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Posts posted by 007-vf1

  1. you are refering to this pic?

    it was a customized model from hasegawa done by a master japanese? entusiast. I am not sure but it was depicted on one of the model magazines on the magazene sections


  2. Basically you just have to jump through alot of hoops. Also if memory serves BW only allows 10 sub-licenses for Macross per event. :blink:

    And yes I hope to get the Booster licensed as well for WF Winter 2005.


    We will keep crossing our fingers so it works for you..I think you have gone through a lot to helps us out...you deserve the opportunity..

  3. weird :blink::blink: for some reason I cant get over that neck :huh: maybe the head is falling forward to expose the seat?? does anybody eles know why this kit was made with that long neck? well beside the neck you doing a good job

    the neck can be mounted slighly higher or lower but you can't do much about it unless you cut it shorter...it might look weird at first but it doesn't look bad once you see it from a different angle...in fact the so-so detail in the neck is pretty nice...

  4. Darn you Jesse, I didn't know all those details about the Club-M 19 and 21, now I'm gonna have to get them. :angry::lol:

    I didn't know that with your expertise on 1/72 models you haven't figured that by now.. :p

    They also happen to be some of the hardest models to find ever althought they have been popping out lately on Yahoo Japan. I have the YF-19, 21 and VF-11 and they are outstanding kits...just keep in mind that this might be the only way to get a well done 1/72 scale VF-11 ever...and display them them aside the hasegawas...

    Luckily I found them fairly cheap...

    So let your hunt begin...you won't be dissapointed once you find them; I can guarantee you that...

  5. I like the way its coming along...I believe..or at least i want to believe; this is the very first gerwalk of the Minmay guard done this way on a hasegawa

    the fast packs are a bit heavy and it can't stand under it's own weight for the time being...I will adjust that later..


  6. The vinil construction is a pain in the butt, specially the painting part; if you could find it cast in resin stick to that one instead...

    the pictures on that link Dyowelb posted belong to a 1/144 scale model but I think the first top picture on that link belong to the 1/72 model box...

    Hey Geecie is not a bad model to have if you know how to work with vinil...

    But that price for a vinil reissue is not that bad either...

  7. My only suggestion is that next time you do one file the tip of the nose down and reconstruct it longer with milliput or other putty. Originally the model looks bubbly and takes the illusion of realism away...

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