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Everything posted by 91WhiskeyM6

  1. Sega Genesis! I must have played Tommy Lasorda Baseball in Season mode everyday for 2 years. I think I pitched a couple of no-hitters one year The SNES was great for games life Starfox, Street Fighter, SuperMario, and Mortal Combat. But when it comes to sport games? Go with the GENESIS. I grew up in the Atari 2600 era too.
  2. I'll buy anything Macross and Transformer related!
  3. Hey! you only live once I'm getting it B)
  4. No, I'm not talking about your unborn child
  5. My first Valks were actually bootlegs. I was going to buy the now defunct Toycom Macross Plus Valks, but Toycom and the HG legal crap was a disaster back in the day? My first Valk was a Joon's VF-1J Hikaru and months later, 2 Super7 Red Basara VF-19's. I always wanted a Jetfire Transformer, but I couldn't afford it a $5-10 a week school allowance.
  6. Is there a way for me to play this classic 1995 game on Windows 2000/XP ? The game doesn't even have run, I just want to watch the opening cinema where they show these 3 X-31? fighters escorting a C-17 shoot down a couple of Mig-29s. Best flight sim cinema I've ever seen. I miss EF2000 and TAW.
  7. I'd like to have atleast 100 different Valks. The same amount an aircraft carrier has. 25 VF-1 25 VF-11B 13 YF-19FP 13 YF-21FP 3 VT-1 3 VF-1D 6 VE-1 Elintseekers 12 Mospeadas
  8. Well, hurry already Graham !!!
  9. "And what can you really say about the Bandai re-issues?. Ever since they came out they have all had the same enhancements except for the VF-1J Hikaru which was the first in the line. Other than that, they are all just the same toy repainted. " Don't care! I just want to see lot's of Valk candy B)
  10. ...The 1/60 VE-1 Elintseeker and the 1/60 VT-1 Super Ostriches yet? Edited in: That reminds me, you've never done a toy review on the newer Bandai reissues either.
  11. Kick-ass wasn't it????? too bad they ended it. I would love to see Isamu serve under Max's fleet along with Basara.
  12. I'd rather buy a Joon's bootleg Valk than a "Veritech" anyday.
  13. The girls are cute, but too damn trendy for me. I like my women a little more err...never mind! We have lots of Japanese girls that look like that in my school.
  14. Holy crap! this is soooo spooky. I just bought Clint Eastwood's "Firefox" DVD yesterday at Borders and here you are posting THIS Oh god, I want that fighter B) ....seriously! I want that fighter! "Thanks for sharing your pics VHD. They're fantabulous. Makes me wanna pop in my Firefox dvd and scene select the arial battle with Second Firefox. " EDITED IN: You know, the YF-21 could have been created with the Firefox in mind. Think about it. The Firefox was the first fictional manned aircraft capable of being mind controlled...okay not in the same capacity as the YF-21, but close. What about the dogfights between the two "Mig-31's" ??? The Russian Firefox finally getting destroyed by a rear shot anti-missile flare. Kinda like Isamu firing off a couple of tail mounted laser blasts on Guld's YF-21. So Macross Plus had a little Topgun and Firefox in it. Where can I buy that model?
  15. I need to get both of those too. What sucks was that I was soooo freaking close to catching up with all the Valks, McFarlane(California sports stars anyway), and Transformer reissues out there..and then BLAM! Just got tired of collecting or was too busy with my new job and school. I'm like 10-15 figures/robots behind...crap! I need the following BAD: 1 Takara reissue #8 Inferno 1 Takara reissue #9 Starscream 2 Takara reissue #10 Soundwaves Unicron Statue G1 complete Predaking 1 1/72 VF-11B FP 2 1/48 Low Viz 2 1/48 VF-1A Max 1 1/48 Parts and Armor set 1 1/48 VF-1S Focker 2 1/60 VT-1 Super Ostrich 2 1/60 VE-1 Elintseeker Toynami Alpha poseables(I hate contributing to HG .. but I love the Mospeada/cyclones) McFarlane Barry Bonds McFarlane Terrel Owens McFarlane Matrix movie figures
  16. myk, I'm not worried about you(or myself for that matter). You'll get your Valks in the end.
