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Everything posted by 91WhiskeyM6

  1. The only way I'll buy that crap is if I want to blow it up with an M-80 firecracker. Yamato, Takara, and Bandai will get most of my money!
  2. Finally saw that Quick Time clip of "Robotech 3000" and I would have to say that it's terrible! Non-transforming mechas(Mechwarriors wannabe) with annoying screaming teeny bopper characters "help" "help!"...yuck! Everybody says that Robotech II : The Sentinels was terrible, but I like it more than this CG crap. Atleast Sentinels was hand drawn by real artist! Screw CG!
  3. My next purchase will be the 1/48 VF-1A Max and a Low-Viz
  4. I hate you! I don't even have one or two yet! Bastard!
  5. What about this? http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/ and...
  6. To be honest, I'd rather not open them up. I want to display them unopened in a spacious shelve(side-by-side with the boxes showing the robots) so I can get that feeling of a Valk store when you walk into my future game/entertainment/billiard bar room. Then I'll have all the played with loose robots defending the cocooned boxed robots!!!!!!! Of course, it's also good to open them up and display them OPENED together in a glass case
  7. 1/72 = 2 1/60 = 9 1/48 = 3
  8. Can somebody point me to a web site that shows the Macross 2 CF VF-2's and Metal Sirens? I'm talking about a web site that has the techo specs and history of these Valks.
  9. 5/6 of my stuff is sealed up. But once I get a great looking dust-proof-crytal-clear plastic case, then I will open up all except the extra Valks/TF I have! B)
  10. I was thinking about using my credit card to buy this thing...just kidding Debit checking card all the way and some overtime at work <_
  11. I just paid off 1 credit card(okay, okay, when the $3000 check arrives anyway) and I'm down to...1 !!! yipeee! I WILL NEVER USE CREDIT CARDS AGAIN. If I need something? Debit card all the way. Oh, about paying off the CC's rather than wasting it on Valks? That would be the wise course, but that's so...boring <_< Besides, I have a low APR interest on my cards and that doesn't bother me much. I'm planning on paying off that last card with my 2003 income tax 4 months from now, so it's all good. I only have to worry about my car which is also close to being paid off Ohh another thing, I'M SICK OF INVESTING THIS, INVESTING THAT, SAVE YOUR MONEY BLAH BLAH(I've been trying to be frugal with money a dozen years)! live a little godammit. I went to Hawaii last April and did something I'm afraid off... SCUBA DIVING! Did I think about the thousands of dollars I spent for the airline tickets, hotels, tips, taxis, bus, food, tours, and the fun stuff to do? HELL NO!
  12. You know what sucks! I've got a $3000 check coming my way from some investing asset I'm cashing in, but I'm only using that to pay off one of my credit cards! I could finally catch up with all the stuff I wanted to buy with that stupid check. I can't even afford to buy some much needed DVD's because of my debts. Atleast I can afford $200-$300 a month on my favorite hobby and still pay off my bills(the minimum on those CC's atleast) and put some in the piggy bank. <_< By the way, when do you project that you will finally pay off your debts? My goal is 2 years and I'm free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B) btw, JsARCLIGHT, I do try to think of my future. I have a 401K/Pension fund at work and a decent job here in pricey San Francisco. I'm also in the Army Reserves and that has benefits for me in the long run assuming I don't get shot that is.
  13. Yeah??? You mean all my superb Valks are bootlegs ? cool!!
  14. I'm talking about bills here. I can't wait to pay off my credit cards and car payments. Then I can have all the Valk/TF crack I want.
  15. Well, this whole HG vs Yamato selling in the US is moot then since alot of us order international via Ebay or some merchant toy company. Come to think about of it, I've never bought a Macross figure/Valk at a local store. Thank God for the Internet and boards like this to enlighten us. Screw HG
  16. I'm curious..which company is making more money selling Valks? Yamato or MPC ?
  17. I want another one. So far, I have 2 VF-1A and a VF-1S. Need the Max and Low-viz.
  18. I like the Yammy better. The 1/48 doesn't even look like a play toy. It's actually like a model that's more durable to handle.
  19. Hell ya. They need to start making Transformers that look like this.
  20. I tried and tried, but I just can't get into Gundam . Whether it's the Anime or the toys.
  21. I voted for the Genesis, but I change my mind. I remember back in 1983 during the Pac-Man craze of that era(you guys remember that Pac-Man song right? can we download a copy of that song anywhere?), I begged and begged my dad to get me the Atari 2600 for my birthday. My dad was a total tight wad back then, so when he told me I was getting the Atari for my birthday(WITH THE FREE KICK-ASS COMBAT game cartridge), I had to pinch myself! So on my birthday, right after school, I took the Muni home and waited in agony for the stupid slow-ass electric cabled 14th and Mission bus to stop near my house(half an hour ride)! then I ran 2 blocks praying my dad wouldn't flake out on his promise. I must have set the neighborhood 200 meter dash record that day-I was so freaking fast...ZOOOOOOOOOOM! Okay, now I'm at the front door of our apartment and fumbling for the house keys when my dad suddenly opens the door before I can get to my keys and tells me: "let's go get your Atari" Off to the defunct Consumer Electronic store on 16th and Mission we went, then the E.T. cartridge hit the shelves a year later, and the rest is history . The was the last time my dad ever bought me anything for my birthday! Ummm... to give my dad a little more credit, he ended up giving me his old classic Rolex watch after I graduated from boot camp and AIT way back in 1991. BTW, that Atari 2600 ruined our family Hitachi color TV *lol* My dad was pissed!!!
  22. The Monster will probably cost me the most. Recently ? probably around $130 for the first series Yammy 1/48 VF-1S months a <_< go.
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