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Everything posted by 91WhiskeyM6

  1. I'd like to compile some of you
  2. newbies...always trying to impress with a hardcore anti-HG stance....just more of the same.... Great, we got an elitist in here...oooohh ahhhh <_<
  3. Just to restate the obvious (Im not trying to be an ass) both Robotech 3k and Robotech II: The Sentinels are as dead as door nails. While the initial concept of Robotech 3k isnt bad per se...it was a doomed project from its inception. It was also the last Robotech project (thankfully) that Carl Macek will likely ever work on. He is NOT involved with Robotech 2004. Just to update others about something...it appears that Tommy Yune dropped in chat recently that in fact HG is working with some of the original Mospeada people on Robotech 2004. Now, whether this is Amano, Kakinuma and Aramaki....we don't know. I think it could be that Tommy is actually distinguishing between Tatsunoko and the people from Artmic (at least I hope he is). Now...if only they could find some of the Southern Cross people...then I would be happy. No kidding? duh! I was just pointing out the HG disappointments. oh..rb3000 isn't bad per se? you better watch that clip again.
  4. <_< *yawn* hardy har-har
  5. *cough* Sheep...baaaah!
  6. You said it...and ..never mind
  7. Says you! There's alot of people out there boycotting HG. Uhhh huh..yeah! <_< why? because of fans voicing their displeasures and spreading the truth about HG. It worked on me! I've spent thousands on Yammies and Bandai products. I'll never buy MPC crappola! How do you hurt a money grubbing company? Decrease their profits. Bullcrap! in demand? what was in demand for HG since 85' They didn't think about the BW license they got, they forgot about it until their precious Robotech fans started getting high paying jobs. Most companies will produce cartoons and toys targeting today's youth(Transformers Armada = Pokemon). What has HG produced for kids out there ? Nothing! Hasbro isn't the best out there, but I can still give them respect for all the products they have produced or endorsed. They deserve to have the TF license. Enlightened me since I don't really keep up with HG's latest gimmicks. Once all the 80's craze is gone, BW/Bandai/Yamato/Hasegawa/Club-M/etc will continue to feed their fans Macross OVA's and what not. I bet you anything HG will sit on their asses or screw up some project. It's time to remove HG!
  8. I saw a clip of "Robotech 3000" and man, I was pissed! for someone that Hates Robotech and HG so much, why are you even watching Robotech 3000 in the first place? Curiosity! I wanted to see what the big deal was with RB 3000 and now I know. Kapish? Comprende?
  9. I'm not trying to win anybody over, especially you..I'm just venting
  10. I saw a clip of "Robotech 3000" and man, I was pissed!
  11. Stay clear away from those legalized bootleg crap! <_
  12. Admire? for what? the RB II: Sentinels fiasco? Voltron CG/ Mechwarriors wannabe Robotech 3000 dud? for cashing in on the 80's craze? I admire those folks across the Pacific for continuing to feed their fans new products and new shows for almost 20 + years now. HG's also been sued many times from different factions besides BW. What does that tell you about HG? Freaking shady company if you ask me! Another thing, I down want BW and HG collaborating on anything Macross. Picture's of Soccer moms influencing my Valkyries comes to mind. Can you say Hasbro?
  13. What's taking MPC so long to produce Qrau's and Monsters? I guess they're waiting for Yamato to test the waters before they dive in eh? Damn bootlegers!
  14. MPC fans always whine about Yamato products QC...uhh you know there's an alternative to both MPC bootlegs and Yamato: They're called Bandai Chunky Monkeys. What's your excuse for not buying Chunkies? Oh they're not that detailed? then get yourself an M-Club model or a Hasegawa. Bandai's are on sale right now- everywhere!
  15. Sorry, but the bashing will continue. THEY DESERVE IT!!! That's what purist Valkaholics do! Until they make up for the Sentinel travesty, I will always bash those pigs at HG. Damn oinkers!!!! Macross forever !!!!!
  16. You're not doing yourself a whole lot of good with posts like these. I can't stand Robotech as much as the next Macross-Purist, and I roundly despise anything Harmony Gold does, statements like this we can do without. Which sounds more intelligent? Let's find out: Example #1: "It's crap! I hated it and it smoked the monkey pole!" Example #2: "I didn't like this. I think the animation is poor compared to current releases. Likewise I thought the character development was substandard. Hardly worthy of maintaining my interest." okay, the examples above are literally night-and-day different. What makes example #2 better than #1 isn't the sophistication of the words, it's the fact that there is an explination for why he feels the way he does. You'll come across as far more intelligent if you support WHY you feel the way you do instead of just saying "it's crap!" Macrossworld already has a bad rap with the folks over at Robotech.com, and while I don't care a fart in a windstorm what they think about us, there are others (AKA those who run this board) who don't need that sort of attention. Just show a little more consideration in your posts from now on, please! B) I got you to admit your dislike for HG right? and wow, I didn't know you cared about what those Nazi knuckleheads think at Robotech.com despite your excuse not to care.
  17. You're a f#cking SC fan ? what are you doing buying a Veritech? I don't see any SC vehicles out there cept' them 80's Matchbox toys on Ebay. Come on, do I have to spell it out for you? B.O.Y.CO.T.T. Harmony Gold bootleg products. Real simple my friend.
  18. Uhhh..yeah! You must like Harmony Gold and don't give a crap about their history with Robotech fans. If ENRON were to come back, you would probably buy stocks from them right?
  19. I kinda miss " Above and Beyond" and those cool Space Marine fighters
  20. How many people in here hate Harmony Gold with a passion?
  21. "doesn't mean anything with the name is crap" It is crap! After watching DYRL, Macross Plus, Zero, and Seven...not to mention Mospeada on DVD that you still think that bs "Robotech" isn't crap? Robotech ..errr Harmony Gold = crap!
  22. Yeah? if all those "suckers" who bought those bootleg MPC's were aware of the real Valks (e.g. Yamato and Bandai), they wouldn't have bought those "Veritechs". You still have idiots out there who think Robotech was original. Heck, you still have idiots who know truth, BUT still support HG???? Thank God I was enlightened
  23. The reason Toynami's making this crap with a 5000 limit, is because they know nobody's gonna buy more than a thousand.
  24. God..I hate Harmony Gold and Hasbro! I can just picture a bunch Harvard graduates worrying about lawsuits and how to suck the blood off customers. Harmony Gold = Parasites
  25. Ha-ha no, we don't wear surgical gloves <_< I personally don't care about the box, just the Valk inside.
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