  17. "Did anyone else get the impression that the Lycans were 'throwing the fight' so to speak? In most of the engagements they would simply change forms and open a can of whoop @$$ on the Vamps. That being the case now that the hat's out of the bag with Lucian (spelling) and Kraven's plot - what would stop the Lycans from just putting the smack down on the Vampires? " Victor, the lord vampire, wasn't a pushover. He was kicking the "abomination" ass and the other Liken's all over the sewers until he got sliced up by his own sword. I can't wait for the sequel. It's about time they did a Werewolf and Vampire movie.
  18. I like the 2 seat VF-1D Trainer. The paint job on that thing reminds me of my favorite fighter of all time...the F-15 Eagle (the YF-15 developmental fighter had an orange scheme). now...this one reminds me of the VF-1A Valks(kinda anyway): This is one paint scheme I'm waiting for.err...except for the white nose cone! Low viz paint schemes:
  19. *poof*
  20. YES !!!!!! My first purchase in months!!! Just ordered a 1/60 yammy VF-1D and a 1/72 YF-21FP. Hope to get the rest of the 1/60 line and those 1/48's
  21. I lost $200 to my city's police DPT last month for parking in various "NO PARKING" zones( college campus). $200 would have netted me atleast a 1/48 and a 1/60. but you're right... some lucky toy company out there is going to get half my paycheck soon. It sucks not buying any Valks/TF's !!!
  22. Almost 5 months since the last time I bought any Macross or Transformers. Hope to purchase something..ANYTHING next month. Need some 1/60's or a 1/48 to get me going again.
  23. Sorry...I like to list my collection this way(51 in all): Transformers: TAKARA (14) - 1 Optimus Prime #0 MISB - 1 Jazz #1 MISB - 1 Prowl #2 MISB - 1 Skids #3 MISB - 1 Tracks #4 MISB - 1 Smokescreen #5 MISB - 1 Megatron #6 MISB - 1 Sideswipe #7 MISB - 1 Inferno #8 MISB - 1 Starscream #9 MIB - 1 Soundwave #10 MISB - 1 C-310 God Ginrai(PowerMaster Prime) MISB - 1 BT-01 Smokescreen # 7 MISB (thanks to 1 VF-1 2NV ) - 1 BT-01 Smokescreen # 8 MISB (thanks to 1 VF-1 2NV ) HASBRO (6) - 1 TRU commerative Series 1 Optimus Prime MISB. - 1 loose G1 Bruticus - 1 loose G1 Jazz - 1 loose G1 Sideswipe - 1 Starscream commerative series 2 MISB - 1 Commerative series V Inferno MISB Macross/Robotech: YAMATO/1:48 scale (4) - 2 First Series VF-1A MIB - 1 First Series VF-1S MIB - 1 VF-1A Low-Viz MIB YAMATO/1:60 scale (9) - 1 pair Super VF-1J M&M MISB - 1 VF-1A Hikaru MISB - 1 VF-1A Max MISB - 1 VF-1A CF MISB - 1 VF-1S Focker MISB - 1 Super VF-1S MISB - 1 Super VF-1J Hikaru MISB - 1 VF-1D Trainer YAMATO/1:72 scale (2) - 1 YF-21 FP - 1 YF-11B FP BANDAI/1:55 scale ( - 1 pair VF-1J M&M MIB - 2 VF-1S (Super) Hikaru Ichijo MIB - 1 VF-1A CF MIB - 1 VF-1A Hikaru MIB - 1 VF-1S Focker MIB - 1 VF-1J Hikaru MIB Joons bootleg/1:55 scale (1) - 1 loose VF-1J Exosquad (3) - 1 loose Zentradi Officers Pod - 1 loose Robotech Destroid SDR-04 MK XII OTHERS (2) - 1 loose bootleg Super7 VF-19 Red Basara MISB - 1 loose 5" Gakken VF-A6 Mars based red McFarlane's NBA Series (2): - 1 Shaquille O'neal series 2(yellow variant) MISP - 1 Kobe Bryant series 3(purple variant) MISP Wan...err I NEED LIST: 1 more Takara reissue #10 Soundwaves Unicron Statue G1 complete Predaking 1 1/48 Low Viz 2 1/48 VF-1A Max 1 1/48 Parts and Armor set 1 1/48 VF-1S Focker 2 1/60 VT-1 Super Ostrich 2 1/60 VE-1 Elintseeker 1 set of Toynami Alpha poseables(I hate contributing to HG .. but I love the Mospeada/cyclones) 1 McFarlane Barry Bonds 2 20th Anniversary Masterpiece Optimus Prime 2 Sideswipe alternator
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