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Everything posted by 91WhiskeyM6

  1. I'm getting 3 !!!!
  2. Primezilla
  3. http://www.transformertoys.co.uk/
  4. Chunky Monkeys don't need reactive armor for toy handling or assault from family pets. Plus, the clicking sounds when you swing the wings is music to a Valk collectors.
  5. Owww gawd
  6. I want it. I need it. Unfortunately, I need the 1/48's, Binaltechs, and Takara MP Convoy more. Too busy with school, work, and the Army Reserves to be working extra hours
  7. True, but I think they also targeted the older G1 fans because of the tie in with the orginal series. Kinda like what Akira Toriyama did with Dragonball. I thought Beast Wars had a maturity theme to it. The story lines were fluid, comedic, and engrossing. It's the only CGI I could tolerate. One of my favorite scenes was when Rattrap was playing a "Street Fighter" type game with Prime and Megatron duking it out Armada and RiD? crap!
  8. Do you feel this way about Beast Wars? I thought Beast Wars(I haven't seen Victory yet)was the best Transformer series ever. I grew up with TF ever since I laid my first eye on the toys @ Walmart back in 83' and then the cartoon came out in late 84/85.
  9. The best looking Transformer toy? Predaking and Omega Supreme !
  10. No way an F-35 can truly replace the A-10 hog. The A-10 is armed with an anti-tank 30mm cannon and it's protected by titanium against anti-aircraft weapons. The A-10 is a dedicated tank killer designed to massacre anything rectagular and made of steel. I love the F-35, but no way I would this expensive fighter flying low and slow on a tank killing run.
  11. Don't be talking smack about my branch
  12. AH-64D Longbow is good enough.
  13. That would be the Conquest fighter you're referring to. Hmmm..I'm guessing the blobbed Joe is Flint? I've own alot of Joe's too. I remember when Duke was only available through catalog order at first back in 83' and I waited what seem like an eternity to get my hands on him. It was like I've given up thinking that Hasbro lost my money order or something and then voila, my sister said I had package in the living room and Duke was awesome!
  14. Who would win in a one-on-one battle? Mazinger Z or Voltes V? I pick Voltes V !!!
  15. I actually like the WalMart bootleg somebody posted a while back.
  16. whats funny, is the poll says "go on a date" so all these guys on MW are confident enough to be sure of sex on the first date? wish i was that cool, takes me a week at LEAST. besides, dates don't mean sex, you wanna hang out with an eleven year old, be my guest. I'm 4/5 when it comes to getting laid on the first date...hmmmm actually 4/6. Some of those dates ended up with me having a relationship with those women of course, but some were just 1-2 weeks stands.
  17. I'm buying anything Macross I'm proud of what I have: YAMATO/1:48 scale (4) - 2 VF-1A (first release) MIB - 1 VF-1S (first release)MIB - 1 VF-1A Low-Viz MIB I need a couple of 1/48's dammit. I wish I had the time to work extra hours for my Valk fix YAMATO/1:60 scale (9) - 1 pair Super VF-1J M&M MISB - 1 VF-1A Hikaru MISB - 1 VF-1A Max MISB - 1 VF-1A CF MISB - 1 VF-1S Focker MISB - 1 Super VF-1S MISB - 1 Super VF-1J Hikaru MISB - 1 VF-1D Trainer YAMATO/1:72 scale (2) - 1 YF-21 FP - 1 YF-11B FP
  18. I laid a 22 year-old college girl before Valetine's Day and I'm still free
  19. No kidding... The word "gay" should not be used as a negitive adjective, it just isn't nice. I have trouble with this especially when it comes to describing M7. I try to stick with adjectives like "lame," or "retarted," even "flamin" is less offensive. Yeah...coming from a guy who's into DOOR KNOBS.
  20. It's in the front page of my local newspaper(SF chronicle/SFGate). That's why I'm pissed.
  21. Stupid gimmick
  22. Isn't that like that Simpsons episode where Homer was writing letters to movies? "Dear Die Hard. That was really cool when you were up on the roof." Me like Homer
  23. DO NOT go sending hate mail to HG considering we do not know the real workings of what's going on. We don't know yet wether it's HG being brazen or wether a deal has been struck regarding DYRL. Give it time. Wha? little ol' me?
  24. We need to get rid of Disharmony Gold now. Since I'm military...hmmmm.
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