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Everything posted by 91WhiskeyM6

  1. lAsErBeAk... eJeCt...oPeRaTiOn...iNteRfErEnCe!
  2. Awww..come on it's not like we're shooting real bullets here. Okay, I guess I'll comply....lousy stinkin.brbrrrr peace lubbi..no guud..
  3. ...in the MPC pinned thread? Do I have your blessing or will I be banned? I know..i know...anger management and interpesonal skills.....Breathing...breathing. "#3 No threats of violence or death. Especially against a fellow poster or a specific person. " Dohhhhhh !!!! Why you little bastar....
  4. Actually...it's got that spacewarp affect...nice! and yes, I'm getting dizzy
  5. I like em' cuz they are tuff and make those CLICKING sounds My collection: - 1 VF-1J Max - 1 VF-1J Milia - 2 VF-1S (Super/FP) Hikaru Ichijo - 1 VF-1A CF - 1 VF-1A Hikaru - 1 VF-1S Focker - 1 VF-1J Hikaru and I would buy more if Bandai made more <_<
  6. No conspiracies to topple me Valkyrie-Exchange! Just a thought
  7. Fighter mode and then Battloid. I never did care about the Gerwalk mode. Like, what's the point of that mode? You can use the hands in Battloid mode alone and still fly and hover.
  8. Hmmmm...I guess your just a Macross/Robotech collector. I don't see any other Robots in your collections. Lucky bastard that means you won't have hard time collecting from a completionist POV. I collect Transformers, Macross, McFarlane Sports figures, and whatever looks cool. I'm so ashamed that I haven't pick up any Voltes V, Godzilla, or StarBlazer toys. I'm a G.I. Joe fan too and I don't have a single reissue because of YAMATO and TAKARA. End of whinning
  9. Ta-da! the finished look:
  10. "Toynami will cut a deal with hasbro and takara and make it so the MPC is the new JF " oH god..hell no!
  11. Low visible fighter with an easily noticeable FP? contradictory isn't it? <_
  12. Don't nuclear bombs have EMP when they explode? Didn't the U.S. explode one in the atmosphere that caused massive electrical interference back in the 50s?
  13. Overall, the film was too short for me. It was like all the characters we enjoyed in the last 2 movies made brief cameo appearances and that was it. I also didn't like how Morpheus took a backseat to Naobi in this movie. Damn..... Monica was hot wasn't she? Those mammary glands.
  14. I knew there would be peace between the Machines and the freed humans. The oracle in Animatrix kept saying how both Machine and Man were responsible for each other's misery. So in the end, they would have to learn to coexist with each other peacefully. I think they should continue with another 3 episodes and JUST DESTROY THE earth to teach man and the machines a lesson. What did you guys think of the Machine world's defensive weaponry? Pretty cool huh? Those Star Wars AT-AT "Walkers" and Starship Troopers Plasma Bug looking things looked awesome! They should have made the humans attack Machine city with an army of APU's instead <_<
  15. http://www.airforcesmonthly.com/
  16. Check out this figure made by Tom Savinis:
  17. I'm getting 2 of those !!!
  18. 1/72 = 2 1/60 = 9 1/48 = 4 <_< I just purchased a 1/48 Low-Viz Valk!!!!
  19. I got one!!!!! Woohoo! I'm in the Low-viz club baby!!!
  20. Dude, just get it and feel guilty later
  21. I remember buying their comics :
  22. Where do you insert the Mod chips in the PS2?
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