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Posts posted by 007-vf1

  1. It has been ages since I saw the original movies. all versions of Lex have been crap. Only good parts I remember of Supes II are the (great) fights. I feel I don’t need to see another Superman film. With the Marvel movies, I’ve always felt I wanted more after seeing the film. This one leaves me “ok, that it how it looks when two super beings fight, no need to see more of that because here it was getting tiring already”.

    I have to say that I really liked Zod.

    He is just another crazy eugenic like the Kripton rulers (look how disgusted he is to hear of a natural childbirth) but he also tries to save part of his culture instead of just letting it die. Really good moments with him. You can tell he was really pissed at the start of the last battle.

    The killing Zod thing was a bit forced. Never do they establish that this version of Supes is “killing is super bad” so him screaming comes a bit out of nowhere (and he is surrounded by thousands of dead already, some he probably caused). Heck Nolan’s gritty Batman clearly states that he is out to scare and not kill; deaths that happen in the trilogy are either an accident (Talia and Dent) or not direct (choosing not to save Ra's Al Guhl). Superman freaking breaks a guys neck… and it didn’t feel like it was a last resort because he is just in top condition without a single bruise to his face or tear on his suit. Nolan goes out of his way to have his Bats basically morally clean but when he co-writes Supes, the ultimate example of a hero, he has him do a straight kill with his own hands? Gee, I wonder who is his favourite hero...

    And speaking of death… Clark’s search for his heritage and turning on the old spaceship is what got Zod to Earth in the first place. In hero terms he needs to make up a lot for all the deaths he has caused. The answer to the question of “Does the world need a Superman?” in his universe right now is “frakk NO!!”. His saved counter before Zod arrives to kill thousands is just a school bus of kids and seven or so oilrig workers.

    Jor-el’s unclear path to have the future of his race locked in his kid just ended up getting another species almost killed and Kriptonians really becoming extinct save for one individual. Even if Zod was another shade of the old stagnant eugenic Kripton, at least he had a chance to get things back up again. Jor-el just goes all high and mighty and condemns, by himself, his whole culture to death because it doesn’t go like he wants it to. He really is a lot like Zod in a way.

    Not to say that Zod actions could be justifiet. Instead of obsessing over the genetic maguffin he could have started repopulating doing the nasty with Faora in those thirty years. There where a lot of males and females in that ship.

    I would not necessarily defend superman but the circumstances..

    In my opinion the reason why Sups has to make a sudden decision on whether taking Zods life or not came out of necessity. This is because his character was still conflicted between saving a race of mostly "sored "loosers" and destroying the last living remain that was linked to his past and then having the unwanted opportunity of gambling it to his unknown future on earth; hence the painful yell he does just after realizing all the connections to his heritages are gone it makes all the sense to me and also it serves to humanize this "God-like" alien eve further. All of his adoptive father's sermons and preaching finally makes sense to him and converge with what he learns from his biological father, so "Well, I must have a purpose because I am still lost..." If killing is bad and we saw a lot of killings between the sups then it would take away from that last scene later on. It was meant to be an scene that takes the viewer by surprise from preconceived expectations.. Imagine superman actually killing someone, unthinkable..!! Zod is unstoppable, with a license to kill and there's no time to come to a civilized consensus; what is it there to do..? "Oh darn.. I just killed the last Kriptonian, I had to, sniff !!"

  2. Even with the notion of new acquired lien technology. We should assume that some mecha sizes in the Macross universe still doesn't add up if we translated them to the real world. I think some canon sized mecha have to be revised to plausible modern standards That's implying that we all agree that some anime-magic has indeed been exercised during the creation of the series/movies..

    What's everyone's take on this?

  3. In my opinion I think you are honing in an accurate train of thinking.. My common sense tells me that most mecha in the Macross universe are slightly wrongly proportioned to their plausible live/real counterpart..

    Even if we translated strong materials to a paper thin real life counterpart, lets say in the tactical pod as an example, a 10M zentraedi would not fit inside the cockpit and maneuver it as we see in the anime. The hierarchy rank system of the Zentran officer pods pilots makes me believe that the Glaug size would also proportionally increase. I always thought the Glaug and Queadlunn's should also be way bigger in size to accommodate a pilot the way is meant to be ridden which in some anime episodes seems to be under drawn and just doesn't match up, in others is way oversized.. Meltrandies (females) should also be as tall or even taller than males and actually physically stronger. I think a bit of male chauvinism is implied in the old Japanese animation creative trait of the character artists.

    By now I believe we have all concluded that anime magic takes a big part of how this functionality in amine universe works and makes us mistakenly overlook many little details that might make logical sense to us in the surface but it isn't practical in reality. In the end we might just come to our own conclusion what we believe the "real" size should be.. i wonder if we could actually come to a general, even consensus if we put some effort in it?

    What's everyone's take on this?

  4. I pre-ordered one through Ami-Ami back in November and they back ordered them rather quickly after they were sold out in a blink..I got the invoice on Thursday for the payment. Yes, over a month later but they added a discount. I paid Friday and the package arrived on Monday morning from Japan!! ( I live in the Washington DC area)total cost including shipping $335.00..I call that fantastic..

  5. I wonder how much it would cost to have one printed up at 8 inches tall?

    Hey, hey.. Coke, you are here too...? what about Macross strikes your fancy? will we see your ingenious building abilities come up with some new model on these forums?

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