector and MAN UP! You can't run a country without taxes. Yes, sometimes it's questionable and appaling with what they do with our hard earned money(I get pissed off looking at my pay stub), but there's also alot of good things they spend it on.
  14. Toss up between Optimus Prime, Isamu Dyson, Megatron, and Vegitta. You?
  15. No thanks! I'd rather spend $80 on a Binaltech/Alternator.
  16. What country doesn't tax you? what? you think your special? I also agree that taxes is really just money you own all year, but I'm the type of person who blows money everyday. It's nice to get a large sum back once a year despite the lack of interest. Besides, banks don't pay that much interest on your savings unless you have a CD account. In fact, you lose money putting your hard earned mullah in a savings account(monthly fees, overdraft, bill pay, etc). You don't want to pay taxes? move to Texas and shop at your local military PX(tax free).
  17. Hey, maybe we can get HG to produce it! They did that with the VF-1R right?
  18. Not to sound whiny(I'm greatful actually), but the 1/48's are coming out too soon. I'm behind 3-5 versions now. Don't even have any armor or FP's for them. My last 1/48 purchase was the Low-Viz and I haven't bought any other new 1/48's since?
  19. me too! Assuming I get somewhere between $1500 to $2300 in returns, I'll spend $700 on my car(gotta replaced that stupid side mirror, a 30,000 mile tune up, air filter, rotate tires, etc), $700 on toys?!? and put the rest on my savings account. $700 on toys? Jesus. Is the economy still down? what's the jobless stats again?
  20. Oh God! I forgot about one benefit of being in the U.S. Army Reserves: College loans!!!!!!!!!!! According to my military contract, I can get a student loan of $10,000 and the Army will pay if off a year later. All you army guys confirm this for me please Of course, I'll never spend that much on toys, but I wouldn't mind putting a G on some Valks he-he.
  21. We need a 1000 cell shaded Macross episode series to keep our asses in check. Zero is already old in my book and too damn OVA. I miss the good old days when I ran home to watch my favorite toons from 3 pm to 5 pm. Nothing like Thundercats, followed by G.I. Joe, Transformers, and then Switch channels to 44 and watch Robocrap/Voltron.
  22. No diecast? Booooooooo!!!!!! <_< Congratulations on the little booger Graham Good luck with the stinky diapers
  23. Woooooohooooooo!!!!! I just got my W-2 forms!!!!!!! Hmmmm....what shall I buy *drools* *giggles* *rubs hands* A couple of 1/48's an MPC Oooooh... Alternators!!!!!!
  24. Do what we do in the military...Claymore mine the display cases or use trap doors with bamboo stakes laced with bubonic plague. Yeah, the Claymores will destroy your Valks, but hey! you'll solve your kid problem.
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