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Everything posted by 91WhiskeyM6

  1. Anybody own this game?
  2. One of my favorite Cobra aircraft: Kinda like a Warthog on steroids he-he...check out the third engine on rear of the plane. Kinda small looking at that pilot.
  3. 91WhiskeyM6


    1/48 LOW-VIZ VF-2SS
  4. I downloaded the demo on lock on, but are there any other fighter sims out there? I miss playing Total Air War and Eurofighter 2000. Unfortunately, those sims are for Win 9X.
  5. I'm not talking about buying one or two toys back in the 80's when you were a kid and then stop when girls were more important. I'm talking about non-stop from when you were a kid to now as an adult. Or just recently when the 80s nostalgia just hit ya and you've been collecting since. Make sense to all ya?. Me? about a year. I got a couple of bootlegs in 1999 cuz' (I started missing Robotech for some reason), lost interest, and then I discovered this site some time around Nov of 2002??? I've been addicted since I don't see myself losing my addict.. errr.. interest anytime soon....*hik*
  6. I can almost picture Meg's pose blasting at some poor Autobot scrap or delivering a straight arm punch to Optimus's chin
  7. Monkey-N, you should warn us before you post pics of yourself. Dang dude, do some sit-ups will ya?! Shuhhh..the Navy *lol*
  8. What ? <_< I fixed it !
  9. Look at what he's standing on
  10. Say goodbye to this SST
  11. Okay, can somebody translate this????????
  12. I love the Osprey...here's a SCI-FI version of the Osprey. Okay, they really don't look the same, but when I saw Aliens, I just thought of the Osprey. Didn't they cancel the VM-22 Osprey? Man, I remember the military making a big deal about this aircraft along with the ATF, B2 Spirit, X-29, and C-17 back in the mid 80's. The Good ol' Reagan days when it was good to be greedy and a Republican.
  13. Goddang! nothing but butt-ugly white folks up in this mother**** here
  14. Woohooo!!!! F*ck Harmony Gold!
  15. I really can't put a price on this yet. And as far as building another, that would take a long time. I would have to find the material once again to even start and not to mention another SDF-1. Thanks for your interest though. I{ishimoto Well, if you ever need cash for hookers or drugs you know who to contact. B)
  16. How much to build me one ?
  17. WHAT FIGHTER HAS THE MOST KILLS THE LAST 20 YEARS? F-15 EAGLE! NUFF' SAID! sadly, the F-22 Raptor is my new favorite fighter! Heck, I like alot of fighters, Bombers, Attack, and specialized aircrafts. F-14,15,16,18,YF-23,Eurofighter, X-31, F-35,SU-37, Belkut, Tupolov Blackjack Bomber, B-1B Lancers, B2, FB-111's. A-10, AV-8B, AC-130H Spectre, C-17, E-2C Hawkeyes, Swedish lightweight export Griffen, etc.
  18. Gazooks! no wonder they're having a sale on those M&M's...look at hose crazy prices on the other Valks. I'm telling you, Hawaii's too expensive.
  19. I have <_< Too many Nazis over there! Actually, I've been booted off the old MacrossWorld.Com before....I'm a bad boy!
  20. Speaking of Grimlock: Arrrrgh!! Me Grimlock not math whiz, me king!
  21. YF-19 faster than the YF-21 ? Didn't seem so when guld was chasing that Ghost fighter in the end. Guld was flooring it before he died. Which is better? Hard to say, but I would replace the VF-17 Nightmare with the VF-22(more stealthier than the 19) and the VF-11 Thunderbolts with the VF-19s. Compromise
  22. This is why I haven't bought any individual LOTR, The Matrix, or Star Wars DVDs. I waiting for them to complete their run. Hell, I'm scared to pick up the Wesley Snipes Blade series and I want those too...plus the Terminator series....
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