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S-47 Berkut

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Everything posted by S-47 Berkut

  1. I have Michael and Luca VF-25. Now i simply play with details and think how improve model. I think better parts stability in plane mode can be achieved by putting some small NdB magnets to legs and iron pars in upper fuselage. Same on nosecone. May be magnets in hands also. Found wm_cheng thread http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=28142 , but i think of less amount of magnets. I have some screws from old dvd-rom, and found place on model where it needed To prevent front part accidental detachment in transformation process to battleroid mode.
  2. My IMHO after closer look on DYRL source Most hated thing is frame shaking, spend a lots time trying align patches to close burned subs, very boring and then it looks good in static, on moving picture it look like crap. Problem in cell animation technology, frames are not shake as whole, each cell layer live his own live, +- pixel or half, or quarter. Some times i see local warp effects on frame, may be there cells was not perfectly flat at shot time. I'm not sure it can be fixed. About SDF from Animeigo. I think trying clean it is a waste of time. Latest japanese release are superior in detail and color, if colors can be barely matched, but lost details can't appear from script. I think efforts must be focused on getting this release: buy, or find someone with it and trade or persuade. I don't believe that no one on this forum not have it - it will be damn joke.
  3. First result of removing subs. I learn enough TVPaint to do that. At first look it may look as easy copying, but i need to align each copied patch to compensate frame jitter and color correct it to match target frame. Archive had two video: one - only sub was removed, second - +noise filtered and zoomed to compensate black bars. Encoded with MSU lossless codec - included. http://rapidshare.com/files/162507230/sub_...-20301.rar.html
  4. Hmm.. Looks like removing subs will take more time and work when expected. Video ever with same content little shake, frames not aligned, but cloned patch stayed in same position, in play it look like cloned patch live his own life on video Drawbacks of old film technology, but i need to carefully align patch on each frame, time consuming work. VideoPaint have many limitation, so i found new proggy to do the job - TVPaint Animation, but i still learn how to use it.
  5. I indexed all scenes with subtitles and rough evaluate needed work to fix it. So 80% can be repaired by simply copying from unaffected frames, 10% will require advanced mullti layer copying with zoom, resize, rotate and last 10% need hand redrawing Some notes after first fix attempt : U video paint not give subpixel accuracy - i need do resize up to 2 or 4 before edit. layer editing here also weak - need do it in photoshop. wacom pen tablet - rulezz
  6. 1. Strange, may be imgburn can't find suitable layer break point to get 50/50 layers fill. 2. DGindex is very resistant to mpeg errors, if iso have somewhere mpeg2 - it will show it. About blurry, I think source of problem is upsizing to compensate black bars. May be it worth to try blowup image factor 2 by VideoEnhancer http://www.thedeemon.com/VideoEnhancer/ or by something of latest avisynth edgeaware filters, crop and then resize back to SD. Something wrong happens to gamma, just compare same frames. 3. How about scenarist and MaestroSBT for sub creation? I work with it and found that it have clean and logical workflow. Except that you need directly program dvd commands. Damn, forgot that dongle emul not work on vista. 4. Premere CS4 claims to be compatible with vista64, but who knows. I got BSOD on CS3 with W2K3 server, 4Gb ECC ram Hardcoded subs = Evil. How about not crop zentrady translation, but frame by frame repaint it in ulead videographics LAb, i can do it, but it time consuming.
  7. Hi. Thanks for your work. BUT some serious technical flaws i see in this iso (in preview attempt). 1) Ultraiso can't see contents of this (may be first chink not loaded, but utorrent show full first 15% of file), i recommend ImgBurn for iso creation. 2) IMHO Removing grain are BAD idea, it was not so strong, now i see blurred picture and why first part of iso have nothing? DGindex show video only more then after 20% of iso scan. 3) Why LPCM for audio? Better keep video mostly intact and get room for extra audio tracks by compressing original LPCM to ac3. 4) I have bad experience with editing dvdmpeg2 in Womble, it have a lot of bugs. For best results use professional progs, Vegas Pro 8 or Adobe premiere with Mainconcept mpeg plugin (but also have bugs), Edus (not tried yet). It are wareZ, but it works.
