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Everything posted by 91WhiskeyM6

  1. Congrats
  2. Yes I do. What other major event in U.S. history celebrated an anniversary this week? (hint: It's not Hound's birthday! ) Thanksgiving no?
  3. m4a1 wha? "Consequently, the M-4 is an unlikely candidate for the rearming of the U.S. Army. It is now viewed as an interim solution until the introduction of a more advanced design known as the Objective Individual Combat Weapon, or OICW. There is no date set for the entry into service of the OICW, but officers in Iraq say they expect its arrival sooner than previously expected because of the problems with the M-16 and the M-4. "
  4. Dude, we can't blame everything on Harmony Gold. Oh, wait... Yes, we can! I blame the assasination of JFK on Harmony Gold. You guys know that today is Kennedy's assination anniversary right
  6. We wants it! We needs it! Our... prrrrrrrr-ecious!! Need a VF-4 and a 1/48 VF-11 (I don't give a damn if I can ride them to work, I want them in the same scale range as my 1/48 VF-1, regardless that they're bigger and will have a box that I could fit a dead hooker's body in!). Here are the first pics of the 1/48 Max/Miria VF-1Js with FAST packs two-pack being shipped over. lol
  7. "That's it, I'm sanding off my transformers tattoo!!! " Decepticon or Autobot?
  8. Click this before viewing the pics below: . . . . . . . . . . EDITTED IN: Check out this TF "UNIVERSE" Dinobot TRICERADON:
  9. I'm digging Full Metal Panic right now.
  10. Terminator 3 = Piece of crap!!!! <_< I wanted my money back after watching this pitiful movie.
  11. You probably deserved it... DECEPTIBUM!
  12. What about that old toy line that featured those little animals with WOOD, FIRE, OR WATER black rub symbols on their chest. Those were just as annoying...... I don't remember those
  13. Who cares if it transforms or not. I already have a Takara reissue for that. I want his thing because of it's attention grabbing looks. This thing is a work of art. I'm getting all of them along with the MPC Prime and Alternators.
  14. I can't wait to have this one, Megs, Soundwave, Shockwave, Wheeljack, Grimlock, and Prowl in my collection
  15. Nothing wrong with that Beats going to work and school
  16. http://www.bwtf.com/
  17. I was just quoting Daniel (Spikes son in "Rebirth"). Look at it this way: if you were a male bot, wouldn't Arcee..ahem...spark your internal HyperTransport Front side bus?
  18. TRANSFORMERS HIT 20! PALISADES TOYS INTRODUCES COMMEMORATIVE STATUES THAT MORE THAN MEET THE EYES Debuts Opening Night of Comic Con International 2003 San Diego, CA — July 16, 2003 — This years Comic Con International “Previews” night promises to live up to its name as a truly premier event. This is especially true for those attendees who visit the Palisades Toys booth, as the evening marks the consumer debut of the first-ever Palisades TRANSFORMERS PolyStone statue line. To commemorate the 20th Anniversary of TRANSFORMERS, Palisades Toys and Hasbro, Inc. have joined forces to introduce a commemorative line of collectable statues that capture the spirit, detail and animation of the original Generation One toys and Transformer comic book series from Dreamwave. “We are very excited about the opportunity to partner with Hasbro and Dreamwave on this ground-breaking line of Transformers statues,” said Michael Horn, chief executive officer, Palisades Toys. “Everyone on the project is truly committed to ensuring the same high-level of quality and commitment that our fans have grown to expect from our collectable product division.” Based on the original action-figures, each poly-stone statue will sit approximately 12 inches high and be pre-painted with amazing detail. All the brilliant colors and detail that are a hallmark of Palisades Toys craftsmanship are captured in each statue. Each statue will be numbered individually and limited to initial orders. The commemorative statues are set at a MSRP of $149.99. The first in the series, OPTIMUS PRIME™, will be hitting shelves near you in late 2003. Others will follow at 4 - 6 week intervals. The 2004 lineup is as follows: MEGATRON™; ARCEE™; SOUNDWAVE™; GRIMLOCK™; STARSCREAM™; WHEEL JACK™; SHOCKWAVE™ and RED ALERT™. Catch a sneak preview of the OPTIMUS PRIME™ prototype and other never-before seen Palisades’ prototypes at Comic Con International 2003, July 16-20th -- at the San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA. Palisades Toys will be located in booth # 2815. Fans can purchase the statues on the Palisades’ web site at www.PalisadesToys.com, or from comic, entertainment, game and specialty retailers nationwide. Also, be sure to visit the ultimate online source for all TRANSFORMER information and products at www.transformers.com. The Optimus is slated for sell on: http://store.yahoo.com/tfw2005/tropprst.html
  19. The only possible injury you could have sustained from those G1 toys was cutting off the circulation to your thumb from those annoying black rub symbols <_
  20. Let me add these sites by RANK: http://www.seibertron.com/index.php http://transfans.com/ http://www.tfu.info/ Note: This has to be the stupidest looking Prime Alt mode I have ever seen. Yeah, I can almost picture Prime advertising where he is to Megatron...
  21. ...or the Matrix is giving him a serious heartburn by the way Veifwan, what do you think of Arcee? Yeah I know...wait till they slap some paint on her.
  22. Beats the hell out of me, but these guys might help you: I'd like to see G1 Jetfire with FP and armor!!! Hmmm...looks like he's tip-toeing..COOL!
  23. Shoot...I like Megs better! Sorry Vostok...I got disoriented looking at the Soundwave sculp
  24. Checks checking account balance....
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