  8. SDF macross ep34 "Private Time" 17m 3s - 1983! OMG! .ru was approved only in 1994 . http://books.ru/ Opens in 1996
  9. I do some research in anime DVD quality. I post result on this page http://engel.otaku.ru/lab/dvd/dvdq.html with full sized dvd shots (including Macross DYRL R2) frame and fields splitted. But it in my natural language -russian.
  10. I watch it on PC and where coroscoloration easy can be seen. Do You need screenshots from this dvds? Image with crosscoloration encoded in mpeg , this means only one thing - composite source like VHS was used.
  11. Quality of almost all Macross DVD not realy good, my rank from best to worst dvd that i have SDF Macross Animeigo [-] grainy, light overcompressed (90min on dvd5 not good for animation), sometimes they overused temporal noise filter. Macross DYRL R2 [-] Image lag, not progressive encoded, dusty Macross Plus Movie R2 [-] crosscoloration=VHS rip Macross II R1 [-] heavy crosscoloration=VHS rip Macross 7 [-] heavy crosscoloration=VHS rip Macross Plus OVA R1 and R2 jap image quality are same [-] heavy crosscoloration=VHS rip [-] Ruined gamma Macross Plus Movie R1 [-] crosscoloration=VHS rip [-] hard subbed [-] wrong colors Bandai must remaster all their macross releases. as Gainax did with NGE.
  12. Here eDonkey link for Xvid AC3 5.1 RAW. ed2k://|file|Macross.Zero.EP05.The.Man.of.A.Bird.DivX.AC3_5.1CH.avi|367536128|354AFD6A102E4B48F3B3ECCAC9E02E5A|/ 350Mb 704x384
  13. I have R2 release,Yes it have only 2.0 DD -448kbs. Video quality is good in compare with other Macross DVD releases (M+, M7), but video encoded not in 24P die weird lag effect on telecine transfer.
  14. Don't worry about quality of this release. GITS release by Mangle was normal. Quality of video depends on transfer quality, but othen telecine transfer exist only ONE, if it good, all world DVD releases is good, if it s*itty - all world DVD releases going to trash. As example i have Macross Plus Ova and movie from Mangle and R2 from Bandai, quality of transfer is SAME, this mean source for this was ONE telecine transfer.
  15. Yes, it is full image, he ripped R2 dvd with me. Image is 8 053 182 464 bytes in size About R2 M II. I do some search in net and as result - this no 1:1 HK disks AFAIK. But danm, R2 costs approx 140$ !!!!!! For that? 2 disks. Buy all R2 M+ OVA also 190$ in sum. Can you, than you have time, send me some shots from flashback 2012. mail iliakis@__No Spam__@newmail.ru
  16. I have R1 mangle DVDs Macross Plus OVA and Movie and also Macross II Their Quality are realy crap. 1) M+ OVA - gamma ruined, only dark and bright, no halftones 2) M+ Movie - strange colors, HARDCODED subs. 3) M II - LOTS cross coloration on lines, sometimes hard subs. Friend give me R2 M+ movie dvd image (now it lies on my hd ) Colors and gamma in it realy better, but cross coloration stiil present. I think about buying M+ OVA , M II, M 2012 and M 20 anniversary DVDs from japan or HK boot, but HK DVD often have recompressed video. I need yours advices. What HK dvd is copy of japanese dvd? What quality of japanese DVD releases of this films? screenshots are welcome.
  17. About emule version. Just start dl it, but found that tail of image filled with zeros. Don't know exact size of zero block, i think it 200-100Mb in size. I don't want waste time and bandwight for crap or fake. Who already have working dvd iso image please post it size in bytes and, if possible, edonkey hash. It in edonkey/emule Name TLF-CONSOLE-10.21.03.Macross_Super_Dimension_Fortress_JAP_PS2DVD-ORGASM.iso Size 1230897152 Hash DBEFDA2A758F497E37341C5416F1F4C0 Hash taked from edk link
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